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Goal Music

Guest Ryan BCFC 93

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Guest Ryan BCFC 93
i don't need s##t pop music to tell me how to celebrate a goal i hate it when people clap nicely in tune. i mean this is almost as sad as some ****S who want to know what kit to wear to match the team :grr:

Bit harsh

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Peoples views seem to be split on it, I think either Pigbag or Samba de Janiero would be great, but I prefer Pigbag/


After terracing being removed from football stadiums music after goals is the worst thing that's happen to football. FFS it's not american ducking football.

Sounds really bad and RUINS the atmosphere

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PigBag is quite frankly a dreadful song (In my opinion, of course. Some might like it). But as Middlesbrough started using this tune as a "Anthem" (If you like - seeing as they also play it before and after games) I really don't see any reason for Bristol City, or any club, to use it.

That aside though...I'm really not a fan of goal celebration music and would prefer it if the fans could make the noise, as mentioned. And even if we were to use a celebration tune would it not be better to use a Wurzels song? That I would much prefer.


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Whether or not you want music after a goal is scored, it is my belief that it will not happen while we are at the Gate unless structural work is carried out to the Dolman. After a few shaky moments were reported last season when "Chelsea dagger" was played, a structural survey was carried out. Although it was said that there was no problem I suspect the club are taking no chances. This was discussed at length back then, but basically harmonic vibration, which is what you get when everyone jumps in unison, can cause failure in structures, especially those supported on large spans such as the Dolman. It was (and maybe still is) common practice for a marching Army to break step when crossing bridges of doubtful strength, to avoid such a failure. :dance::dance::dance::dance:

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Whether or not you want music after a goal is scored, it is my belief that it will not happen while we are at the Gate unless structural work is carried out to the Dolman. After a few shaky moments were reported last season when "Chelsea dagger" was played, a structural survey was carried out. Although it was said that there was no problem I suspect the club are taking no chances. This was discussed at length back then, but basically harmonic vibration, which is what you get when everyone jumps in unison, can cause failure in structures, especially those supported on large spans such as the Dolman. It was (and maybe still is) common practice for a marching Army to break step when crossing bridges of doubtful strength, to avoid such a failure. :dance::dance::dance::dance:

To be brutally honest when there was music, personally and dunno about my fellow fans, but i didnt jump in unison i do what everyone does, just go F##king Mental.


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Do you think we should have it back ?

I think Pigbag sounds very good and does a lot for atmosphere !


Under no circumstances whatsoever should music be played after a goal has been scored. All that is needed is the chap on the PA to announce the name of the scorer and the time of the goal.

Hope this is clear enough for you.

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i don't need s##t pop music to tell me how to celebrate a goal i hate it when people clap nicely in tune. i mean this is almost as sad as some ****S who want to know what kit to wear to match the team :grr:

totally agree with you mate ,no need for it :disapointed2se:

After terracing being removed from football stadiums music after goals is the worst thing that's happen to football. FFS it's not american ducking football.

Sounds really bad and RUINS the atmosphere

When we score i would much rather us make poliite gestures at the away fans :noexpression: than jump around dancing around to some song that makes us looks like idiots, however i have to admit pigbag does work well at middlesbrough though.

not a chance, creates a fake plastic atmostphere - if you want music in your sport go watch an ice hockey game or move to america

pathetic americanisation of football

Absolutely no need for it in my opinion. Creates a fake atmosphere and I don't see what it gains.

I agree no need for it at all :disapointed2se:

Under no circumstances whatsoever should music be played after a goal has been scored. All that is needed is the chap on the PA to announce the name of the scorer and the time of the goal.

Hope this is clear enough for you.

All correct, music after goals is pathetic

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Anyone who wants music played after scoring a goal should be pulled out of the crowd, taken outside and shot.

We should show these people no mercy, death to the pop music football fan, if you want music after a goal take your mp3 player, and keep it to yourself.

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