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Questionable Sub-sproule

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It seems even great men like Gary j are prone to the odd mistake.

Why bring on spoule hes not going to stretch the game with all QPR camped in their own hal with 10 men.

Brooker was the more likely to change the course of the game and he is our super sub.

2 points dropped I am gutted.

Bringing on someone who can operate down the flanks may have forced a few defenders out from the middle - leaving more space in the box. Who knows. It didn't work but then I could win the Champions League with hindsight.

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Bringing on someone who can operate down the flanks may have forced a few defenders out from the middle - leaving more space in the box. Who knows. It didn't work but then I could win the Champions League with hindsight.

All I'm saying if the choice was mine i would have chosen Brooker he is in red hot form. so he would have been the obvious replacement.

so mistake imo but no i wasnt at the game but even if i was i would have still been miffed at sproule coming on rather than Brooker.

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It's always going to be disappointing dropping points at home, especially against 10 men for much of the second half.

We should take heart though that we have 8 points from 4 games and we are unbeaten again which is exactly the same situation as at this point last season and well on the way to matching the 19 points we achieved in our first block of ten CCC games last season also.

Chin up guys.

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All I'm saying if the choice was mine i would have chosen Brooker he is in red hot form. so he would have been the obvious replacement.

so mistake imo but no i wasnt at the game but even if i was i would have still been miffed at sproule coming on rather than Brooker.

fair points, but i'd hold back from being too critical till we hear of how things were going from those who attended.

plus it sounds like ade could have won it with a header at the last, so maybe taking him off may have been a bad idea too.

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All I'm saying if the choice was mine i would have chosen Brooker he is in red hot form. so he would have been the obvious replacement.

so mistake imo but no i wasnt at the game but even if i was i would have still been miffed at sproule coming on rather than Brooker.


the problem today wasn't the forward line, it was the terrible lack of quality from midfield, bringing Brooker on would have been pointless.

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Went to the game and completely agree with the original poster, the game was crying out for Brooker to come on

Instead Sproule came on and did his usual stuff - beating the left back with the ball at his feet then either a) failing to beat the first man with the cross or b) blasting over and/or wide; this time he even threw in a cheap dive and was booked as a result

2 points lost, well put

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Went to the game and completely agree with the original poster, the game was crying out for Brooker to come on

Instead Sproule came on and did his usual stuff - beating the left back with the ball at his feet then either a) failing to beat the first man with the cross or b) blasting over and/or wide; this time he even threw in a cheap dive and was booked as a result

2 points lost, well put

Completely disagree with you! Sproule looked dangerous when he came on he put 3 or 4 good quality crosses into the box that were begging for someone to knock in! he was tormenting his defender so much that they put 2 on him! and done that good burst into the box that could of led to a pen!!

I would of loved to seen brooker come on but who for? Adebola was having a good game hence the MOM.. Wilson was playing well centrally but was doing nothing on the wing! We had to change somehow and swaping like for like wouldnt of helped!

I swear people just slate sproule because hes inconsistant! Today he played well! :disapointed2se:

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sproule almost set up a goal for adebola within minutes of coming on, but dele just couldnt reach the cross.

thats why he came on and not brooker. when mac and skuse went off we lost all shape and had no width. couldnt tell who was in the centre and who was on the wings. sproule coming on stretch the game against 10 men.

although that was a shocking attempt at a dive!

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I'm sure sproule and brooker would both have been very much in the substitute plans until mccallister and skuse both went off injured.

obvioudly left him with only one. I thought at the time i would have gone with brooker but sproule did create one or teo chsnces so fair enough.

maynard was invisible today

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I'm sure sproule and brooker would both have been very much in the substitute plans until mccallister and skuse both went off injured.

obvioudly left him with only one. I thought at the time i would have gone with brooker but sproule did create one or teo chsnces so fair enough.

maynard was invisible today

Yeah i know his hand was forced today with injuries but for me if i was Dowie lookning across to see who was coming on i would have breathed a huge sigh of relief. I don't mean any disrepect to sproule but from what i have seen of him he can strike fear into the hearts of his opponents, not that often does though.

Sproule is a good player iv'e always defended him he just needs the confidence to get round the players early or he fades.

Brooker full of confidence Sproule jurys still out.

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Bringing Sproule on was the right decision but GJ stil got it worng. He took off the wrong player.

McIndoe was awful today and seemed to be playing everywhere except left midfield. Sproule for McIndoe and swap Wilson to left midfield would have been my sugestion.

What has gone wrong with McIndoe? On occasion he seemed to be stretching his calves as if he had a niggle. This would explain his lack of pace that highlighted the last season.

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Bringing Sproule on was the right decision but GJ stil got it worng. He took off the wrong player.

McIndoe was awful today and seemed to be playing everywhere except left midfield. Sproule for McIndoe and swap Wilson to left midfield would have been my sugestion.

What has gone wrong with McIndoe? On occasion he seemed to be stretching his calves as if he had a niggle. This would explain his lack of pace that highlighted the last season.

I agree with all of this. I even said it to my friend as Wilson got subbed. Why bring on Brooker when the strikers we did have on the pitch couldn't get service? It was a good idea to bring on sproule but in my opionion it was a bit too late.

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the game needed pace and direct runnning as mccindoe had a very quiet game and wilson isnt that sort of player, we had no need to change anything up front as both strikers looked fine and if a chance was created for nicky I'm confident he will score... shame nobody wants to set him though.

i was very disapointed that wilson moved into the middle when williams came on, and i feel williams did enough to show how much better he is in the middle than on the wing.

i think people are forgetting that its much harder to create chances when a team leaves one fellow up front and has a bank of 8 defenders. we had a lot of possesion but it was difficult for lee johnson( who had a very good game... and I'm a big critic of the wee man) to use the possesion he had because mccindoe showed absolutely no positional discipline and helped QPR by ensuring they wouldnt be stretched. i mean wtf was he doing on the right for 10 minutes? nobody went to the other side so liam had half the pitch to him self

listening to bbc bristol on the way home made me laugh too. its not like we had just got a point from the favourites for the league is it? imagine if we wernt still unbeaten, these people would be so depressive anybody within a 2 mile radius would commit suicide.. " rubbish subs, lack of creativity, this that and the other was shit" is there any end to our negativity?

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listening to bbc bristol on the way home made me laugh too. its not like we had just got a point from the favourites for the league is it? imagine if we wernt still unbeaten, these people would be so depressive anybody within a 2 mile radius would commit suicide.. " rubbish subs, lack of creativity, this that and the other was shit" is there any end to our negativity?

made i laugh!

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I'd quite like an attacking minded midfieder other than Sproule who has been given chance after chance by GJ. I'm saying we should bring someone in but I'd quite like to see Noble on that bench many will say fitness etc.. but if is only 30 minutes there isn't much fitness needed.

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Thought it was an odd decision, to be honest we were only going to score from a moment of individual brilliance so poor was our service to the front men today, after Skuse went off the midfield may as well have pakced their bags and gone home for all the use they were, Johnson was useless after Skuse went off and Wilson was playing in a even more unnatural position, and yet he was still by far the best midfielder we had, Wilson and Skuse were the only 2 midfielders we had worth of a mention. The other 2 were crap, the goal came from a comedy of errors from Johnson playing a stupidly difficult ball in a dnagerous position and then McIndoe finsihed the job and just giving them the ball.

Thought the defence were generally good and the same for Adebola and Maynard, both worked hard to feed of the little service coming from our midfield, the only time we looked like doing anything even vaguely threatening was when Wilson was on the ball, he was the only one with any ideas at all, the rest just either tried to run through the QPR players, or just decided to give the ball away.

I believe Skuse picked up some kind of knock, but considering that after he went off Qpr managed to completely dominate the midfield, in the end it was lucky that Ladessma went off, as if Skuse had gone off with QPR having a full contingent in midfield we would have done well to draw.

In the end most of the team played well it's just two key elements failed miserably to turn up leaving us with basically a midfield of Skuse and Wilson for most of the game.

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Why? Because QPR were down to 10-men they'd had to work a bit harder due to this and therefore Sproule pace could catch them out. Brooker has no pace and neither did anyone else today to be honest.

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the problem today wasn't the forward line, it was the terrible lack of quality from midfield, bringing Brooker on would have been pointless.

Bingo. QPR spent the last 20 minutes with 8 men behind the ball, in the centre. We had no width.

If anything, I would have left Skuse on and brought Sproule and Brooker on, but I don't think the difference between Sproule or Brooker coming on made any difference.

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Not read the rest of this thread but I thought it was the correct subsitution, but it came 10/15 minutes too late.

It was unfortunate that Skuse picked up a knock, but I would've brought Sproule on then instead of Williams. Wilson moved inside anyway and Sproule would've been the perfect player to try and stretch the game and get us playing wider. All afternoon Wilson and McIndoe were playing too narrow and this didn't change even when they went down to 10 men. It was then we really needed to get the ball wide and play around them.

Bringing Brooker on would've just congested things further and we would've been forced long/diagonal when GJ clearly wanted us to play our way through them and stick to our football. When Sproule came on we enjoyed our best period of the game and it was then we actually looked most like scoring. As I say, I would've had him on for Skuse and then we could've brought Brooker on as an option later in the day.

As it happened, the Sproule switch didn't work out, but if Adebola had found the bottom corner with his late header we would be praising GJ instead.

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Not read the rest of this thread but I thought it was the correct subsitution, but it came 10/15 minutes too late.

It was unfortunate that Skuse picked up a knock, but I would've brought Sproule on then instead of Williams. Wilson moved inside anyway and Sproule would've been the perfect player to try and stretch the game and get us playing wider. All afternoon Wilson and McIndoe were playing too narrow and this didn't change even when they went down to 10 men. It was then we really needed to get the ball wide and play around them.

Bringing Brooker on would've just congested things further and we would've been forced long/diagonal when GJ clearly wanted us to play our way through them and stick to our football. When Sproule came on we enjoyed our best period of the game and it was then we actually looked most like scoring. As I say, I would've had him on for Skuse and then we could've brought Brooker on as an option later in the day.

As it happened, the Sproule switch didn't work out, but if Adebola had found the bottom corner with his late header we would be praising GJ instead.

I know you look at things then i would have to say maybe there was room on the flanks but still doesnt alter the fact that Booker is the inform player and a danger wherever he picks up the ball. Gary J said himself after the game that maybe Brooker could have come on. I just feel that doesnt matter where the space was brooker could have expolited that and dragged players wide creating the space. Now don't get me wrong i couldnt be happier with the start weve made bt i just have to say it feels like we have dropped 2 points GJ said the same himself. Back to goal there are few better than Brooker. QPR pretty much camped in their own half happy to load the box and mark out dele.

I am not critisizing Gary J not at all, this post Says even great men get it wrong sometimes and i have too say having read the match report then maybe i got it a little wrong and sproule looked the better option. I would have still plumped for Brooker simple because he is a man of fire and is fast becoming a last minute specialist.

Probably hoping that we can continue scoring late late goals so i was half expecting it ot happen and was dissapointed when it didnt. StTill imagine if you support Derby or N.Forest.

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I know you look at things then i would have to say maybe there was room on the flanks but still doesnt alter the fact that Booker is the inform player and a danger wherever he picks up the ball.

Haven't read the rest of the post, doesn't matter.

How many times did Dele and Maynard touch the ball after Ledesma went off?

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I know you look at things then i would have to say maybe there was room on the flanks but still doesnt alter the fact that Booker is the inform player and a danger wherever he picks up the ball. Gary J said himself after the game that maybe Brooker could have come on. I just feel that doesnt matter where the space was brooker could have expolited that and dragged players wide creating the space. Now don't get me wrong i couldnt be happier with the start weve made bt i just have to say it feels like we have dropped 2 points GJ said the same himself. Back to goal there are few better than Brooker. QPR pretty much camped in their own half happy to load the box and mark out dele.

I am not critisizing Gary J not at all, this post Says even great men get it wrong sometimes and i have too say having read the match report then maybe i got it a little wrong and sproule looked the better option. I would have still plumped for Brooker simple because he is a man of fire and is fast becoming a last minute specialist.

Probably hoping that we can continue scoring late late goals so i was half expecting it ot happen and was dissapointed when it didnt. StTill imagine if you support Derby or N.Forest.

As I say, I would've liked to have had Brooker on as well, which is why I would've brought on Sproule instead of Williams. In an ideal world we would've got Sproule on earlier, avoided playing so narrow and then brought Brooker on with 10/15 minutes to go to put an extra body in the box.

Instead we brought on Williams and with 10 minutes left GJ probably realised that this still wasn't providing enough width/ammunition so he was forced into another midfield change.

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