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Service To Maynard

formerly known as ivan

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Uhuh. I am amazed Brooker didnt get a game today!

From what I've seen, Maynard is less use that Calvin Andrew, Barry Corr, Andy Smith...even Bas Savage!

I know he's a decent finisher from what I've also seen of Crewe, but we were playing with 10 men today.

He offers nothing, and I don't even believe he's that quick to be honest. Oh and he doesnt move, when midfield have the ball he is motionless, where are the runs?!



You nailed it there, how in the hell was SB not on the pitch? The boy NM is no better than our reserves, and Ivan Sproule is worse.

Sort it out GJ.

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The ball going down the middle for Nicky? and then he does what ? gets pushed off the ball, to slow with his touch? He is not making the runs.. he's way out of his depth, he was ######g useless today, we would have won with Brooker. SB,,Dele, and LT are far better than this guy. GJ must be worrying, 2.25 mill down the swanny.

How do you know that we would have won with Brooker? Are you a psychic?

I think that Brooker should have been brought on but i couldn't gurantee he would have scored. He isn't strong on the ball but that can be changed and i'm sure that Glenn Schmidt has a routine laid out for Maynard to help him increase his strength. What we do know is that he can finish, i know it was at League 1 level but so far in his career he has an impressive goal scoring ratio (i know Trunds did too but lets not turn this into another LT discussion).

This may just be me and my poor memory but we very rarely find ourselves in a 1-on-1 with the oppostion keeper, Sproule at Coventry is an example but IMO our build up is too slow and hitting teams with a fast counter attacking move isn't one of our specialities.

From what i understand, Maynard will rarely score from long range and he will rarely create chances for himself. He relishes loose ball in the box and plays on the shoulder of the last defender.

People say we shouldn't have to adopt our style of play to suit our strikers but they should adapt instead. But all we seem to do is pass it around outside the box and lack any incisive football.

I am not criticising because i believe that we will get better and we are UNBEATEN!

I know a lot of people who vary rarely read/post on the forum anymore because of some of the utter crap that gets posted on here and sadly many other interesting posters will leave because of the constant knee jerk reactions that occur every single week!!

Rant over. For now.

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How do you know that we would have won with Brooker? Are you a psychic?

I think that Brooker should have been brought on but i couldn't gurantee he would have scored. He isn't strong on the ball but that can be changed and i'm sure that Glenn Schmidt has a routine laid out for Maynard to help him increase his strength. What we do know is that he can finish, i know it was at League 1 level but so far in his career he has an impressive goal scoring ratio (i know Trunds did too but lets not turn this into another LT discussion).

This may just be me and my poor memory but we very rarely find ourselves in a 1-on-1 with the oppostion keeper, Sproule at Coventry is an example but IMO our build up is too slow and hitting teams with a fast counter attacking move isn't one of our specialities.

From what i understand, Maynard will rarely score from long range and he will rarely create chances for himself. He relishes loose ball in the box and plays on the shoulder of the last defender.

People say we shouldn't have to adopt our style of play to suit our strikers but they should adapt instead. But all we seem to do is pass it around outside the box and lack any incisive football.

I am not criticising because i believe that we will get better and we are UNBEATEN!

I know a lot of people who vary rarely read/post on the forum anymore because of some of the utter crap that gets posted on here and sadly many other interesting posters will leave because of the constant knee jerk reactions that occur every single week!!

Rant over. For now.

Excellant analysis if you want my view.

Maynard was brought to "come alive" in the box, yes he will need to work off the ball but surely it is acknowledged that finishing is his strength so he should be in the box not chasing a hopefull punt out by the courner flag. For all City's attibutes, good worth ethic, organisation, team spirit etc etc, scoring goals from open play is not high on the list. And its this that needs to improve and the right kind of service to the forwards who ever they are is a key factor.

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I think it's been said by someone that 'players have to affect a game'. If that philosophy still holds true and if Maynard is not being supported or as some think, contributing, then get Trundle on and see if he affects the game. Brooker is the natural replacement fro Dele so it would have to be Trundle

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Maynard needs to a little more work himself to be honest. Only once today did I see him move quicker than a jog. He didn't look interested.

Good shout Eamer my boy.

If he 'ran his socks off' as others have claimed, he must be very slow indeed.

Show him some vids of Enoch and he'll know the meaning of the word!

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I think it's been said by someone that 'players have to affect a game'. If that philosophy still holds true and if Maynard is not being supported or as some think, contributing, then get Trundle on and see if he affects the game. Brooker is the natural replacement fro Dele so it would have to be Trundle

don't agree there.

We should have 2 strikers capable of scoring.

At present it should be Brooker and Dele. Nothing to stop them playing together.

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At present it should be Brooker and Dele. Nothing to stop them playing together.

I remember a thread ages ago saying it would be interesting to see Brooker and Enoch up top with a couple of real, byline hitting wingers delivering service into the box.

Now I know Sproule and McIndoe might have had bad games today but Brooker and Dele in the centre with those two on brief to get in as many crosses as possible sounds like the most dangerous combo to me.

Plus after dealing with those two for 60 or 70 minutes how demoralising would it be for a defence to have Maynard come on to pick at the holes? The young lad might actually get a few and improve his confidence too.

I also would love to see Brooker agaisnt Cardiff. After having his goal chalked off last year he owes them one...

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I quite agree, why bring on Sproule who is a central midfielder!

Oh, hang on. No he's not.


It's always the same thing from you. Somebody posts a view you don't like an you bring out abuse like "Idiot". For me, that shows the real idiocy.

However, I will respond sensibly to your point.

McIndoe moved in to the middle forcing all of the play from the middle of the pitch to the right flank; and I mean all the play bar about two movements that ended up on the left side, albeit, far too slow to make any impact.

Therefore, bringing on Sproule, whilst he did stay right on the touch-line, still meant he was running through an area of the pitch massively congested.

It was the movement inside of McIndoe and the failure not to replace Maynard with Brooker, that IMHO, probably cost us the whole 3 points. Tactically Gary Johnson got it woefully wrong when faced with the 10 men today.

I also felt GJ hampered himself right from kick off by overlooking the option of either Trundle or Noble on the bench who would, I believe, have "unlocked the door against" the 10 men.

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It's always the same thing from you. Somebody posts a view you don't like an you bring out abuse like "Idiot". For me, that shows the real idiocy.

However, I will respond sensibly to your point.

McIndoe moved in to the middle forcing all of the play from the middle of the pitch to the right flank; and I mean all the play bar about two movements that ended up on the left side, albeit, far too slow to make any impact.

Therefore, bringing on Sproule, whilst he did stay right on the touch-line, still meant he was running through an area of the pitch massively congested.

It was the movement inside of McIndoe and the failure not to replace Maynard with Brooker, that IMHO, probably cost us the whole 3 points. Tactically Gary Johnson got it woefully wrong when faced with the 10 men today.

I also felt GJ hampered himself right from kick off by overlooking the option of either Trundle or Noble on the bench who would, I believe, have "unlocked the door against" the 10 men.

He also didn't have to bring Webster on. Could easily have stayed with three at the back when McAlister went off, then the much requested Steve Brooker could have come on.

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Some of the criticism of Maynard is just staggering. 'Useless' - unbelievable.

He's scored one in four - if he keeps doing that, he'll have beaten our top scorer last season. Is that good enough for someone we paid £2.25 mil for - no probably not. Is there more to come from him - certainly.

Some of our support is so negative it's untrue. I heard Johnson called a 'f**ing midget# today, and someone called Maynard a ######. Way to support the team, lads.

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A couple of points.

Is Maynard being selected because he cost 2.25 million, or because he's a better player than Brooker ?

Last season we had a 1 million Trundle who was selected until it was obvious he needed more time to adjust. At that time we managed 17 points in our first block of 10.

It seems to me we have a similar scenario. A new pricey striker, taking a while to settle in, but we are well on track for 17 points from our first block of 10. Our true tests will come soon enough, Birmingham and Wolves.

Imo, any striker combination is part of the spine. We are strong at the back, but just adequate in the middle. Somewhere in Elliot, Noble, Wilson, Williams, LJ, Skuse and Artus lies our strongest combination. To date we have not seen it and its entirely possible we may never get the chance.

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Some of the criticism of Maynard is just staggering. 'Useless' - unbelievable.

He's scored one in four - if he keeps doing that, he'll have beaten our top scorer last season. Is that good enough for someone we paid £2.25 mil for - no probably not. Is there more to come from him - certainly.

Some of our support is so negative it's untrue. I heard Johnson called a 'f**ing midget# today, and someone called Maynard a ######. Way to support the team, lads.

Whilst I don't agree with your first line and remain very unsure if there is "certainly" more to come; (to be fair, hard to see how there could be less), I do certainly agree that once the players are on the pitch, shouting comments like that are totally unjustified.

Albeit, Gary is really short !! :innocent06:

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While I accept that people have opinions and that some of them may not be, let's say, flattering to the current team, I do think that to get on a player's back when were still in August is a little premature.

We can all see that Maynard is not producing what was expected in the euphoria of the aftermath of his signature, but to increase the pressure on him when we've not even completed the first month of the season by categorically stating that he is an overpriced waste of resources is a little rich.

Whether or not Maynard turns out to be a sow's ear or a silk purse remains to be seen but to condemn the lad after four games is ridiculous.

Maynard's game, like it or not, is to make space in the box and score from close range. It order to do that, he needs to receive the ball in those areas.

In the two home games I've seen so far, we haven't done that.

Our current game is to float crosses up to Adebola/Brooker or whomever happens to be the target man. I assume that part of the target man's brief is to knock it down for Maynard to run on. This also isn't happening with much regularity at the moment.

Yesterday, Maynard spent most of the game buzzing at the heels of QPR defenders and receiving the ball with his back to goal to lay off.

Until and unless, Maynard is provided with the sort of service he needs, we will never see him at his best.

Given the amount of money we've paid for his services, we have to assume that the manager does intend to and will integrate him into the game plan.

So if you believe Gary Johnson is a good manager and knows what he's doing, you have to be patient and allow him to get it right.

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What about making his own luck? The same comments have been made about Trundle i.e. not playing to his strengths and have been completely rubbished on here.

As said before by me and I stick to it:-

Trundle - panic buy to appease fans; over-priced (we did pay double our original bid after all).

Maynard - panic buy to appease the fans - massively over-priced.

What good to us is "potential" when all we get currently is a light-weight tart of a player who doesn't gamble on the flick-ons and today was 10 yards behind Adebola when anything came in to the box.

Fox in the box? More like useless and clueless.

A ridiculous waste of a lot of money.

One striker Johnson has bought that has been a good signing is Adebola. The rest have been pi$$-poor. Thank God we still got Brooker left from pre-Johnson days.

Still we got some new lad untested at this level to look forward too. Happy Days.

I'd use that word to sum up your post.

The lad has played four games in the league(have you seen all four?). He's young and has moved away from home. It's not going to be easy for him straight away. Yesterday was his first game without a chance. The other three he's had opportunities. It's not as if he has been non-existent.

Give the boy a chance FFS.

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I'd use that word to sum up your post.

The lad has played four games in the league(have you seen all four?). He's young and has moved away from home. It's not going to be easy for him straight away. Yesterday was his first game without a chance. The other three he's had opportunities. It's not as if he has been non-existent.

Give the boy a chance FFS.

I like that it is only 4 games to counter my argument. Are cup games no longer classed as competitive fixtures?

It is 1 goal in 6 games or 540 minutes.

And he did have an opprtunity yesterday. Can't you remember; free kick from the right side when all our players attacked the goal, but, instead it was rolled to him. He did a lovely little side-foot back-pass that didn't reach the keeper as it was going wide. A nice defender at least tried to make it semi-interesting by trying to clear it but the fact remains, it was a $hite effort.

And aww, bless the poor little lad moving away from home. Let's all be nice people and keep making lovely little excuses. He is poor and unlikely to improve in enough time to help any sort of promotion push. At the same time, he is keeping a very potent player on the bench. Not good enough IMHO.

As for using a word to summarise my post; that is fine, albeit, I wonder why I haven't been totally ripped to shreds thus far, when responses like mine normally are? Maybe there is a higher percentage that have their doubts also, however, maybe they feel it is too premature to comment?

Maybe I am being premature, but, can you or anybody else honestly say that you did not expect something a bit more than a player who cannot get involved in link up play as he is out-muscled virtually every time and who lacked the awareness to get in to the box on several occasions yesterday leaving Dele to have to perform this role as well as all his other great work in the final third? Come on, your glasses can't be that tinted surely?

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In a nutshell I'm not surprised at the apologist on here on Maynards behalf.

IMO He does seem to be struggling and has little to no effect on a game, I just hope he's settling in and will improve but I'm not hopeful and it's only a matter of time before Johnson drops him for Brooker.

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Maynard just hasnt been given the service so far -ie ball to feet

I personally thought Johnson's tactics were poor yesterday - when QPR went down to 10 men, Wilson & Mcindoe were playing in the centre of midfield - how are going to stretch defences when our wingers don't play on the wing.With all due respect to Orr and Fontaine, they are unlikely to deliver a killer cross are they?

2 points dropped at home again yesterday - same old problem, we havent got enough creative quality in midfield

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It's very hard to be a poacher when you're so young, as you're not experienced enough to read the game to a divine level. This is why we see transformations in players like Romario and Owen when they get older; not only because they need to, but because they can. Just give him time to get the gist/jist (?) of our style of play, and you'll see a vast improvement as he learns where he needs to be. But as long as he's unable to do this, he shouldn't really be in the starting eleven.

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Maynard just hasnt been given the service so far -ie ball to feet

That simply isn't true .

The ball was played along the ground many times into Maynard's feet but the ball either didn't stick or he was muscled off the ball.

In Maynards defence though I would say Johnson tactics yesterday didn't help, Maynard needs ball being whipped across the face of goal from the byline and you aren't going to get that if your wingers are tucked in to the midfield.

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I know. i'm not saying that he is a bad manager, just that his choice in strikers has not really paid off...........thus far.

Surely not all strikers turn into bad footballers when they arrive at Ashton Gate, perhaps there's some other common link, like lack of creativity and service from the midfield. Doesn't matter how many strikers we've got, if they aren't getting the service they need they won't score. You don't spend large amounts of money on players that play in a certain way for another club and then bring them here and not play to their strengths.

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Surely not all strikers turn into bad footballers when they arrive at Ashton Gate, perhaps there's some other common link, like lack of creativity and service from the midfield. Doesn't matter how many strikers we've got, if they aren't getting the service they need they won't score. You don't spend large amounts of money on players that play in a certain way for another club and then bring them here and not play to their strengths.

Well if so many on here are saiyng this as I have too, why is it not happening on the pitch by way of instruction from experienced coaching and managerial staff?

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