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Right, I have read the majority of the other threads about yesterdays game and thought id add my thoughts on it!

I thought the game lacked quality for large periods of it. Mcindoe IMO had his least impressive game in City colours. I think he is a great footballer but when things aren't quite going are way or his he drifts in field far too much for my liking. Yesterday we needed him to stick out wide and supply balls into the box.

Willo was excellent. He seems to be performing better and better with every game he plays. Skuse another player who I thought did well yesterday. He always manages to do the unspectacular stuff without recognition.

I also thought Maynard and Dele played well yesterday, sadly most of Maynard's good work was out of the box and most people seem to of missed this. He will get between 15-20 goals this season I'm sure.

Webster was good when he came on there we're one or two moments he was a bit edgy but this was due to lack of matches I believe.

I also cannot understand why so many people called into the radio calling for Brooks to play, I thought GJ got it spot on with Sproule. We were not creating enough and needed to inject a bit of pace into our play to try and unlock what must have been a tiring QPR back line.

I was fairly impressed with QPR I thought there players off the ball movement in the first half was exceptional and was what we were lacking most.

I may get shot down for this post but I do not care these are my thoughts and I was fairly happy with the point against a side who I think will be up there come the end of the season!

Rant and thoughts over!

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