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Ledesma Sending Off - City Fan Reaction


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Class footage of the City Fan at the front of the Dolman when Ledserma gt sent off, furiously pointing and jumping on the spot David Brent style mouthing F Off at the player for about 10 seconds.

Beautifully captured by BCFC World and The Championship cameras... i wonder how many texts he's had from his mares since then??! Just hope his Mum or his boss weren't watching!

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The guy looks a complete idiot, especially when you consider how the game panned out.

I was a little embarrassed for him and a lot embarrassed that he was wearing a City shirt.

And you my friend i believe are too an idiot , i know him and it is very unlike him to do such a thing ... i think its called a kind of passion , it takes all sorts to support a club .... i actually thought it was quite funny , ususally a very timid guy

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And you my friend i believe are too an idiot , i know him and it is very unlike him to do such a thing ... i think its called a kind of passion , it takes all sorts to support a club .... i actually thought it was quite funny , ususally a very timid guy

Whether it was out of character or not doesn't make it right. It's equivalent to road rage.

I get upset about things at almost every game and there were a lot of other people upset at that challenge, however there was only one idiot that felt the need to go running down to the touch line. That doesn't make him more passionate than the rest of us, just a lot more foolish.

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I haven't seen it but I say fair play to the bloke, Ledesma is just the sort of player that deserves that kind of treatment, particularly based on the way in which he conducted himself on Saturday. The one moment which really infuriated me was when McAllister tackled him and he just got up and stood there with his hands on his hips looking at the ref as if to say 'why on earth haven't you given me a free kick', and then he buckled and gave him one. This is the type of attitude that shouldn't be tolerated and he deserved all te abuse he got the smug ######.

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He told me the thing that made him mad was the way Ledesma had carried himself throughout the game and claiming his inncence in a way that only the South Americans do .... label him an idiot all you like , if you don't like it don't do it yourself , not as though he started riot was it :disapointed2se:

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He told me the thing that made him mad was the way Ledesma had carried himself throughout the game and claiming his inncence in a way that only the South Americans do .... label him an idiot all you like , if you don't like it don't do it yourself , not as though he started riot was it :disapointed2se:

You don't need to defend your mate. He's hardly done anything wrong. He may feel a tad emmbarassed, so what.

If the camera was on me when that happened i was probaly doing the same thing(from my seat)

Just ignore it.

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Funny thing was i was caught on camera back in 97/98 season at wigan when tony thorpe scored that penalty and got on the pitch, and when we scored at scunny with many others.

Me mum said i see more of you on west match plus than i do at my house!!!!!

Still good luck to that guy who got caught on camera wish it was me cos i be proud to do that, np aggresion just passion.

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Guest wheres your caravan??
Oh yeah i forgot .. these forums are for people who agree with the masses or get labelled Gas i forgot :noexpression:

Itotally agree

i say fair play to the guy good to see that sort of passion from the fans

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Not a problem with me, it's beginning to look like you are in the majority anyway, whether I agree with you or not, so maybe it's me that must be gas. :noexpression:

I think you're right - the majority of supporters will view this chaps behaviour with amusement rather than irritation - principally because they know it could have been them on another occasion! It would have been an altogether different discussion if the chap had attempted to strike Ledserma - but not right to open that one up as its mute, he didnt. And let's not forget that Ledserma wasn't an innocent party in all this - we've all heard what a talented player he is - and he gets plaudits all the time for that - so, when he puts in very late, dangerous tackles like he did to get sent off he deserves to take stick for it (of a very raw, passionate kind!!).

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Ok i own up it was me :surrender: ..... quite out of character now that I'm more grown up but i was really annoyed and got carried away , at no point would i , or ever dreamed of trying to get at him it was his pleadings to the ref that irritated me , if i hadn't missed out on my Eastend Season Ticket and had to take one in the dolman i wouldn't of looked out of place .. i don't see that i did wrong just had a momentary lapse of reason .. and yes i've had a barrage of texts and calls .. but all commenting on how i have put on weight :noexpression: , not my actions on the day :(

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Ok i own up it was me :surrender: ..... quite out of character now that I'm more grown up but i was really annoyed and got carried away , at no point would i , or ever dreamed of trying to get at him it was his pleadings to the ref that irritated me , if i hadn't missed out on my Eastend Season Ticket and had to take one in the dolman i wouldn't of looked out of place .. i don't see that i did wrong just had a momentary lapse of reason .. and yes i've had a barrage of texts and calls .. but all commenting on how i have put on weight :noexpression: , not my actions on the day :(

Pooki - you are a legend. You friends will dine out on that story, and you will be forever refered to as 'Pooki the Pointer'. Maybe you should get a T-Shirt done with a picture of you pointing and "Pooki says F-Off" printed on the back?

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Not seen it but just thinking what a prat I'd look like it caught on camera at football games.

Another point - if it is anywhere near as funny as the clip of the Birmingham fan giving it some to Peter Enckelman after his clanger in the Birmingham derby then it's probably quite good humour.

Also remember a Millwall fan going mental when we got a penalty at The Den 1998ish. We won 2-0 I think and the old boy flapped his arms in the air and took off his cap in disgust. He even span around to throw his arms up in the other direction.

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Pooki - you are a legend. You friends will dine out on that story, and you will be forever refered to as 'Pooki the Pointer'. Maybe you should get a T-Shirt done with a picture of you pointing and "Pooki says F-Off" printed on the back?


That is priceless!!

A new song.... to the tune of 'Johnson says'

"Pooki says F£$% right off the pitch, f£$% right off the pitch."

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I was wondering when you`d `fess up. Done it now ain`t ya, living legend..........or is that leg end. When you getting the t-shirts made up then pooks ?

Don`t know if i can give you a lift anymore, i like my anonymity, rather not be chased by the forum paparazzi. :disapointed2se:


Ha Ha .. i'll wear disguise to save your anonymity , these forum paparazzi may cause accidents and your drivings not the best at the best of times :innocent06: , best not to take the Merc from now on ..think the robin reliant may do the job :dancing2:

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Ok i own up it was me :surrender: ..... quite out of character now that I'm more grown up but i was really annoyed and got carried away , at no point would i , or ever dreamed of trying to get at him it was his pleadings to the ref that irritated me , if i hadn't missed out on my Eastend Season Ticket and had to take one in the dolman i wouldn't of looked out of place .. i don't see that i did wrong just had a momentary lapse of reason .. and yes i've had a barrage of texts and calls .. but all commenting on how i have put on weight :noexpression: , not my actions on the day :(

You did look a right mentalist on TV but I don't really see the problem with what you did, I actually thought it was quite funny at the time as I sit directly behind where you did your little jig. :D

I was actually half way down the steps myself also remonstrating and waving my arms about like a loon, as you do in the heat of the battle, only difference being I wasn't caught on TV .

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