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City Pay The Price For Too Much Respect


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City Pay The Price For Too Much Respect

Many thanks as always to Graham for an excellent match report.

Have we become Gary Johnson's wingless wonders?

The player rating script is also now available.


I certainly hope not.

The players clearly didn't understand the system they were being asked to play last night where near enough to a man they all had their poorest performances in recent memory.

However, the simple introduction of Sproule early in the second half, restored a traditional winger to the side and (almost) a 442 formation (as much as it can be with McIndoe's wandering role) and immediately every player in a red shirt transformed into a decent performance as we went on to batter the Birmingham backline.

The contrast between our first half performance and our second half (once we had a winger) performance was stark with Birmingham fans remarking that we could have emerged from that second half as 5-2 winners.

For me, as a result, Sproule has to start on Saturday so that we can play ourselves into a bit of form playing a system our players are both familiar and comfortable with.

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