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A win on Saturday?


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I'm not getting carried away with an expected away victory in the FA Cup, although it was a relief, however I think City have a good chance of victory this weekend.

Admitedly Brighton do not have one of the best grounds or pitch for that matter but we have just had a weekend practicing playing on a poor surface.

Brighton themselves are in the middle of a sorry run of form and unless they bring in a couple of matchwinning players by saturday, I won't think twice about this post.

Wilkshire so far this season has certainly not exceeded expectations but has also at times shown hints of the player he could be and a goal on Sunday, albeit against a non-league side, can only give him confidence.

That's sorted out the fact that Brighton are not doing that well but the question is can we take advantage? If we are going to get up there this season, it has to start soon, so why not now? Amankwaa has had a few poor performances but if he adapts to the position he could become a very effective part of the team as if you have pace you don't have to be a great player to score goals in this divsion.

With a few more goals from midfield, some better service to the strikers and the existing defensive record, we will become a force to contend with.

Here is for hoping SATURDAY IS THE DAY.

PS with odds on city at 5/2 it's a tempting prospect too.

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