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Fao Those Graduating In 2009


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Worry ye not.

The government is going to create pretend jobs for all those pretend degrees.

Obviously you won't get a proper salary though...


And the school leaving age will be raised to 18, a big help to all those teachers having trouble controlling a bunch of unruly 16 year olds who don't want to be there. They will now be a bunch of unruly 18 year olds.

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Or there's this.

There looks to be no catch but I expect there will be a lot of applicants! But then again, somebody will get it, why not a City fan?

Recession hit unemployed offered £1k an hour 'Australian desert island caretaker' job

Australian tourism chiefs are offering Brits the chance to bag the "best job in the world" as the caretaker of a desert island - with a salary of nearly £1,000 per hour.

They will receive a three-bedroom house with "unbeatable" views of a crystal-clear lagoon lined with palm trees and ringed by white sandy beaches.

The six-month contract comes with a salary package of AUD 150,000 (£70,000), including free return flights, transfers, expenses and transport around the island.

Advertised as a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity", the role of "Island Caretaker" is now being advertised in 18 countries across the world.

Beginning on July 1, the successful applicant will have few responsibilities and can decide how best to fill their days.

But they will be required to produce a weekly online blog, photo diary and video updates of their time on the island.

They will also have to give regular media interviews and send reports via email to chiefs at Tourism Queensland at the organisation's headquarters in Brisbane.

Requirements for candidates include: "Excellent communication skills, good written and verbal English skills, an adventurous attitude, willingness to try new things, a passion for the outdoors, and good swimming skills and enthusiasm for snorkelling and/or diving."

As Mrs Doyle would say: go on, go on, go on. Chance of a lifetime.

Current circumstances mean I can't take six months out, but I thought I'd share it.

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You still looking at working in a big bank dezgimed?

No, most I applied to no longer exist...

I passed the phone interview for one, but didnt get through to the next stage.

So, a case of having a little Oxbridge bitch in for a face to face instead as they 'more closely meet our criteria'.

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As someone who lost his job as a result of the credit crunch and almost lost my savings too (thankfully the compensation came through after a LOT of stress) I'm only too aware of the end result of the credit crunch.

To any students reading this I can not emphasise enough the importance of getting some experience in whatever field you're looking to go in to. There are a lot of highly qualified people looking for work and many have good experience too. You need to make yourself better than everyone else in such times and so you should be thinking now (even if in first year) about internships etc. I know it's tempting to spend your holidays at home, drinking with mates etc. but it will make a huge difference - even if things have improved by the time you graduate.

Internships give you experience, show your enthusiasm, teach you lots, look great on the CV and if you're good can end with some brilliant offers of work (a friend on mine did one in summer after her 2nd year and was offered a very very well paid job if she returned the following year. She took it and is doing very well for herself).

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Yeh that is spot on advice.

My A levels were fairly poor (BBD) and I'm at UWE, hardly a glamour uni.

But, I did 13 months on placement at a multinational company, and it has got me an offer at KPMG, and hopefully one from Sky and Axa, up against people from Bath, Bristol, Loughbrough, Aston, Warwick, Oxford etc etc.

Partly because they lacked certain social skills, but without any relevent experience in industry they had no chance.

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