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How Much Background Work Do We Do When We Buy A Player

Guest ashtonyate

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Guest ashtonyate

just wondering how many times do we watch a player before we table a bit for him, If you take Sproul it was in the close season when we signed him so how did we know how good he was, like wise with Maynard how many time did our scouts watch him to make sure he would fit into our team. Do agents walk around with portfolios or what I would be interested to find out if you are paying millions of pounds for player how you make a decision if the players is the one you want

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just wondering how many times do we watch a player before we table a bit for him, If you take Sproul it was in the close season when we signed him so how did we know how good he was, like wise with Maynard how many time did our scouts watch him to make sure he would fit into our team. Do agents walk around with portfolios or what I would be interested to find out if you are paying millions of pounds for player how you make a decision if the players is the one you want

We should get Ralf Harris to do the background work.......best i hever seen!

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We have a scouting system...a few based in the north, a few down south, they suggest players to head scout Pete Johnson after watching them a few times, who then watches them, finds out their availability etc and decides wether or not to tell GJ to have a look/ table a bid.

I'm pretty sure that is how it works, could be wrong though...

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just wondering how many times do we watch a player before we table a bit for him, If you take Sproul it was in the close season when we signed him so how did we know how good he was, like wise with Maynard how many time did our scouts watch him to make sure he would fit into our team. Do agents walk around with portfolios or what I would be interested to find out if you are paying millions of pounds for player how you make a decision if the players is the one you want

I can't believe that they don't ask the experts on this forum! :innocent06:

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just wondering how many times do we watch a player before we table a bit for him, If you take Sproul it was in the close season when we signed him so how did we know how good he was, like wise with Maynard how many time did our scouts watch him to make sure he would fit into our team. Do agents walk around with portfolios or what I would be interested to find out if you are paying millions of pounds for player how you make a decision if the players is the one you want

Personally i reckon no research what so ever is done...it's all done in a raffle like system.

What is the point in a post like this...isn't it ###### obvious

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Guest ashtonyate
Personally i reckon no research what so ever is done...it's all done in a raffle like system.

What is the point in a post like this...isn't it ###### obvious

Well know its not if you have been tracking a player you got an ideal but say in Sproul case he was signed in close season so they would have watch him earler in season or not. What did they see to recommend us to sign him,.

A player with pace but not much else I have watched him in all the home games and is way off what we need. so who ever said sign him what did they see in him

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Well know its not if you have been tracking a player you got an ideal but say in Sproul case he was signed in close season so they would have watch him earler in season or not. What did they see to recommend us to sign him,.

A player with pace but not much else I have watched him in all the home games and is way off what we need. so who ever said sign him what did they see in him

To be fair Sproule played most of his football on the left for Hibs i believ...i could be wrong

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Well know its not if you have been tracking a player you got an ideal but say in Sproul case he was signed in close season so they would have watch him earler in season or not. What did they see to recommend us to sign him,.

A player with pace but not much else I have watched him in all the home games and is way off what we need. so who ever said sign him what did they see in him

Most clubs sign players in the off season...because thats when the transfer windows open. Do you honestly think the clubs havent been watching those players for a long time before the season ends?!

I can see what the scouts might have seen in Ivan. If his pace is used correctly he can be a dangerous weapon...rather than the headless chicken he is at the moment. 15 or so goals in 2 years at Hibs that.

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Guest ashtonyate
To be fair Sproule played most of his football on the left for Hibs i believ...i could be wrong

So you are saying he is playing out of position then prehaps somone should tell Gray

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In the couple of interviews I have seen, Pete Johnson has impressed me very much with the amount of work he does and how thorough and professional he is regarding the scouting.

Was he describing the Mifsud signing or the Meteab signing at the time?

Or perhaps it was the Webster loan signing?

Heaven help us if he ever becomes competent as well as thorough and professional.

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just wondering how many times do we watch a player before we table a bit for him, If you take Sproul it was in the close season when we signed him so how did we know how good he was, like wise with Maynard how many time did our scouts watch him to make sure he would fit into our team. Do agents walk around with portfolios or what I would be interested to find out if you are paying millions of pounds for player how you make a decision if the players is the one you want

Have a look at Pete Johnson's interview on world - fascinating stuff. Explains how we're keeping tabs on loads of players for loads of situations - eg if we get promoted.

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Have a look at Pete Johnson's interview on world - fascinating stuff. Explains how we're keeping tabs on loads of players for loads of situations - eg if we get promoted.

What so we can sign some players that aren't good enough for that level either, or just sign them and then stick them on the bench for a laugh. :D

In all honesty don't think there is a problem with our scouting system at all, we have picked up some good players, just we are yet to reap the rewards as we are not yet attractive a prospective employer to attract the proven players at this level, it will take us a couple of years to get there, when we can look at paying money for quality players rather than taking risks on less well known players.

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In all honesty don't think there is a problem with our scouting system at all, we have picked up some good players, just we are yet to reap the rewards as we are not yet attractive a prospective employer to attract the proven players at this level, it will take us a couple of years to get there, when we can look at paying money for quality players rather than taking risks on less well known players.

This is absolutely right. There are plenty of clubs who can pay bigger wages etc - and, whatever we might like to think, I very much doubt that many players see us as one of the championship big boys just yet.

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