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Where Theres A Will....

Gerry Gows perm

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20 years ago when my first daughter was born i took the sensible step (imo) of drawing up a will. I included a clause requesting that my ashes were spread on Ashton Gate following my passing, but now I'm concerned! If we build a new ground my ashes will end up in a housing estate or the middle of a retail park, assuming we can sell off the gate. Do i now have to go through the aggro and expense of changing my will to "Ashton Vale" who knows?! I might just tell my daughters to take me to the new ground in a jar and throw my ashes up when we score! On current form they may have to attend a few games before getting the chance!

I apologise in advance, hopefully long in advance, to those around who inadvertantly swallow the dust!

Anyone else out there with a similar clause, and therefore in a similar predicament!


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