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Last Chance To Win £50

Blagdon red

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After four months of giving away £50 a time in play.com vouchers, our 'Get rid of the blue' promotion comes to an end on Sunday (November 30th). So this weekend is your last chance to win the £50 voucher by shopping online via the links and ads above and the others in the shopping forum.

For anyone who's not sure what this 'Get rid of the blue' malarky is all about, just click the 99% red pie-chart above for details.

I'm pleased to say that we've done 100% of the target this month (the pie-chart is only still showing a little bit of blue because Google Docs, which generates it, turns the chart all blue (!!) at 100% ... and we wouldn't want that!). Despite this good performance in November, we're still well behind on covering past costs of running this forum since the Trust took on the job of funding it in mid 2006, so every purchase helps us to recoup those losses and thus direct Trust funds to other fan-friendly projects.

For some City-related Christmas ideas check out our new Amazon store here:

Dozens of other retailers are featured in our OTIB EasyFundraising Online Shop

So if you're sat at home with time on your hands this weekend, why not get some Christmas shopping done and provide some financial help for OTIB at the same time.


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