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Nor does Louis, nor does Basso, nor does McAllister, nor does McIndoe, nor does Elliott. Nor did Orr until the contract situation.

That seems to get glossed over though. Why is that?

Because they are a group of individuals that are of a higher class and quality to Lee J, and I would add Carey and Fontaine, who got dropped, to those.

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If you really believe that, then I'm afraid you are hugely mistaken.

I don't know....but in Football it wouldn't surpise me? let's be honest.......if Johnson tells them something, they will do it or they know the consquences?

No one believes that McIndoe was actually injured for the plymouth game?

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I don't know....but in Football it wouldn't surpise me? let's be honest.......if Johnson tells them something, they will do it or they know the consquences?

No one believes that McIndoe was actually injured for the plymouth game?

Pretty much everyone beleives that Mcindoe was dropped for that game as a result of his comments following the WW game. However it would be quite a ruse to make up the Carey injury & get him to write a blog about it. At one stage they were talking about it having the potential to be a chronic injury.... seems a lot of effort to go to ??

In the past Johnson has showed himself to be pretty ruthless ... think Woodman (who I'd have kept), Phillips & Stewart. If he was seriously unhappy with certain players they'd be gone, I don't think he would faff up around inventing injuries for them. In a recent interview Noble talked about his injuries but also about what he'd been told he has to do to improve his game. In all seems pretty straight forward to me but I'm not a conspiracy theorist.

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Pretty much everyone beleives that Mcindoe was dropped for that game as a result of his comments following the WW game. However it would be quite a ruse to make up the Carey injury & get him to write a blog about it. At one stage they were talking about it having the potential to be a chronic injury.... seems a lot of effort to go to ??

Exactly.....he was dropped not injured and I'm thinking that many would agree.

Agreed it would be quite a big ruse the Carey siutation.....but to be honest all I'm saying it is that it wouldn't surpise me, because at the moment, nothing in football surprises me anymore.

You could also point at the fact that one minute, he's saying that a player needs to be fit for 89mins of a game to get on the bench (forest), then in the following game (palace) leaves a player DESPERATELY needed in the first team on the bench, despite the team leaking goals left right and centre.

that plus the I'm happy with the squad I have (after watford) as he reason for not bringing loan players.....to........compalining that I can't do anything till Jan (after Preston) only a few days later?

Something is not right about Gary J at the moment and it is a TAD concerning

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I don't know....but in Football it wouldn't surpise me? let's be honest.......if Johnson tells them something, they will do it or they know the consquences?

I understand what you're saying. However, loathed as I am to say it, I can assure you that, in this instance, there is no cover up. Louis was injured, it really is as simple as that.

No one believes that McIndoe was actually injured for the plymouth game?

Maybe. Maybe not. Unlike the above situation, I don't know, so I can't comment for certain.

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Wow, wish I'd seen the interview.

I note no-one is doubting the accuracy of what he is saying. Indeed, I have been saying it with every single post on this board. Is it a sudden realisation by GJ or has he been putting a brave face on it until now?

Let's just assume for the moment that GJ isn't a naive unprofessional and that he actually did this deliberately.

It IS possible he didn't know. It's not like Championship Manager with big arrows hovering over players' heads. Such is the competition for places, players are compelled to hide this stuff from themselves, never mind the management.

On the locked LJ thread, someone said that people on here know as much about football as the players do. I think that's really where people on here overestimate the value of their opinions. People on here know very little about:

  • what the atmosphere on the pitch is
  • how pressure to win is affecting the players
  • how the players respond when someone screws up
  • who keeps morale up
  • how the team plays in practice
  • what the players say in private
  • what the post game video analysis shows
  • what the Prozone stats show
  • who's requesting transfers
  • who's playing with injuries etc.

Anyway, why would he do this deliberately?

Firstly, expectations were set far too high. Playoff position at Xmas? A stupid thing to say when so much can go wrong.

Secondly, the team are playing bloody awful for various reasons. It's not consistently awful, but it is affecting most if not all players. This is why changing the team won't make much difference.

We've seen that City consistently play badly when losing. Obviously that indicates too much pressure to win.

Under pressure, people don't play with their heads. They play long ball or try to dribble past 4 defenders. They definitely don't play the tactical game that the management has been preparing all week.

So there's one reason.

Re: LJ, which games would you have dropped him for? He rarely has 2 bad games in a row, typically bouncing back after a bad game so you'd only drop him if there's a better player available for his position. He's played better than Elliott the last 4 games and scored the only winner in the last 8 games.

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Johnson cant win. If he reiterates a positive mantra to the press people will say 'Heard it all before Gary.' And yet when he is upfront and honest, something that is often whined about by some you say 'My God, shock horror we're doomed.'

He is saying what we all know - we're going through a sticky patch and need to try and tough our way out of it.

Get a grip and stop being so repetitively and consistently negative.

Some common sense on OTIB! Are you sure you're on the right forum?!

Agree wholeheartedly though and can't believe some of the posts on this topic. Negative shite as usual.

We're struggling a bit at the moment but we're still mid-table, a couple of wins off the play offs and looking solid enough as an 'ok' championship side. Something we would have all given our left nuts to be over the last 5 years.

Couple of players come back into form (Basso, Louis, Marvin) and we'll start grinding out wins instead of draws and draws instead of losses again.

We definately need a better squad but the same can be said of almost EVERY team in the football league!

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Put in perspective, we have the usual two sides here.

For instance we have Edson, a moderator taking the club officials/players side and backing up the likes of GJ and Carey. Then we have the likes of bh-red casting doubts on the clubs statements on injuries and Johnson's ability. My opinons are well documented, however this is for the good of the forum as a whole.

On this issue I don't have a comment other than they are both entitled to their point of view, but consider this.

This type of thread is like termites in your house. These posts white ant the very framework of the club, yet our democracy demands that individuals can express their opinions.

Volunteers like Edson give their time free and are an open target for posters they close down. Yesterday he locked an LJ thread, yes another LJ thread. It was done to death and down to eye scratching girly arguements. The thread was dead, Edson did the right thing, he killed the arrant nonsense and not before time.

When I want to comment on an LJ/GJ thread I feel the need to throw up. Its down to GJ or LJ leaving the club by virtue of fans pressure. Is that how we run our football club, trial by internet. No different to us criticising the EP for their coverage of City in their news paper and I use the term loosely.

Can I ask you all, most humbly and with all due respect, please let GJ do his best until the end of January, before you use the long knives . I've heard posters say that GJ is well paid, however he is still on a learning curve, but he does have a winning attitude. He has and is making mistakes, imo, but based on his career achievements, I think he deserves our support at this time

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Just listened to Johnson's Swansea preview.

In the interview he states that he never said that and effectively said don't believe what you see in print.

He said "I would never say anything like that and I'd be disappointed if people believed I'd said something like that".

That's that put to bed then.

Evening Post strikes again, Johnson ain't too pleased about it.

Good. Basically life sucks. It is not paradise all the time there are up's and down's and life is a balance in how you manage the down's. We know our weaknesses, lets dwell on our strengths and shore up our weaknesses and realize that as fans we have no control over who gets picked and who plays midfield. Lets get behind the team and enjoy the moment.

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Just listened to Johnson's Swansea preview.

In the interview he states that he never said that and effectively said don't believe what you see in print.

He said "I would never say anything like that and I'd be disappointed if people believed I'd said something like that".

That's that put to bed then.

Evening Post strikes again, Johnson ain't too pleased about it.

I thought he actually said it in the interview after the Preston game?......which is where the Evil lot got the story from?

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