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Dave L - Mission Impossible?


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I doubt if they'll let young Dave get away with that as he's already done it with "Doctors", but you probably know that already.

I did once try and introduce a character called Ryan Tinnion in one of my EE episodes, but he never made it to the final draft.

It's much easier to slip them into Doctors. Only the other week I had an episode where one of the characters was heading for a place called Tinnion's Brook, during a charity walk which had been rather badly organised by someone called Mr Dunford. I even managed to drop in the line 'That Geoff Dunford couldn't organise a booze up in a brewery'.

I was rather pleased with that one, though probably my favourite City reference in Doctors was a solictor called Lewis Carey who worked for that well known crack legal firm of Coles, Carey and Hill. :wacko:

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I love 'Enders! It would be great to get more City references. I didn't realize Trevor Morgan was done on purpose ( please don't spoil the illusion and tell me it wasn't). I used to laugh and tell my kids we once had a City player with the same name. Trevor was great though, the character more so than the player!

Docters is also good, but I don't always get to watch it. Wasn't there once an Aron Brown dance studio , or did I dream that one? If would be an interesting challenge if you can get an Amankwaah reference in!

Sadly I missed the Geoff Dunford episode, I would have loved to have seen that!


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Docters is also good, but I don't always get to watch it. Wasn't there once an Aron Brown dance studio , or did I dream that one? If would be an interesting challenge if you can get an Amankwaah reference in!

That was the Aaron Brown Dance Ensemble from New York. Tony Robinson got to say that line, and delievered it with great relish.

I did try and introduce a Dr Amankwaah once, but they vetoed the name on the grounds that it sounded 'a bit rude'.

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