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Urgent: Section 27

Guest The FSF

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It was obvious that there was more to it than met the eye....the bill don't just turn back a bus without some justification

By the sounds of it they saved you time and a lot more I expect as you were going to be turfed out of Sheffield when you got there anyway...and by then with a few more on board it may have been more than just turning back......with extra trips to Sheff for court appearances

Sounds like the pi55ing t#@s that ruined your day.....not the bill

Sorry but.......guilty as charged

fair comments but i'd say them not you as you as in me :noexpression: i was no where near this bus on the day :farmer:

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this the police we are talking about? they do as they like!!

......within the law.

Seems very harsh that because of the actions of some the whole lot got turned back though. Perhaps if they had owned up to their actions, they would have been dealt with and the rest were able to carry on about their day.

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The old bills take on things

A pm i had from some one on the bus...........

members of the jury you decide :innocent06:

Thank you cider head, an interesting and conflicting version of events.

I'd advise the jury to take into consideration the Colin Stag story where the Police were so hell bent on setting Colin Stag up for a murder he didn't commit that the real murderer was free to rape and kill. The same applies to our football supporters that were accosted and turned back by the notoriously corrupt West Midlands Police. Surely the West Midlands Police have got more important work to do other than commit so many of their officers into bullying our supporters ????!!!!!

The West Midlands Police are guilty - yet again - and should be force marched down the M5 motorway from Birmingham to Avonmouth docks ready to be transported to Russia. There they will learn the meaning of real work in minus 40 degrees centigrade of frost. :winner_third_h4h:

Let the people decide !!!!!

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Guest mindjuicer

It's good that Liberty have got involved.

In the event of anything like this happening again:

1. Behave.

2. Record everything. Take names, numbers, pictures, video, audio etc.

3. Treat the police like human beings - you might get them to respond in kind.

4. Ask politely what grounds the police have for taking their actions. Find out exactly what they're basing their decisions on.

5. Do anything you can to remedy their concerns or explain why you cannot.

6. Ask them extra-nicely... bearing in mind your co-operation, if it's at all possible that you'll be allowed to continue on your way.

7. Get legal advice eg from the University Law Dept.

8. Contact your MP. Don't expect much from the Labour incumbents.

9. Phone the media, Radio Bristol and Bristol Evening Post at a minimum. EP are bloody useless, you have to keep ringing them to make sure they print something.

10. Vote anyone but Labour. Not all Labour MPs are rotten but they are in Bristol.

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10. Vote anyone but Labour. Not all Labour MPs are rotten but they are in Bristol.

Some good advice and interesting points. However, vote anyone but Labour? All the 3 main political parties, collectively known as the Lib-Lab-Con, are in favour of increasing Police numbers. That's what it says on the leaflets they flood my letter box with. Too many Police means they're underworked and bored hence them looking for easy targets such as our fellow football supporters.

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I know i agree others should not suffer for maybe 1 or 2 people but thats IF that happened as i take the west midlands

police with a pinch of salt, if drunk you got to be some sort of super man to piss from an open top bus going at 60 mpr

bare in mind wind direction and still hit a car with piss and stay on your feet :noexpression:

If he did score a direct hit, sign the bugger up quick, could be revelation in our forward line :winner_third_h4h:

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What else is there.

Many ordinary people no longer bother to 'phone the Police when they are burgled or when their car is broken into, because they know that nothing will be done. Perhaps the Police should restore public confidence in them by doing the job they're paid handsomely to do - stopping real crime instead of continually picking on football supporters.

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Many ordinary people no longer bother to 'phone the Police when they are burgled or when their car is broken into, because they know that nothing will be done. Perhaps the Police should restore public confidence in them by doing the job they're paid handsomely to do - stopping real crime instead of continually picking on football supporters.

well said goblin!

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Many ordinary people no longer bother to 'phone the Police when they are burgled or when their car is broken into, because they know that nothing will be done. Perhaps the Police should restore public confidence in them by doing the job they're paid handsomely to do - stopping real crime instead of continually picking on football supporters.

So when they respond to the publics call on the motorway that's wrong because it's football supporters?

So what should they have done, ignore it, well maybe you were in a car with your family driving alongside them when the alleged piss came splashing over your car, you called the police and nothing happened, would that be fine?

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So what should they have done, ignore it, well maybe you were in a car with your family driving alongside them when the alleged piss came splashing over your car, you called the police and nothing happened, would that be fine?

That's the Police version of events, a yarn that they've no doubt concocted now that they know the Football Supporters Federation and Liberty organisation are now taking an interest.

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That's the Police version of events, a yarn that they've no doubt concocted now that they know the Football Supporters Federation and Liberty organisation are now taking an interest.

Could well be right, I don't know, nor do you, maybe there was some known lads that were on that coach and the police didn't want them to travel, maybe the police had complaints that some of the lads on top deck were being arseholes to other motorists, maybe they were pissing over the back of the bus, maybe the police force really do have it in for the football fan, maybe it was a chance stop that an unmarked police car picked up that there were groups of lads drinking on a coach and passed the info on.

I don't know RG, maybe the Soviet Police would have taken a stronger stance than the British police did and locked them all up instead of turning the coach around, only the people on the coach really know what happened, and if there were any people on that coach that did do something stupid, maybe they will be reluctant to say, because they messed up a lot of other peoples day in the process.

Whoever is in the right, I feel sorry for the innocent people who got caught up in it, especially the poor bloke who missed out on a great birthday treat.

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Just remember how the police lied after Hillsborough, and fed a totally false story to the Scum, who then printed it, to slander football fans and cover up their incompetence. Sorry, I don't believe their sh*t story, and suspect it is being used to cover up their unwarranted abuse of power.

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It was obvious that there was more to it than met the eye....the bill don't just turn back a bus without some justification

By the sounds of it they saved you time and a lot more I expect as you were going to be turfed out of Sheffield when you got there anyway...and by then with a few more on board it may have been more than just turning back......with extra trips to Sheff for court appearances

Sounds like the pi55ing t#@s that ruined your day.....not the bill

Sorry but.......guilty as charged

Many ordinary people no longer bother to 'phone the Police when they are burgled or when their car is broken into, because they know that nothing will be done. Perhaps the Police should restore public confidence in them by doing the job they're paid handsomely to do - stopping real crime instead of continually picking on football supporters.

Its all too easy to blame and shout at the police isnt it. If you want to travel without risking being turned back by police, or indeed lives of other motorists, don't p*** out the back of a bus. Its irrelvant whether it was one or two people or three or four, IF this was happening, then the vehicle itself driven by the driver who becomes liable for his passengers actions, has become a danger and the police in my opinion have every right to send you on your way. How much more of a liability might that vehicle have become, 80 odd miles down the line after more drink and possibly more drunk people. OK, so maybe they werent blind drunk at this point, however its fairly obvious to pressume the drinking wasnt going to stop, there was more on board and I'm betting it wasnt there to just look at. If the driver of the vehicle has demostrated that he is either willing to allow people to behave in this way or that he is unable to control them or indeed 'notice' them in the first place, then its quite fair that the police felt that turning the vehicle back was the safest and only option. I'd be interested to hear the true version of events and how the police 'inerpreted' the incident before i cast an opinion on how 'disgracefully' the police acted.

Mr Goblin, i would direct your unhappyness with regards to 'nothing being' done, towards the government rather than the police who may turn up at your home with their hands tied. With the rediculous amounts of paperwork required by attending officers these days, they are forced into deciding which crimes need to be reported at the expense of being removed from the streets as a presence to 'write' them up. As infuriating as it is, its not the police's fault in this respect. A chav outside your house puts a brick through your car windscreen? ###### furious, but would you rather the police come round and then spend the next two hours 'writing up', leaving the #### respocible on the streets with two police less able to respond if he decides to hit a person with a brick? Thats the reality of it, and its shi** but again, its the government who have allowed things to get this way. In order for the police in this theoretical scenario to stay on the streets, policing them, its in their interests for this to not be recorded as a crime(the posibility arises that maybe the brick was an accident, a prank gone wrong, maybe not a crime??), they know it was a crime, but they need to stay on the streets, because without them there its free reign for the 'hoodies' and chavs (yes I'm being stereotypical) to cause even more crap on the neighborhood. The government need to give back to the police the opportunity to police without all the political bull.

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Mr Goblin, i would direct your unhappyness with regards to 'nothing being' done, towards the government rather than the police who may turn up at your home with their hands tied. With the rediculous amounts of paperwork required by attending officers these days, they are forced into deciding which crimes need to be reported at the expense of being removed from the streets as a presence to 'write' them up. As infuriating as it is, its not the police's fault in this respect. A chav outside your house puts a brick through your car windscreen? ###### furious, but would you rather the police come round and then spend the next two hours 'writing up', leaving the #### respocible on the streets with two police less able to respond if he decides to hit a person with a brick? Thats the reality of it, and its shi** but again, its the government who have allowed things to get this way. In order for the police in this theoretical scenario to stay on the streets, policing them, its in their interests for this to not be recorded as a crime(the posibility arises that maybe the brick was an accident, a prank gone wrong, maybe not a crime??), they know it was a crime, but they need to stay on the streets, because without them there its free reign for the 'hoodies' and chavs (yes I'm being stereotypical) to cause even more crap on the neighborhood. The government need to give back to the police the opportunity to police without all the political bull.

My unhappiness is directed at the Police, especially when there's often a huge and unwarranted Police presence within Ashton Gate - at Bristol City FC expense - and our supporters' cars are being broken into outside. To make a political point, the top Toff bankers have now caused around a million times more damage to the British economy than all the other types of crooks put together. Not one corrupt banker has been arrested so far to my knowledge.

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As I said on another forum, if someone wants to act like an animal and p**s on passers by, the others can have no complaints.

Tough but fair.

The police CLAIM they were urinating - but the facts are no arrests were made. These fans "punished" without any evidence at all - is that fair?

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The police CLAIM they were urinating - but the facts are no arrests were made. These fans "punished" without any evidence at all - is that fair?

No but if fans were pissing in waterin cans, one may have been pissin overboard, which is out of order.

Whilst Police act disgracefully at times, often the slightest thing gives them reason to act.

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The police CLAIM they were urinating - but the facts are no arrests were made. These fans "punished" without any evidence at all - is that fair?

A week doesn't go by these days without the Police being involved in some type of corruption scandal. The worst this month was the headline from the Daily Mirror: "Police in CCTV 'beating' of war hero to be probed". This case involved Lance Corporal Mark Aspinall, 24, who has served in Afghanistan and Iraq who was charged with assaulting police and a public order offence - he even had to pay the Police £250 in compensation. CCTV images show Mark taking a hell of a pasting from the Police - so was the soldier fined for assaulting the Police's fists ????!!!!

Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2...15875-20937480/

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No but if fans were pissing in waterin cans, one may have been pissin overboard, which is out of order.

Whilst Police act disgracefully at times, often the slightest thing gives them reason to act.

thats an assumption. I've often p*** into an empty bottle on a long journey - its quite normal. Its not a reason to assume guilt without evidence. Again this is totally unfair.

What happened to innocent til proven guilty?

I'll say it again - the police are above the law.

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thats an assumption. I've often p*** into an empty bottle on a long journey - its quite normal. Its not a reason to assume guilt without evidence. Again this is totally unfair.

What happened to innocent til proven guilty?

I'll say it again - the police are above the law.

So what evidence do you have that It didn't happen?

Whether or not it did or didn't happen we'll never know, because both parties will blame the other, I feel sorry for the people who missed out on a good day out because of what went on.

By law, it is prohibited to carry alcohol on any part of a coach travelling to or from a designated sporting event. So added with urinating on the top deck of a bus in view of motorists then you may get your answer of why it was pulled. No conspiracy, No, there out to get us all, if the people up top did indeed do it in full view of other motorist then they have let there mates down.

As for your other statement of the Police are above the law, frankly that is laughable, there probably isn't another organisation who's actions are scrutinised more than them, from within and outside.

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thats an assumption. I've often p*** into an empty bottle on a long journey - its quite normal. Its not a reason to assume guilt without evidence. Again this is totally unfair.

What happened to innocent til proven guilty?

I'll say it again - the police are above the law.

Its not an assumption, its based on what CiderHead has said.

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As for your other statement of the Police are above the law, frankly that is laughable, there probably isn't another organisation who's actions are scrutinised more than them, from within and outside.

The Police are, indeed, above the law. I cite the example of Pc Mark Milton - West Mercia Gestapo Police - reaching speeds of up to 159mph in an unmarked patrol car. Pc Milton was given an absolute discharge at Ludlow Magistrates' Court following his conviction for the high speeds, which were reached on the M54 in Shropshire. Meanwhile, the same Police force would hammer - with heavy fines and driving bans - any travelling football supporter in their area for doing just a few mph over the given speed limit.

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So what evidence do you have that It didn't happen?

Whether or not it did or didn't happen we'll never know, because both parties will blame the other, I feel sorry for the people who missed out on a good day out because of what went on.

By law, it is prohibited to carry alcohol on any part of a coach travelling to or from a designated sporting event. So added with urinating on the top deck of a bus in view of motorists then you may get your answer of why it was pulled. No conspiracy, No, there out to get us all, if the people up top did indeed do it in full view of other motorist then they have let there mates down.

As for your other statement of the Police are above the law, frankly that is laughable, there probably isn't another organisation who's actions are scrutinised more than them, from within and outside.

If you truly believe that then i pity you, why don't you try reading HO reports on police corruption,racism,sexism, etc, and you will see that many POs consider themselfs above the law and because of their actions public confidence in our police has reached an all time low, before you make a inaccurate statement take the trouble to do some research and get the facts :disapointed2se:

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The Police are, indeed, above the law. I cite the example of Pc Mark Milton - West Mercia Gestapo Police - reaching speeds of up to 159mph in an unmarked patrol car. Pc Milton was given an absolute discharge at Ludlow Magistrates' Court following his conviction for the high speeds, which were reached on the M54 in Shropshire. Meanwhile, the same Police force would hammer - with heavy fines and driving bans - any travelling football supporter in their area for doing just a few mph over the given speed limit.

Goblin, I see you are the only one that can solve our problems in society, therefore, in honour of you, I have placed you on the bench at the old bailey, pronouncing the police state as dead, and rising up to crush toffs, snobs and there puppet masters everywhere.



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So what evidence do you have that It didn't happen?

Innocent til proven guilty - not guilty til proven innocent

As for your other statement of the Police are above the law, frankly that is laughable, there probably isn't another organisation who's actions are scrutinised more than them, from within and outside.

Are you really THAT naive???

Its not an assumption, its based on what CiderHead has said.

You made and assumption that because they were urinating into waterin cans the MAY have urinated at passers by

Bit like saying anyone who buys knifes for their kitchen MAY stab someone. Ridiculous.

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You made and assumption that because they were urinating into waterin cans the MAY have urinated at passers by

Bit like saying anyone who buys knifes for their kitchen MAY stab someone. Ridiculous.

If they did, they deserved to be turned back. IF. IF. IF. Do you understand?

I'm sure you agree too.

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Innocent til proven guilty - not guilty til proven innocent

Riaz, what you keep failing to understand is that you cannot take Alcohol onto a coach travelling to a sporting event. And again, if if if if if if, there was someone pissing in full view of other motorists they only drew attention to themselves.

I blame the FSF for a lot of the hysteria on here, they were far to quick to point the finger before they had the full story in place.

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Riaz, what you keep failing to understand is that you cannot take Alcohol onto a coach travelling to a sporting event. And again, if if if if if if, there was someone pissing in full view of other motorists they only drew attention to themselves.

I blame the FSF for a lot of the hysteria on here, they were far to quick to point the finger before they had the full story in place.

I understand alright! I also understand there was not any alcohol found. from what i've read on ziderheads.

I also think the FSF are doing a fine job. There are helping the average fan who arent treated very well nowadays.

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Goblin, I see you are the only one that can solve our problems in society, therefore, in honour of you, I have placed you on the bench at the old bailey, pronouncing the police state as dead, and rising up to crush toffs, snobs and there puppet masters everywhere.



The only way I'm likely to be able to replicate the Lord Protector's great deeds for England is by drinking a whole 1 litre bottle of 'Oliver Cromwell' branded London Gin from Aldi and living an alcohol inspired dream. Nice piccie though, but here's the man himself refusing the crown of England....he chose to be an English Caesar instead......


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