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Minute Silence


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Quite unusual I think, Barnsley have a minute silence before the game to pay respects to all.

Not sure wether I agree with this or not, for example great* tragedies such as 9/11 deserve their own minutes silence. IMO

What do you think?

* great as in big/huge not as in good, clearing that up incase some misunderstand.

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I'm not overly keen on the idea of leaving it to the end of the season to pay your respects.

After all, it's only one minute before a game every now and then, not as if they are saving hours by doing it.

By the end of the season, apart from the people that actually knew the deceased, everyone else wouldn't being paying their respects to them.

Did any of that make sense?? I seemed to be going round in circles :dunno:

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