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Did anyone have a gander at the Richard Latham write up in the Sunday indepenent today?

There were a few quotes from GJ and Warnock following our latest victory over palarse. Seems the two of them like a bit of banter with each other, both talking about the tunnel and car park incident, GJ mentioning our record over them, also saying "I always like locking horns with Neil because you know its not going to be normal". Add to that a quote from Warnock about City selling Carle. When asked if he thought City sold Carle for footballing reasons, he replied with "thats not for me to say. I think Gary was quite pleased to get his son back in the side at the time, wasnt he?"

Colin may be a pain in the ass, but him and Johnson are both fantastic with the press, better than the boring stuff quoted by most managers these days...

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[". Add to that a quote from Warnock about City selling Carle. When asked if he thought City sold Carle for footballing reasons, he replied with "thats not for me to say. I think Gary was quite pleased to get his son back in the side at the time, wasnt he.

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