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Weale And Basso

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Evening to all city fans, a good result yesterday and for once I'm feeling very optimistic about our season.

As I noticed the Basso liability thread is now quite huge and I thought I might have a say on things.

Starting with Basso's performance yesterday then maybe we should cut the guy some slack. Yes his kicking was terrible and yes the gaffs were cringe worthy but just think about how they happened. Firstly it is very un-characteristic of Basso to let a goal like the first in. He began his jump with both arms up and then put one back down leaving the one arm up as the ball went over him. Two things could have happened there, obviously since the conditions were dire the wind could have taken the ball or maybe Basso jumped too early. I believe it is more likely to be the former than the latter. The second goal was all together more Basso's fault but as all of us know kicking has never been a strong area in Basso's game. To be honest his kicking isn't championship standard but is and was good enough for league 1. But Basso isn't as young as many of the keepers in this league plus I did hear that he had bunions which isn't going to make kicking easy on either front. Over time I've come to accept Basso's poor kicking just like how Lee J is rarely dropped (this is not an LJ bashing thread) and I can now accept it to a certain extent but many of the posters who come on this forum are already aware that I'm in the camp that thinks Chris Weale should be number one.

For me Weale has demonstrated in the limited amount of games he has played that he can cope with the big situations (Middlesborough), can make a world class save (versus Derby), that he can control his area and that he can kick a ball more accurately than our centre halfs which is a big plus because when Weale has been in the side, his kicks have had the right sort of height and distance for our front men to latch onto or to flick down. I'm by no means an advocate of the long ball game but surely if an attacking option presents itself you should use it? Weale has age on his side too which is most benneficial to us and has a good professional attitude.

But what we shouldn't do now is all get on Basso's back, I might be a Weale fan but that doesn't mean I won't support Basso as our current number one. He has surely won us more points than he's lost us and has been a brilliant keeper for this club.

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Guest wheres your caravan??
Whilst Weale kicks the ball further than Basso, lets not forget his howler against Wolves away this season when he misjudged Kightly's cross. And it wasn't windy if I recall !!!!!

Yes and he was dropped...

There have been numerous mistakes from Basso this season!!!

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For me Weale has demonstrated in the limited amount of games he has played that he can cope with the big situations (Middlesborough), can make a world class save (versus Derby), that he can control his area and that he can kick a ball more accurately than our centre halfs which is a big plus because when Weale has been in the side, his kicks have had the right sort of height and distance for our front men to latch onto or to flick down. I'm by no means an advocate of the long ball game but surely if an attacking option presents itself you should use it? Weale has age on his side too which is most benneficial to us and has a good professional attitude.

But what we shouldn't do now is all get on Basso's back, I might be a Weale fan but that doesn't mean I won't support Basso as our current number one. He has surely won us more points than he's lost us and has been a brilliant keeper for this club.

What?? You honestly think Weale should be no. 1? What is that based on?

This season Weale - should've been sent off at Blackpool for handling outside his area which would've cost us all 3 points. He did the same about 5 minutes later, rushing out his penalty area and generally looking like a liability. He then made a very weak effort at saving the goal against Derby at home that Basso would've saved and then there was the goal at Wolves which he completely misjudged.

There's nothing in his performances that I've seen that make me want him in goal. I remember seeing him in a friendly at Swindon before our first season back in the Championship but in a 'Phillips-esque' performance flapping at corners and dropping the ball from one routine corner.

He may turn out to be great and I trust GJ's judgement but from what I've seen he is certainly no better than Basso.

Basso was culpable for both goals against Wolves, no doubt. But given the conditions it was not easy and I fail to see any evidence that Weale would've done any better.

Weale's kicking as well?? Big kick yes, but I'm pretty sure he buggered up one or two at Blackpool as well a game played in similar (but not quite as bad) conditions to yesterday.

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Guest wheres your caravan??
What?? You honestly think Weale should be no. 1? What is that based on?

This season Weale - should've been sent off at Blackpool for handling outside his area which would've cost us all 3 points. He did the same about 5 minutes later, rushing out his penalty area and generally looking like a liability. He then made a very weak effort at saving the goal against Derby at home that Basso would've saved and then there was the goal at Wolves which he completely misjudged.

There's nothing in his performances that I've seen that make me want him in goal. I remember seeing him in a friendly at Swindon before our first season back in the Championship but in a 'Phillips-esque' performance flapping at corners and dropping the ball from one routine corner.

He may turn out to be great and I trust GJ's judgement but from what I've seen he is certainly no better than Basso.

Basso was culpable for both goals against Wolves, no doubt. But given the conditions it was not easy and I fail to see any evidence that Weale would've done any better.

Weale's kicking as well?? Big kick yes, but I'm pretty sure he buggered up one or two at Blackpool as well a game played in similar (but not quite as bad) conditions to yesterday.

I have to disagree.

Weale has far more attributes than Basso.

Weale is not as good shot stopper as Basso but more than makes up for it in his kicking, communication and the way he commands his penalty area.

We have only seen glimpses of Weale as he has not had an oppurtunity to have a long run in the side.

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We have only seen glimpses of Weale as he has not had an oppurtunity to have a long run in the side.

Because he is the weaker 'keeper, but I'm sure his time will come anyway.

Basso, after a faltering start in his City career commands his area well and is generally excellent at catching crosses. Weale is nowhere near as mobile and from what I've seen looks suspect from crosses.

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Guest wheres your caravan??
Because he is the weaker 'keeper, but I'm sure his time will come anyway.

Basso, after a faltering start in his City career commands his area well and is generally excellent at catching crosses. Weale is nowhere near as mobile and from what I've seen looks suspect from crosses.

Were you at the palace away game? Swansea home? Yesterday even?

Weale is a top class keeper and will one day play premier league, I'm sure of it!

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I do wonder how much longer Adriano can keep doing his leaping salmon impressions. Pushing 34 years old.

Basso's still City's No. 1 but we're lucky to have two good'uns.

Are you not watching MOTD 2...David James is 39 and is the best keeoer in the world at the moment! Keepers get better with age

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Guest wheres your caravan??
Shurely shome mishtake, numerous clean sheets would suggest you are barking up the wrong tree......

Plymouth home, Palace away, Watford home, Wolves home.

All massive blunders!

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Guest wheres your caravan??
His kicking generally is of an exceptionally high standard, I do not know where this falacy of poor kicking comes from. It is simply not true. His ability is exceptional and is certainly one of finest keepers ever playing for City, and one of the finest in the English game. Full stop. He made potentially two errors, but look at the wind for crying out loud, it was moving the ball all over the place. Contrast that with the dozens and dozens of incredible saves he has made to keep us in games, he is in credit to a factor of hundreds to one. I will go further, this idiotic thread should watch the goals let in in the Prem, watch a complete series, and then tell me how many David James, Green , and any of the others have been at fault for. Many. Basso makes technically difficult catches, the ones other keepers punch or palm, yet he holds onto the ball. Those shots that bounce just a metre in front of goal, he catches. Awesome, but it will go un noticed because it is now the norm, but watch the Prem, and how many keepers are able to do that. Weale is not even close to his ability. How many call for Weale but have never seen him play. idoiots the lot of them. If Basso was 5 years younger, he would have been long gone in the Prem, fact (and I know that, having spoken to 3 prem scouts)

Finally, how many defensive c**k ups do we make, and open goals do we miss. Count them and start getting real.

The least of our worries is our current keeper playing in gale force wind, our concerns on becoming a league winner lie elsewhere.

The most idiotic threads I have ever seen, and makes me wonder if City fans have even an ounce of football knowledge (I could add the various comment about adebola too), and this god forsaken love affair with Noble and Trundle, neither of whom are remotely good enough for regular Championship football. That just about sums it up.

Deep breaths and breathe!!!!!!!!

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