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Heating And Stupid Flatmates

Percy Parrot

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So I live in a flat with 3 great mates. It's going brilliantly. Just one issue - they are all nutters with the heating, in as much as they never let me put it on.

Call me soft, call me what you will - we live in England and during the winter I think it's pretty normal to have the heating on in general. I am currently out of work and so being warm enough to type and live in the house for a lot of the day is pretty important so I can look for work from home. Moreover, we are all 25, live a fairly comfortable life and I think that as such shouldn't feel too bad for having the heating on.

Today we have snow outside yet when I came in (had been at my parents for the weekend) the heating was off. When I turned it on for the first time all day, within half an hour one of them had noticed and turned it back off. I'm outvoted 3 to 1 in the house but know the public at large will support me on this one.

I have a few facts I throw at them:

- According to a website I found I think our house should cost 18-42p to heat per hour depending on the outside temperature. Based on that we could heat the house for 4 hours a day and it would probably cost us each 25p. Over the course of a week we could live in a far warmer house for just £1.75. When I point we can all afford it and it's less than a pint a week they all just say "I'd rather have the pint"!

- They there's no point as the house doesn't get warm - but I have pointed out that the 2 largest radiators are blocked by their furniture. They have not moved either offending item.

- Their main argument is that since they cut down on the heating (turned it off) they have saved £67 per quarter on the heating bill. I have pointed out that this is 18p per day! Hardly expensive when put in context.

So - what do I do? Because living in 6 layers, hat and gloves and still being cold is starting to really piss me off. Any ideas or good stats to back me up?

All I can think is to a) move out (but I love living with my mates) b) be cold and miserable all day c) keep turning it on and fall out with them d) Buy an electric heater, heat my room only and even though it will probably cost more on electricity to heat just my room do it anyway and hope they never notice.

Perhaps someone has a thermometer I can borrow just to prove how cold the flat is? This will debunk their "it's warm" argument when they themselves are clearly freezing.

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They should be grateful that it would cost them that little. For me it is costing roughly £7 a day and that is just for the radiator in the front room. Going to have to get on to Npower as that can't be right.

As for you could you not turn off all the radiators in the flat and just leave your one on and offer to pay for it yourself?

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They should be grateful that it would cost them that little. For me it is costing roughly £7 a day and that is just for the radiator in the front room. Going to have to get on to Npower as that can't be right.

As for you could you not turn off all the radiators in the flat and just leave your one on and offer to pay for it yourself?

Some of the radiators can't be turned off and I'd end up paying for all the cooking and showers. Maybe they should just eat cold and shower cold.

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Looks like Percy has been turned soft by living in London.

Put a jumper on, go for a run, drink some cider and stop whinging.

Yeah yeah, I bet you live in a house with 10 fires on, heated blankets etc etc.

Can't run - injured quad.

Have about 8 jumpers on already.

Trying to cut back on the booze.

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Turn the thermostat down to about 18 degrees and put on a jumper, cheaper and just as warm. They won't spot it because it won't be on that often, just enough to take the edge off.

Remy Martin VSOP als keeps you warm


Tried the low setting thing - they still insisted it was too much. And it's not so much the body but the hands when typing etc. that are stupidly cold, and going to the loo, and getting out of the shower, and out of bed.

I mean seriously, how many people don't have the heating on at all at this time of year?

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Tried the low setting thing - they still insisted it was too much. And it's not so much the body but the hands when typing etc. that are stupidly cold, and going to the loo, and getting out of the shower, and out of bed.

I mean seriously, how many people don't have the heating on at all at this time of year?

I pay near on £100 a month for my heating to come on at 4.30am so its nice and warm when i get up and turns off at 8.30, it then comes back on at 15.00 so my house is warm enough to put my shorts on when i get in around 17.30. I could not live in your house, i would move out!!

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Tried the low setting thing - they still insisted it was too much. And it's not so much the body but the hands when typing etc. that are stupidly cold, and going to the loo, and getting out of the shower, and out of bed.

I mean seriously, how many people don't have the heating on at all at this time of year?

In that case try beating them at their own game. Army surplus store for a big Royal Marine sleeping bag, wrap yourself in it. An hour before they come home open all the doors and windows and then laugh your head off at them, masturbaters.

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Do you help pay for the fuel and electricity? If yes tell them to stop living in the frickin dark ages and endulge in some luxury already.

If you all had one less beer every week you could probably run your heathers/rads for a few hours each night to keep warm, whats the point in being cold? None. benig cold sucks.

If they get funny about it you could try smiting them a blow or two, failing that sneak into your room a slimline panel heather, store it under your bed in the day time so they don't suss :innocent06:

Or you could move out, I would move out, they day i ever get told when I can and cant use the electricity is they day i frickin die!

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I pay near on £100 a month for my heating to come on at 4.30am so its nice and warm when i get up and turns off at 8.30, it then comes back on at 15.00 so my house is warm enough to put my shorts on when i get in around 17.30. I could not live in your house, i would move out!!

Nothing like wearing shorts indoors in winter, so much more comfortable.

I have a different problem in my house where I am the one always complaining it is too hot, I like an ambient temperature but the people I live with seem obsessed with having the heating on all hours which I find disgusting as it definitely spreads germs like cold and flu.

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Do you help pay for the fuel and electricity? If yes tell them to stop living in the frickin dark ages and endulge in some luxury already.

If you all had one less beer every week you could probably run your heathers/rads for a few hours each night to keep warm, whats the point in being cold? None. benig cold sucks.

If they get funny about it you could try smiting them a blow or two, failing that sneak into your room a slimline panel heather, store it under your bed in the day time so they don't suss :innocent06:

Or you could move out, I would move out, they day i ever get told when I can and cant use the electricity is they day i frickin die!

I think I need to invest in a small room heater.

Ray White - how does heat spread germs!?! But I do agree - heating on all day long is a bit much. I just like a warmish temperature so when you enter the house you are going in to the warm...not in to the cold!

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I think I need to invest in a small room heater.

Ray White - how does heat spread germs!?!

OK it might not spread them but it certainly increases the risk as bacteria thrives in warm conditions, something it can't do in a house at a normal room temperature of 18 degrees or so.

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OK it might not spread them but it certainly increases the risk as bacteria thrives in warm conditions, something it can't do in a house at a normal room temperature of 18 degrees or so.

We need a doctor but I'm fairly certain that colds and flu are viruses and so actually thrive in cold temperatures.

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OK it might not spread them but it certainly increases the risk as bacteria thrives in warm conditions, something it can't do in a house at a normal room temperature of 18 degrees or so.

Bacteria grows at all temperatures between 5C & 63C.

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