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I've been reading a few colour therapy sites. Here's what they say about yellow.

'Use yellow to promote clear thinking, self-control, optimism, inner strength and to resolve unaddressed emotions and feelings'.

Yellow promotes Competitiveness, detachment,Enthusiasm, Intellegence, joy & Power'

'yellow helps remove energy blocks in the emotional and mental bodies. Use it to build up self-confidence and self-worth, and to dispel fears of the mind'.

YELLOW. Emotional

Positive: Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, extraversion, emotional strength, friendliness, creativity.

The yellow wavelength is relatively long and essentially stimulating. In this case the stimulus is emotional, therefore yellow is the strongest colour, psychologically. The right yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem; it is the colour of confidence and optimism. Too much of it, or the wrong tone in relation to the other tones in a colour scheme, can cause self-esteem to plummet, giving rise to fear and anxiety. Our "yellow streak" can surface.

You never know Danny might just be onto something here. I suddenly feel more positive than I did...or is that the drink kicking in! :)

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well done Danny!!!! :)

And, for a few minuites at the end, it did seem like we actually had an extra man on the pitch, amazing this yellow! :sub:

Nice one - good job he went to watch next week's opponents yesterday too, instead of wasting his time on the team bus.
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Did anybody else hear his comment about 15 minutes before kickoff on Radio Bristol?

he got asked about why yellow not black, andf I'm sure the reply was something like "Because we play cr@p in Black"

Just speak your mind then Danny......

Here's to a party next Saturday (with luck :) )

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Did anybody else hear his comment about 15 minutes before kickoff on Radio Bristol?

he got asked about why yellow not black, andf I'm sure the reply was something like "Because we play cr@p in Black"

Just speak your mind then Danny......

Here's to a party next Saturday (with luck :) )

Yep, thats exactly what he said.
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Guest torquay red

It just so happens Tqy play in yellow,look where they are,mind you doesnt explain all of the other crap seasons they have had!! :)

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Arsenal'a away kit is YELLOW - Champions

Norwich's home strip is YELLOW - Champions

Plymouth'a away kit is fluorescent ORANGE (same difference) - Champions

I'm not sure but dont WBA and Doncaster play in Yellow away ?

Shame its taken us all year to figure this out and we have only our selves to blame because it was us fans who wanyed the Black away kit. Lesson learnt I hope.

Can we play in yellow on Saturday ?

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