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Killzone 2

Barrs Court Red

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Nearly started a thread on this myself. Stunning looking game, doesnt seem like its going to bring anything new to the genre but ive not seen it done better anywhere else. Read somewhere that a typical game of this type (COD4 etc) would typically run with about 4-6 light sources...KZ2...over 300 at once in places. These can be anything from muzzle flare, to lights on sentry bots and even the glowing goggles on the enemies.

Whats suprised me more though is the current levels of critisism aimed at gaming mags for there review scores and the continuing fanboy battles. Have a look on Metacritic, pick a couple of the more realistic reviews, look at the comments underneath that review and its kicking off on almost every single gaming site. You always get hype around a much wanted new release but thats usualy because the game is going to be great and people just cant wait to get there hands on it, in this case anyone would think that if this game doesnt sell its goodbye PS3?? Ive never in my life seen a game subjected to so much attention of this kind and as it turns out its all good for the game though as its free advertising and with 1.2 million pre orders in Europe already, i don't think it will make a blind bit of difference what anyone says now, the game is going to be huge.

I'm mainly getting it for the multiplayer aspect which looks quite deep and a little more innovative than the single player campaign. My pre order is in.

See you online....unless you see me first!

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Got my copy today, its excellent so far, played about the first hour of it. Going to try and get through the single player campaign before i start the multiplayer. If your having any doubts about getting it, just get it, a top quality FPS.

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Nearly started a thread on this myself. Stunning looking game, doesnt seem like its going to bring anything new to the genre but ive not seen it done better anywhere else. Read somewhere that a typical game of this type (COD4 etc) would typically run with about 4-6 light sources...KZ2...over 300 at once in places. These can be anything from muzzle flare, to lights on sentry bots and even the glowing goggles on the enemies.

Whats suprised me more though is the current levels of critisism aimed at gaming mags for there review scores and the continuing fanboy battles. Have a look on Metacritic, pick a couple of the more realistic reviews, look at the comments underneath that review and its kicking off on almost every single gaming site. You always get hype around a much wanted new release but thats usualy because the game is going to be great and people just cant wait to get there hands on it, in this case anyone would think that if this game doesnt sell its goodbye PS3?? Ive never in my life seen a game subjected to so much attention of this kind and as it turns out its all good for the game though as its free advertising and with 1.2 million pre orders in Europe already, i don't think it will make a blind bit of difference what anyone says now, the game is going to be huge.

I'm mainly getting it for the multiplayer aspect which looks quite deep and a little more innovative than the single player campaign. My pre order is in.

See you online....unless you see me first!

got to be honest, haven't heard of this game until the last month or so but looking at it, it does seem bloody impressive though unsure if it is still enough to make me get a PS3?

it seems almost to be the PS3's Halo 3, massive title that needs BIG SALES, Halo did 8m+ which is an incrediable amount for a single format title, if anything could do it though for the PS3 then this makes the most likely too date, I've seen little that really stands out above the crowd that isn't a exclusive title.

between this and (love it or hate it) Metal Gear I think it's a vital year for the PS3, with GT5 still seemingly ages away, me thinks it needs a price cut to get people on board.

for me though, still the best thing I've seen to date this year is looking like Resi 5,

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I wouldn't buy a PS3 on the strength of KZ2 alone, but there are some very good titles coming out this year, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Uncharted 2 and there all only on PS3. Ive heard rumours the price cut is coming very soon, probably once KZ2's sales have died down, id certainly consider getting one then.

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Like Gazred I've played the first hour. The graphics are some of, if not the best I've seen. The opening movie, made using the ingame engine just shows how amazing the graphics are - it could almost be real.

Not to sure about the gameplay, I'm fed up of using an entire clip to down 1 trooper, my team mates are as usefull as a chocolate teapot, the opening levels are very linear....However what FPS isn't?

The score is superb as well.

going to hammer the single player and then get some mp madness going.

Ad me Gaz, OldlandRed

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Got it yesterday... played it before and after city and have been hooked!

First impressions are that it is better than call of duty and that it is probably the best FPS game i've ever played.

Graphics are excellent, as mentioned, the score is also brilliant as well as the opening movie.

I love the online, 32 player games and multiple games within one map makes it awesome...

Does anyone want to start a clan...?

And if anyone wants an arsekicking add LT_Bird :)

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That whole last level pissed me off

die, respawn, die, respawn.

Will be intertesting how they follow it up given the very well done ending.

I've noticed your online score, what level do you get the sniper rifle at? I just tend to use the ISA assault rifle at the moment, or shotgun on the more enclosed levels.

Can't believe how s**t the turrets and air support are - A waste of time setting them up!

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Yeh was a real pain that last level, not particularly creative just wave after wave of enemies then Radec and his ability to move faster than you can turn...cheap. Did set it up nicely for KZ3 though.

Scout class comes available once you get General rank, i think its the last one you unlock.

Know exactly what you mean about the Turrets and Air Support. I'm always trying to play with tactics rather than run and gun everywhere so have used these a lot. I have the second badge for the Engineer as its far easier to get kills with the turrets if placed correctly. Ideally you want them high up overlooking high traffic areas, around the search and destroy objective on Saluman Market is a good spot, anywhere on the balcony at Radec Academy is another. If you keep persevering with them you will get those 8 ribbons but countless times i can remember getting 4 kills in a game only for the match to end...1 short...again..arghh.

As for the air support....serious pain in the arse, check out any of the KZ2 forums and you'll find everyone has a problem with these, ive got 5/8 ribbons for it and thats pretty much by purely spamming out air support when playing as tactician and hoping for the best. Best level ive found for getting kills with them is Pyhrus Rise and even then its just down to luck really, only way you can encourage it to happen is stay near your air bot and start softening the enemy up in the hope that your bot will score the final hit and take the kill. General concensus is that they are underpowered, i don't think its a case of that, just bloody hard to get 5 x 8 kills with them as there not designed to kill, just spot enemies and distract. If anything they need to change how you win that badge.

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I'm getting better with the turrets, on Market stick them in a doorway on the main road and you tend to rack up kills in the crossfire that always seems to develop in that road.

I think I'm on 5/8 with them, but could be wrong.

As for the air support, the less said the better. I used it once, and havn't gone Tacticle again.

Some of the Multyplayer games I've had on there have been epic. I remember one game on Pyhrus Rise that saw both teams trying to control the bridge. One side would use team work, move forward and manage to set up a spawn, only to the the other team push them back being just as organised, the canal is another map that can set up some lovely small scale encounters while most of the players just grind each other by going through the buildings.

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Yeh at its core its actually a very tactical game and is very rewarding when you and your squad/team play this way. Just a shame that at the moment half the people seem to be just running around with rocket launchers or just spamming grenades through doorways etc. Hopefully those kind of players will soon get bored, i always try if i can to find a game with friendly fire on, stops the constant spamming around the objective and makes for a better game.

I'm with you on the air support, if i didnt already have the 5/8 i don't think id bother even trying to get it.

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Just thought I'd have a say in this thing...

Looking at my stats on the game, I died 20 times on the bridge level (the one where you have to kill the ATAC, found that impossible!) and 26 times on the last level, though Radec didn't kill me once and wasn't that hard to kill.

Also, the graphics on the nuclear explosion amazed me if any of you had watched that bit?

Is it me, or would it not make a good film?

As for online, I find the turrets completely hopeless and was hoping for something along the lines of what you get in Team Fortress 2 (upgradable ones which get better...)

See no point in air support though they kill me an awful lot when I'm hiding to regain some health...

Though the only reason why I'm trying to get the air support badge is so i can combine the spawn point placing with the speed boost.

I think the sniping is great and having to unlock your second scope is a good idea, so you have to work at being a sniper before you get a better scope.

One of the things which annoys me is when (as Gazred said) you get people spamming rockets, but also people who don't know how to place a good spawn point which just doesn't go anywhere helpful

Your favourite class combinations...?

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