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Fao: Computer Geeks - Help Needed

Percy Parrot

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On my (RUBBISH) Vista laptop I am stuck with Microsoft Works Word Processor. A complete pain as it writes .wps docs rather than .doc.

So every time I write something that I am going to send to people (like my CV!) I have to convert it to .doc . I just save it as a different file. But then, my CV for examples, jumps from 100kb to 30.1mb!! Why? This means it's too big for gmail to send!!!

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Desperately annoyed Percy

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If your CV has images in that might explain the jump in size, sometimes MS products convert to bitmaps which are large.

The best advice already given is to use OpenOffice, it's free and it can save to MS Doc format.

You might want to consider sending a CV in pdf format, I do that because agencies are notorious for editing them. I think Open Office can export to pdf.

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If your CV has images in that might explain the jump in size, sometimes MS products convert to bitmaps which are large.

The best advice already given is to use OpenOffice, it's free and it can save to MS Doc format.

You might want to consider sending a CV in pdf format, I do that because agencies are notorious for editing them. I think Open Office can export to pdf.

Thanks for all the advice guys. I think I will try Open Office. I had no idea agencies would or would be allowed to edit your CV!

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Thanks for all the advice guys. I think I will try Open Office. I had no idea agencies would or would be allowed to edit your CV!

In my personal experience recruitment consultants treat facts with the same casual indifference as estate agents: on that basis, I'd be more shocked if they did NOT edit CVs.

That aside, another +1 for Open Office.

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