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If We End Up In The Play-offs


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A Friend that i drink with and a sponser off Bristol City is looking to charter a plane to take us from Bristol to Newcastle and then coach it from Newcastle to Hartlepool.

We both hope to HELL that this will not be required but if it is we want to know, who will be interested in having a seat on this chartered plane. Costs should be between £30 and £50 including coach but should be cheaper if all seats are taken I.e. £30.

If you are interested and i mean NO MAYBE'S please reply or PM me. I will need credit card or debit card details after we know on Saturday but at the latest Sunday night next week, or you can come up my local pub and pay in cash.

This is no bullsh1t, like i said, we hope that this will not be required but just in case we want to be prepared. Obviously we will need at least thirty people to make this viable.

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