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Ee On Saturday

formerly known as ivan

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i brought this up yesterday, and as i mentioned on my previous post... i tried to purchase 1 adult ticket, and got the aforementioned message. However when i pretended to be U16, it added a ticket to my basket, and allowed me to carry on.

I am not sure what is more unbeleivable

1) the fact that i can get away with being U16


2) the ticket system seems (yet again) to have a glitch in the system.

Advice? pick up the phone and speak to a real person.

Note: i may not be officially U16, but i'm not that far off!!! :whistle2:

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went to the ground to buy a ticket and a few items of clothing for gifts,found out there and then it's online sales only.......then the fun began.

got the iphone out........logged in and unable to purchase,girl in the matchday office blqamed the phone......never failed me before.

same thing at home on the laptop,1 adult........add to basket but the error you all mention appeared.

so i phoned 08712226666 and gave them my online ticket sales email address and password and it worked for them,finally got a ticket for my other half for saturday but i was close to giving up.

can't see my season ticket renewal offer in my account either so that's going to be interesting :innocent06:

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