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Recording Phone Calls

Percy Parrot

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I work in a contact centre and if you are recording people then you have to inform them as part of the data protection act or something as do all contact centres they either have a recorded message saying "calls are recorded for training and quality" or like myself you have to say before i continue calls are recorded not sure about secretly taping but it would be inadmissable in court

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I work in a contact centre and if you are recording people then you have to inform them as part of the data protection act or something as do all contact centres they either have a recorded message saying "calls are recorded for training and quality" or like myself you have to say before i continue calls are recorded not sure about secretly taping but it would be inadmissable in court

But might back a company in to a corner where they really don't want to go to court....

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You can do what you like, its not nessassarily illegal to do this.

Its only when you bring it to a court of law as evidence, then you're on shaky ground, but even then its not always admissible as fact unless it can be verified by the Comms provider who can (i know this for fact) provide data showing where you both were and and what time the call took place. (if you are on mobiles)

It is illegal to record a conversation and then to sell that recording for profit without the other person consent, take phone jacker for instance, he tells them after he makes the prank and gives them £100. It would not work if he said before, obliviously.

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But might back a company in to a corner where they really don't want to go to court....

However good your intentions are, please be careful they can't accuse you of entrapment or blackmail etc.

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However good your intentions are, please be careful they can't accuse you of entrapment or blackmail etc.

True enough but I'm not sure if you can blackmail someone for money you are owed anyway! For now just sitting back to see outcome of court cases others are bringing against them.


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But might back a company in to a corner where they really don't want to go to court....

Well I don't know what problem you have but - Threats work! Especially if you can prove to them you are a dedicated nutjob hell-bent on their destruction unless they comply with your terms!

Make sure you speak to the person who can make the decision you need, don't get fobbed off with some office manager Dorris, I always ask to speak to boss of the person I need to speak to, then i escalate it again, then again, and again until I'm at least speaking to a director and by this point they will start flapping and usually give you what you want before you ask for their boss too! Always quote the law if its in your favour, always remind them how damaging bad PR can be (I don't know if its a big company, but the bigger the better) Threaten them with your local rag or the red tops, always mention any governing body who may oversea the companies social, financial or moral standings, like OFCOM, or the financial-ombudsman etc... make them scared, and think if you were them. what would make you nervous. and then do that.

Always be polite, but firm and you'll get what you need. You just need to convince them that compared to the pure havoc you'll create for them and the greif it will cause, your request is a let off.

Might be teaching you to suck eggs, but I consider myself adept in this particular area.

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I've used one of these with a dictaphone before:

Olympus TP7

Does the job, but is far better on a landline than a mobile, because there's a lot of interference on a mobile.

My advice would be, record a few phonecalls before the actual one, to make sure you know how it works properly.

Alternatively, whack it on speakerphone in a quiet room.

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I've used one of these with a dictaphone before:

Olympus TP7

Does the job, but is far better on a landline than a mobile, because there's a lot of interference on a mobile.

My advice would be, record a few phonecalls before the actual one, to make sure you know how it works properly.

Alternatively, whack it on speakerphone in a quiet room.

thats the way ahead

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