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Middle East Madness

Maesknoll Red

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Thats a bit harsh.

Also that Journo girl who bought a bottle of wine in Iran and got arrested for it!, the shop keeper who sold her the wine gets off scott free, and to add insult to injury it was HIM who called the Police!


It is my considered opinion that cretain Muslim logic is questionable at best, couple that with "make it up as you go along shia law" and you have a recipe for disaster when talking about human rights or treatment of females.....oh wait, yes its a disaster now sorry i forgot.

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The best thing that we can do is burn every religious book ever written.

When you have a bunch of Terry ****wits alive in 2009 that are about to deal 40 lashes to a women in her 70's for being in the company of two men she doesn't know and consider that some kind of religious crime, you got to ask yourself, if there saviour god gives the green light for that to happen then I'll go without thanks very much!

Probably as soon as they finished with the lashes there off down the bookies to place a bet and then off to the boozer somewhere to celebrate another day of making the rules up as they go along.

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