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Blackthorn Cider Relaunch


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Not tried the new one yet but the description sounds pretty awful to be honest.

I quite like Blackthorn - it's not the best cider at all. But as far as cider you can buy outside of the west country then yeah, it's far better than Magners or the like. And I quite like their branding too (sponsoring City, the sign on the M4 "Welcome to Cider Country" blah blah) but feel they could be making a mistake here.

Why take on a market that already has Strongbow, Magners etc etc.

Oh, and you're all stupid and not real cider drinkers because no-one has mentioned Wilkins Cider Farm yet! Now that, that ladies and gentlemen is a cider and an experience. Few places can you drink a pint and a half taster before you buy and then expect to pay around £2.50 for a gallon.

If any of you have never been and come from the Shire then I suggest you get yourself down Roger's place near Wedmore ASAP.

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Guest MaloneFM
Give me a Newcastle Brown anyday

Yes I wouldn't oil my bike with anything else.

Cripple C ock. Picture of a rooster on a crutch on the label. Obviously

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Most drinkers wouldn't have a clue what was in their cider. Most of it is full of nasty chemicals, but that doesn't bother the majority so long as their mates drink the same stuff.

Can't understand it. Why don't people demand decent (traditional & natural) cider and ale?

Drinking cider like Blackthorn is like eating a McDonalds burger when a prime fillet steak is on offer.

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Have to confess - I like a drop of Addlestones Cloudy - Hmmmm (and Rich's Farmhouse Dry - from Mark) :drunk2:

As there is no Natch where I live, I have to settle for Thatchers Gold and had previously made good use of the large Blackthorn stocks in the local Somerfield......

Now what do I do!!!?


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Well this is terrible terrible news! Trying to "attract new customers to the brand"!!! Why o why would they want to do this! this is not guna gain them many customers and the ones that are gained will just make up the numbers of the people they loose here in the South West! don't try and break something that isnt broken! Guna have to spend even more time up the Cori Tap drinking a good exhibition :laugh:!

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Weak and sweet is London thing.

Not really, It's bloody impossible to find Cider in London....and it's usually Magners!

Anyway, I think it's ridiculous they've done this. What ever happened to "If it's not broken don''t fix it!" They're just trying to follow the new cider brand that's out there, such as Magners.... Give me something cloudy any day.

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Stowfords for me now. Sold at the mighty Claverham CC.

Managed to get a bar company serving this liquiid gold at my wedding in Oxfordshire. I can be sure that The Groom's side will be happy they have apples to drink after the trip East, as it's usually Strongbow in pubs round here (or Scrumpy Jack in my favourite drinker)


It is hard to find decent Cider outside the Fatherland (3 months in Bulgaria was a challenge), and I am so confused that Gaymer have done this.

Thorn has it's markets (ours and scotland- apparantly they are also made of tougher, non sweet stuff!) and could really upset it's current stronghold by trying to gain MORE!

Why didn't they:

>make a sweeter version and sell it in Strongbow Land. :me?:

>produce a different, bottled brand that tastes like Magners. :me?:

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