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Exciled In Munich


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Hello to one and all,

First post, and what can i say! Lived here for about 5 months after being persueded (forcefully!) by my she-devil (only joking princess buttercups) of a girlfriend! Relying heavilly on the old man to give me goal alert text and commentary the next day to keep up with things, whenever the mighty reds have graced sky of late so has international rugby, so haven't even managed to see them properly for what seems like yonks! Depressing really! :englandsmile4wf:

Its not all bad though, great place to live, great beer and great food! oh, and spending quality time with my misses too!

Anybody on here know any reliable (if they exist!) streams for future matches?

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Hello to one and all,

First post, and what can i say! Lived here for about 5 months after being persueded (forcefully!) by my she-devil (only joking princess buttercups) of a girlfriend! Relying heavilly on the old man to give me goal alert text and commentary the next day to keep up with things, whenever the mighty reds have graced sky of late so has international rugby, so haven't even managed to see them properly for what seems like yonks! Depressing really! :englandsmile4wf:

Its not all bad though, great place to live, great beer and great food! oh, and spending quality time with my misses too!

Anybody on here know any reliable (if they exist!) streams for future matches?

atdhe.net usually works, and there's a list provided on this post; http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=110888

not that i endorse using any such services...

hope the life down there amongst the bavarians is treating you ok

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