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Run Fat Jim Run

Percy Parrot

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In just under 3 weeks time while most of us are enjoying a nice lie-in, thousands of foolish idiots will be pounding the streets running the London Marathon. Anyone who attempts this is brave but when you're built like Michelin Man it can best be called stupid - and they don't come much more stupid than Bristol City's media-assistant Jimmy Healey.

On this occasion however his stupidity will result in some good. Jim is running on behalf of Diabetes UK who provide research and education into diabetes as well as support for those who suffer from it. With 2.5 million sufferers across the country Diabetes UK need all the help they can to help sufferers lead a normal life and cut the tragic deaths that can be caused by it. So please help Jimmy achieve his £2,000 target by donating online at http://www.justgiving.com/jameshealey

It's not just about Jimmy's gruelling fitness regime (though it is funny) and it's not just about the pain and agony he will be going through on that Sunday morning (though this too is funny) - it's about fighting against a condition that affects so many people both young and old. Please donate what you can - it will be much appreciated. Thanks for reading :)


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