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Lift From Ag On Sunday?

Percy Parrot

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Anyone going to the game from near Ashton Gate on Sunday? If so any chance I could get a lift? Obviously I can walk somewhere for a pick up too.

Also - if anyone plays tomorrow let us know how hard the pitches in Bristol are at the moment. Boots or astroturfs. Had awful trouble at the last game in boots and am now a few studs down too!


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Anyone going to the game from near Ashton Gate on Sunday? If so any chance I could get a lift? Obviously I can walk somewhere for a pick up too.

Also - if anyone plays tomorrow let us know how hard the pitches in Bristol are at the moment. Boots or astroturfs. Had awful trouble at the last game in boots and am now a few studs down too!


I can give you a lift mate, since i live just up the road in whitchurch

You may have to excuse my music though :tumbleweed:

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