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Moving On

Percy Parrot

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First of all a huge thank you to all of you who made today's game happen. I really enjoyed myself.

I write what is below on the basis of the players we've had play in the last few games. I don't know how much of a regular team we can get together, whether we'll play many games or whether anyone really cares enough to try to improve the team (the direction the team takes can be decided by those putting in the organisational effort I'd say)

But we should have won today. We were better and younger than the opposition so it was disappointing to lose it towards the end and concede two soft goals. But there are some really simple things I think we can do to improve ourselves with the same bunch of players.


- Throw-ins - there shouldn't be one foul throw.

- Time - too often we're rushing free-kicks before we've got ourselves in position etc.

- Winning balls - Lost far too many 50/50s, headers and 'seconds'. I think it's just fitness, confidence to attack the ball etc. But we have to want every ball and have a red mist when we lose it, a desire to get it back

- Organisation - we don't know names yet which makes it hard. But so many times two people went to the same player and left a man totally free. It ended up with us doing too much running and I think caused us all to be more tired than a more "mature" opposition come the end

- Areas - let's just worry about our own area and not get dragged. Far too often we had people chasing balls and getting well out of position. If you go, you have to make sure someone covers you/we need to cover other people


- Line. We need to work out each other's fitness levels and decide where we will be and when we will push. Far too often we had no line. IF we have the speed and fitness we should push up to half way all the time. Yes there is a risk of balls over the top (but you can negate that by dropping 5 yards once ball kicked) but benefits of our support to the midfield far outweigh the risks.

- Areas - full-backs need to just worry about closing the flanks down. Centre-halves anything in the middle is yours. Let's make sure we remember positions.

- Shifting across and getting a man. Too often today the opposition would suddenly flood one flank - just push across/up as necessary to make sure we have one man on each "active" player.


- Really tough today as they were strong there. Taking control of the middle of the pitch is essential though.

- When possession breaks down you need to run like hell to get back. Defenders should never have to take on midfielders who burst through. That's the job of midfield. I know it's damn hard work...that's why I don't play there :)

- When in possession we should always have one midfielder square of or behind the man with the ball, the others in front to give passing options. (think of it as LJ on the ball - McIndoe, Sproule and Adebola should be the passing options with Elliott square of behind LJ in case LJ needs the backwards option or loses possession)

- Don't be afraid to shoot from distance if we have poor goalkeepers in the opposition. If it goes 10 yards wide it doesn't matter...if he skids across the ground and the keeper misses it or spills it as it often the case at grass roots level then it could easily be a goal.


- You will need to come back for corners and chase back on breaks.

- When we're attacking make sure one of you drops short for the simple pass from midfield and the other gambles on a ball over the top/through the defence.

- With high balls make sure you're not too far apart - 10 yards is all. One short and the other longer for the flick-on.


Most of the above is best sorted in games but if we have the chance to get some of us together on the Downs or Ashton Park then we should. It'd only take 2 jumpers and we can have defence vs attack routines to sort ourselves out and discuss what we're aiming to do.

As with games I'm sure there are always some people who can't make certain days. I know my weekends are getting very busy over the summer but we can see who can make what days.

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First of all a huge thank you to all of you who made today's game happen. I really enjoyed myself.

I write what is below on the basis of the players we've had play in the last few games. I don't know how much of a regular team we can get together, whether we'll play many games or whether anyone really cares enough to try to improve the team (the direction the team takes can be decided by those putting in the organisational effort I'd say)

But we should have won today. We were better and younger than the opposition so it was disappointing to lose it towards the end and concede two soft goals. But there are some really simple things I think we can do to improve ourselves with the same bunch of players.


- Throw-ins - there shouldn't be one foul throw.

- Time - too often we're rushing free-kicks before we've got ourselves in position etc.

- Winning balls - Lost far too many 50/50s, headers and 'seconds'. I think it's just fitness, confidence to attack the ball etc. But we have to want every ball and have a red mist when we lose it, a desire to get it back

- Organisation - we don't know names yet which makes it hard. But so many times two people went to the same player and left a man totally free. It ended up with us doing too much running and I think caused us all to be more tired than a more "mature" opposition come the end

- Areas - let's just worry about our own area and not get dragged. Far too often we had people chasing balls and getting well out of position. If you go, you have to make sure someone covers you/we need to cover other people


- Line. We need to work out each other's fitness levels and decide where we will be and when we will push. Far too often we had no line. IF we have the speed and fitness we should push up to half way all the time. Yes there is a risk of balls over the top (but you can negate that by dropping 5 yards once ball kicked) but benefits of our support to the midfield far outweigh the risks.

- Areas - full-backs need to just worry about closing the flanks down. Centre-halves anything in the middle is yours. Let's make sure we remember positions.

- Shifting across and getting a man. Too often today the opposition would suddenly flood one flank - just push across/up as necessary to make sure we have one man on each "active" player.


- Really tough today as they were strong there. Taking control of the middle of the pitch is essential though.

- When possession breaks down you need to run like hell to get back. Defenders should never have to take on midfielders who burst through. That's the job of midfield. I know it's damn hard work...that's why I don't play there :)

- When in possession we should always have one midfielder square of or behind the man with the ball, the others in front to give passing options. (think of it as LJ on the ball - McIndoe, Sproule and Adebola should be the passing options with Elliott square of behind LJ in case LJ needs the backwards option or loses possession)

- Don't be afraid to shoot from distance if we have poor goalkeepers in the opposition. If it goes 10 yards wide it doesn't matter...if he skids across the ground and the keeper misses it or spills it as it often the case at grass roots level then it could easily be a goal.


- You will need to come back for corners and chase back on breaks.

- When we're attacking make sure one of you drops short for the simple pass from midfield and the other gambles on a ball over the top/through the defence.

- With high balls make sure you're not too far apart - 10 yards is all. One short and the other longer for the flick-on.


Most of the above is best sorted in games but if we have the chance to get some of us together on the Downs or Ashton Park then we should. It'd only take 2 jumpers and we can have defence vs attack routines to sort ourselves out and discuss what we're aiming to do.

As with games I'm sure there are always some people who can't make certain days. I know my weekends are getting very busy over the summer but we can see who can make what days.

Training isnt a p[roblem..I can get that sorted and squared away ....even a few training sessions with Real Bristol may be on the cards...Scoot our manager runs a very good session....and I will talk with Ben(we8gas) and discuss if it would benifit our team ....so stay tunned.

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Also ..guys if you are interested Real may be looking to enter a second sunday team......as we currenlty have a very big squad...if you are looking for games etc...and want to sign up next season as a preliminary head count to see if we could raise a second team. Pm me you intrest..if you want to commit to a sunday league etc.

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Also ..guys if you are interested Real may be looking to enter a second sunday team......as we currenlty have a very big squad...if you are looking for games etc...and want to sign up next season as a preliminary head count to see if we could raise a second team. Pm me you intrest..if you want to commit to a sunday league etc.

I would definitely be interested in a Sunday team for next season. What standard is it?

Only thing is that unless I get work soon then the chances of me being on the road by September are slim...and then it's a long way from Bedminster just for home games. But yes, interested.

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Guest Eamer

If any training comes up I'd definately be interested in coming along. I've got very unfit whilst I've been at Uni. Too much driving to/from Cheltenham and resting and not enough out-and-about. At the moment I have no idea what the summer holds for me as I'd have finished my Uni course by then so I'll be seeing where it leads me to. But as I said, I'd be up for getting the group together to train/practice etc. even if we just come out of it learning each others names then we've got something sorted.

On the Real Bristol front; I imagine I'd be fine for a training session and a game per week... obviously dependant on the standard of play. I don't want to be a huge letdown to the side or anything.

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Interesting views there guys....

Thoroughly endured, I mean, enjoyed Sunday's game. Lucky with the weather and good to play against a team with a good attitude...I've been to see the City v Rovers Fans Forum matches before and I've enjoyed those too....

Considering your team was thrown together at the last moment, some of you not knowing each other's names, it was a display that was more than competent. Certainly didn't look that way. My MOM was the guy with Tancock on his back (not sure who he is on here ), cultured display in midfield from him I'd suggest...though I did think the big unit up front for the parents had a stormer... :surrender: . We've never played together before but we all love football and our kids all play for the same team so there is a love of football there in us. Most of us support either City or Rovers with one maverick folowing the hoops... :disapointed2se:

Anyhow, good luck in the future, both with your team and with City too. I hope we can get a match pre-season with you, would be fun to have another match. I should be walking straight in a week or two so should be fit(ter) for the replay.

All the best


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First of all a huge thank you to all of you who made today's game happen. I really enjoyed myself.

I write what is below on the basis of the players we've had play in the last few games. I don't know how much of a regular team we can get together, whether we'll play many games or whether anyone really cares enough to try to improve the team (the direction the team takes can be decided by those putting in the organisational effort I'd say)

But we should have won today. We were better and younger than the opposition so it was disappointing to lose it towards the end and concede two soft goals. But there are some really simple things I think we can do to improve ourselves with the same bunch of players.


- Throw-ins - there shouldn't be one foul throw.

- Time - too often we're rushing free-kicks before we've got ourselves in position etc.

- Winning balls - Lost far too many 50/50s, headers and 'seconds'. I think it's just fitness, confidence to attack the ball etc. But we have to want every ball and have a red mist when we lose it, a desire to get it back

- Organisation - we don't know names yet which makes it hard. But so many times two people went to the same player and left a man totally free. It ended up with us doing too much running and I think caused us all to be more tired than a more "mature" opposition come the end

- Areas - let's just worry about our own area and not get dragged. Far too often we had people chasing balls and getting well out of position. If you go, you have to make sure someone covers you/we need to cover other people


- Line. We need to work out each other's fitness levels and decide where we will be and when we will push. Far too often we had no line. IF we have the speed and fitness we should push up to half way all the time. Yes there is a risk of balls over the top (but you can negate that by dropping 5 yards once ball kicked) but benefits of our support to the midfield far outweigh the risks.

- Areas - full-backs need to just worry about closing the flanks down. Centre-halves anything in the middle is yours. Let's make sure we remember positions.

- Shifting across and getting a man. Too often today the opposition would suddenly flood one flank - just push across/up as necessary to make sure we have one man on each "active" player.


- Really tough today as they were strong there. Taking control of the middle of the pitch is essential though.

- When possession breaks down you need to run like hell to get back. Defenders should never have to take on midfielders who burst through. That's the job of midfield. I know it's damn hard work...that's why I don't play there :)

- When in possession we should always have one midfielder square of or behind the man with the ball, the others in front to give passing options. (think of it as LJ on the ball - McIndoe, Sproule and Adebola should be the passing options with Elliott square of behind LJ in case LJ needs the backwards option or loses possession)

- Don't be afraid to shoot from distance if we have poor goalkeepers in the opposition. If it goes 10 yards wide it doesn't matter...if he skids across the ground and the keeper misses it or spills it as it often the case at grass roots level then it could easily be a goal.


- You will need to come back for corners and chase back on breaks.

- When we're attacking make sure one of you drops short for the simple pass from midfield and the other gambles on a ball over the top/through the defence.

- With high balls make sure you're not too far apart - 10 yards is all. One short and the other longer for the flick-on.


Most of the above is best sorted in games but if we have the chance to get some of us together on the Downs or Ashton Park then we should. It'd only take 2 jumpers and we can have defence vs attack routines to sort ourselves out and discuss what we're aiming to do.

As with games I'm sure there are always some people who can't make certain days. I know my weekends are getting very busy over the summer but we can see who can make what days.

Agree with all of the above, Pete.

It is looking promising that we have now had 12+ players in two consecutive games, which gives us room to apply the above.

I'd certainly be up for a training session and will look to organise one shortly. What days/dates suit you guys?

I'll try to get some more fixtures arranged, and I know Nick is working on some too.

Hopefully we'll hear back from the Media dept. guys very soon, too.

Interesting views there guys....

Thoroughly endured, I mean, enjoyed Sunday's game. Lucky with the weather and good to play against a team with a good attitude...I've been to see the City v Rovers Fans Forum matches before and I've enjoyed those too....

Considering your team was thrown together at the last moment, some of you not knowing each other's names, it was a display that was more than competent. Certainly didn't look that way. My MOM was the guy with Tancock on his back (not sure who he is on here ), cultured display in midfield from him I'd suggest...though I did think the big unit up front for the parents had a stormer... :surrender: . We've never played together before but we all love football and our kids all play for the same team so there is a love of football there in us. Most of us support either City or Rovers with one maverick folowing the hoops... :disapointed2se:

Anyhow, good luck in the future, both with your team and with City too. I hope we can get a match pre-season with you, would be fun to have another match. I should be walking straight in a week or two so should be fit(ter) for the replay.

All the best


Kind words there, that would be me. :blush: It was a good team effort though, and we will certainly improve, as we get to know one anothers style, position, and indeed, names!

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Agree with all of the above, Pete.

It is looking promising that we have now had 12+ players in two consecutive games, which gives us room to apply the above.

I'd certainly be up for a training session and will look to organise one shortly. What days/dates suit you guys?

I'll try to get some more fixtures arranged, and I know Nick is working on some too.

Hopefully we'll hear back from the Media dept. guys very soon, too.

Kind words there, that would be me. :blush: It was a good team effort though, and we will certainly improve, as we get to know one anothers style, position, and indeed, names!

I think it would help us no end as well to have a recognised captain, for example before kick off against DRG the ref asked for both captains, and me and the other lad up front (Alex I think - please correct me if wrong as will help me with names) both kind of shrugged our shoulders before volunteering matt :laugh:

Anyways I've made a promise to myself to get in better shape for the team as I was very disappointed with my own performance on sunday (of course having a big guy jump and land stud first on my big toe didn't help matters)

P.S Matt, with praise like that looks like you're the star of the team eh, lets hope GJ doesn't come in for you

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I'd definately be up for training. Now the season is over (almost) I can do Saturdays and sundays.

Very interested in playing again (couldn't make the last match).

Also, depending on the standard of football, I'd plop my name down for the Real team.

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