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Euro 2004 Glory Or Promotion?!


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Hey!! Don't know whether this thread has been done before(sorry if it has), but would anyone here argue that they'd prefer England to win Euro 2004 than City to get promoted if they could only guarantee one?!

I find it a lot more difficult to identify with the current overpaid crop of England Internationals, than our current mainly homegrown bunch of players and would definitely not hesitate in taking promotion over Euro 2004 glory. While winning Euro 2004 would be great for English Football, the feel-good factor would only be short-lived whereas for fans of Bristol City if promotion is achieved the club can only continue to grow in strength and attempt to establish itself in a higher-division. With the current trend of obtaining Capacity-crowds the rewards associated with Division One and increased Season-ticket holders can only be fantastic for the future of Bristol City!

For starters, I believe it is imperative that we go up this season what with the outlay spent on bringing back Murray(or cancelling off Reading's payment..), purchasing Miller, Wilkshire, Goodfellow and co as it seems that wholesale changes are likely if we don't go up. I can see us having to cash in on some of our better younger players such as Danny Coles, Tommy Doherty and (cough*)Aaron Brown if we don't go up whereas if we clinch promotion with a few additions this squad of players really have the potential to develop into a First-Class Unit. Some may argue that fringe players such as Joe Burnell, Clayton Fortune, Craig Woodman etc could easily fill the void in Division 2 but I'd much rather build on the foundations that have been set in place already this season. With a lot of players out of contract in the Summer staying down could be catastrophic..!

Rather than waffling on(seem to have done that enough already)does anyone here have any thoughts or differences of opinion to this?!?! Anyway...here's hoping we've all got something to celebrate on Saturday and as an added bonus at the end of June...you never know winning Euro 2004 could help relieve QPR fans from a deep-depression...here's hoping...!!

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Thats easy - City to get promotion !

I spend a large part of my life supporting City - England is just a team I watch now and again. Its nice if they win and everyone gets very excited, but at the end of the day its a limited competition for European nations - its not the world cup.

And if you asked me if I'd prefer promotion or the world cup its still promotion.

I think the test is to ask yourself the question the other way around 'which would make you more MISERABLE ? - failing to get promotion or failing to win the European Championships ?'

I'd be miserable for ages if we fail to get promotion, but id get over going out of Euro 2004 after a couple of pints !

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No contest. City Promoted

I go to most games home and away so being promoted would both please and affect me much more. I've been to Saltergate and Kenilworth road etc anough times and want to be going to Elland Road, Molenuiex and stadium of light next season!!!!!!!

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city up - no probs - i will still be drunk when euro 2004 comes around!

now a world cup - that would be great but for me as a born, bred and proud Bristolian through and through - i would love the red and white to be in div one...

Although i am a born, bred and proud englishman!!


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While winning Euro 2004 would be great for English Football, the feel-good factor would only be short-lived
... erm, actually, we'd never hear the last of it! 1966 anyone? (Yeah, I know that was the World Cup!).

Or, as another poster put it "I hate the jingoism that accompanies England matches in big tournaments".

City every time!!!

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Guest LeicesterRed

I couldn`t care less what England do. Most of the players are prima donas anywayand will prance about on the pitch earning thier vast wages, when it should be an honour to play for your country, and do it for nothing.

City for promotion, that`s what matters.

See you all in Div 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest North Street

My perfect year would have been success for England and promotion for City so as i am going to Euro 2004 i would opt for England Euro 2004 Glory.

I believe City will go up in the near future but honestly feel England will be nowhere near good enough to win a championship in the next ten years.The experience of watching England abroad at Places like Munich [nobody enjoy that one then?], Rome, Amsterdam, Budapest and recently Gothenburg is just a tad more enjoyable than a miserable 1-0 mid week defeat at Tranmere.Over paid & underachieving? Sounds like some of ours does it not ? Jingoism? Believe what you read do you? 99% of England supporters are thoroughly decent people just like City fans who also get tarred with the same brush[and we don''t like it either]! So yes Northstreet would choose on this occassion England to win the Euro championships.Close your eyes and imagine the Mother of all parties on the Waterfront after Englands victory.

Ps Sheffield Wednesday 1 Qpr 1

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I'm off to Portugal for 4 weeks, expecting England to make it to the final coasting more money than I have. Still I would all ways choose club over country which I have proved when City played Grimsby (although still made it to Portugal in time for the game)

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Guest exiledred

club then country for sure.

supporting city is a full time job, england is part time

but promotion and euro 2004 would be nice!!!

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