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Glastonbury Ticket

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Best thing to do would be keeping a very close eye on the Glasto board.

Glasto Board

Else you can try what I did back in '98. Get yourself down there a week early and try and blag your way in. Once in, track down a Senior Steward and see if you can get some sort of stewarding job on site (Green Fields will be the best place for this, Green Future's even better). They happely gave me an wrist band and I did'nt even do any real work, justb got ###### with the rest of them.

Many crews set up in the last 2 weeks before the festival and have blank tickets to get people in. If you know anyone at all who is working a crew, lean on them as much as poss.

I've got my ear to the ground so if anything comes up i'll PM you with details

Good luck

Edit; just got this of the Glasto home page, not good reading,


All tickets for this year's Festival have been sold. All duplicates and returned tickets have also been sold. The Festival only sold tickets through Aloud.com and the ticketline run by Wayahead Ticket Agency. Any other agencies, boxoffices or auctions are not official outlets, and will not be allocated any tickets by the Festival. Ticketholders are reminded that all tickets are non-transferable and will be personalised with checks on the gates.

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Hey Sico,

Thanks for the advise will keep my ears to the ground and hopefully get somewhere. Will give you a shout if i get anything or any tip offs of some tickets becoming available.

Just as a side note - one of the recruitmwnt agencies in North street are looking for staff for Glasto, was thinking i might get a job and just do a runner as such once i am in the grounds!

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Just as a side note - one of the recruitmwnt agencies in North street are looking for staff for Glasto, was thinking i might get a job and just do a runner as such once i am in the grounds!
Have a look, but be aware, you may have to put down a deposit of more than the face value on a ticket.

They pull the same stunt with the greenpeace and litter teams. Very cunning.

Have a look though and if it's any good, please please let us know. I have a list as long as my arm of people who want in.

Good luck again

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