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One In Three Children In The Uk Are Living In Poverty

Mr Mosquito

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One in three children in the UK are now living in poverty while MP's are defrauding us with massive expense claims. The UK's politicians are also donating record amounts of our money to prop up the corrupt enemy alien organisation that is the European Union - isn't it time for a change?

Source: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/news_and_event...s.htm?ref=46401

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Why would you choose to bring a child into an already impoverished household?

I'll answer your question with a quote from the 'end child poverty campaign'.....

"4 million children - one in three - are currently living in poverty in the UK, one of the highest rates in the industrialised world. This is a shocking figure given the wealth of our nation."

Source: http://www.endchildpoverty.org.uk/

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Why would you choose to bring a child into an already impoverished household?

Money, money money! More benefits, more chance of getting a flat/house/bigger house. Also keeps at least one parent at home, ie not having to get a job....The list goes on.

I worked for years with such families, they know how to work the system. I used to do home visits, some places were so filthy that your feet stuck to the floor, young kids running around naked (saves on washing clothes!) holding their bag of crisps and bottle of tea (complete with teabag still inside, easy to just top up now and again). The one thing they had in common, gleaming plasma tv sets complete with sky tv etc!

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These poverty stats are a nonsense as it is only a relative measure.

If Bill Gates and Warren Buffet moved here tomorrow that would see more kids defined as being "in poverty" despite nothing in their circumstances changing.

Poverty in this context is defined off the median not the mean so actually that isn't entirely true.

It is a relative measure but if the sultan of brunei moves in tomorrow that won't actually affect much.

If you have a nose over the actual report from the DWP it's really about measuring income inequality. Over the last 10 years inequality has reduced slightly but the recession probably just ###### that up.

I do wonder what a scheme that forced the long term unemployed to actually do community work for benefits would do for poverty sometimes. Particularly when I see how much tax I'm paying.

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Money, money money! More benefits, more chance of getting a flat/house/bigger house. Also keeps at least one parent at home, ie not having to get a job....The list goes on.

I worked for years with such families, they know how to work the system. I used to do home visits, some places were so filthy that your feet stuck to the floor, young kids running around naked (saves on washing clothes!) holding their bag of crisps and bottle of tea (complete with teabag still inside, easy to just top up now and again). The one thing they had in common, gleaming plasma tv sets complete with sky tv etc!

Writing of benefit scams :innocent06: ...........

"Tory MP claimed £15,000 to pay his daughter rent". Yep, Tory Toff Bill Cash's adult daughter gets money from our taxes to pay her rent.....


Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

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Toffing Hell !!! Yet another state scrounging Tory Toff Telegraph piccie :icecream: .....


According to the Telegraph: "Bill Cash claimed for £15,000 in rent for his daughter and for his wife Bridget's stays with him at the Carlton Club"....some families and their kids want for nothing and all at taxpayers' (OUR) expense. :rolleyes:

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Money, money money! More benefits, more chance of getting a flat/house/bigger house. Also keeps at least one parent at home, ie not having to get a job....The list goes on.

I worked for years with such families, they know how to work the system. I used to do home visits, some places were so filthy that your feet stuck to the floor, young kids running around naked (saves on washing clothes!) holding their bag of crisps and bottle of tea (complete with teabag still inside, easy to just top up now and again). The one thing they had in common, gleaming plasma tv sets complete with sky tv etc!

Difference is - if they get caught, they will get done for benefit fraud

These MP's are already wealthy and they are taking alot more money - but will they get done for fraud???!

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Difference is - if they get caught, they will get done for benefit fraud

These MP's are already wealthy and they are taking alot more money - but will they get done for fraud???!

True. But another difference is that the non MP's use their child/chidren for 'protection'. They know how difficult it is for children to be taken into care. They say that if they are fined or 'banged up' the children will lose out. I'm sure the amount of benefit fraud is well known but it's easier to turn a blind eye than to investigate and gain extra work in some cases.

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True. But another difference is that the non MP's use their child/chidren for 'protection'. They know how difficult it is for children to be taken into care. They say that if they are fined or 'banged up' the children will lose out. I'm sure the amount of benefit fraud is well known but it's easier to turn a blind eye than to investigate and gain extra work in some cases.

You quote some very extreme parental examples. Most parents are hard working and pay tax and are on minimal wages and struggle with massive housing costs and utility bills. They really have got little money left over for themselves and their children. That's why people are very angry with their plutocratic MPs who are defrauding all of us while most people now struggle financially. An excellent shout from Barnardos for highlighting this fact.

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Its very subjective.

Poverty in the UK is a world away from poverty in Asia or Africa. Having spent a lot of time in Asia I consider poverty very different to what your average Brit might.

People in the UK probably consider poverty in the UK being without Sky or Alcohol, or fags or maybe missing the odd meal or not having enough gas to keep warm for the odd week, pffft easy life.

Real poverty is children lying half dead in the streets, literally left for dead while people step over their malnourished frames pretending they are not there. Your only hope is death or prostitution.

It makes me mad when i see all these forking spongers in the UK greifing the government about their lot, get off your fat ######g lazy daytime TV watching arses and do something apart from moan at how s**t your treated.

I have little sympathy for people on long term benefits, in fact they disgust me.

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I have little sympathy for people on long term benefits, in fact they disgust me.

Your failure to understand astonishes me, it isn't just people on benefits that are finding it hard to cope it's working families as well. No way do I want to be subsidizing Lib-Lab-Con political parasites with my taxes any longer - to the Gulag or Guillotine with them depending on your revolutionary Russian or French democratic viewpoint. :winner_third_h4h:

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