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Uk Politics Has Never Been So Exciting !

Mr Mosquito

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Jacqui Smith, Labour Home Secretary, is resigning. :winner_third_h4h: May many of her corrupt and fraudulent expense claiming Lib-Lab-Con colleagues soon follow. Next stop prison hopefully - where us 'mere mortals' would be sent had we defrauded the taxpayer........


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Jacqui Smith, Labour Home Secretary, is resigning. :winner_third_h4h: May many of her corrupt and fraudulent expense claiming Lib-Lab-Con colleagues soon follow. Next stop prison hopefully - where us 'mere mortals' would be sent had we defrauded the taxpayer........


mr eyebrows will be next but how jacqui smith has the cheek to say she wants to carry on as a mp is beyond me she lost her job because she is corrupt so why the hell should she be allowed to carry on working as a mp

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....It seems that way. :dancing6: I wonder who's next on the Daily Telegraph's expense claims allegations hit list? :dancing2:

I'm hoping they're saving the best for last and we will find out all about David Cameron and Gordon Brown's night of passion in the Paris Ritz with a troupe of Brazillian flamenco dancing transexuals flow in on concorde at the taxpayers expense over breakfast tomorrow.

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I'm hoping they're saving the best for last and we will find out all about David Cameron and Gordon Brown's night of passion in the Paris Ritz with a troupe of Brazillian flamenco dancing transexuals flow in on concorde at the taxpayers expense over breakfast tomorrow.

I reckon you could be right. The Daily Telegraph seems hell bent on blowing both the Tories and Labour out of the water - surprising really as I thought the Daily Telegraph supported the Tories and they seem hell bent on exposing the Tories as well.

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