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Gordon Brown

Mr Mosquito

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After reading this morning's headlines, I'm shocked to read of the amount of Labour MPs that are abandoning Gordon Brown. It seems that Gordon Brown has in no way been involved in claiming fraudulent expenses and yet his most corrupt MPs - that have been claiming for Porn Videos etc - are the ones plunging the knives in his back !!!!!!! :noexpression: There's that old saying that you know who your true friends are when you're down and Gordon Brown doesn't seem to be left with many in his Labour Party. Not surprising given that the Labour Party has been hijacked by back stabbing lawyers and college lecturer types. :whistle2:

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Feel sorry for him? The British public did not vote for him to be Prime Minister and my only hope is that he survives long enough for the British public to kick him out.

The Euro results will be coming out later today - I'm hoping for nothing short of total humiliation for the fraudulent expense claiming EU loving Lib-Lab-Con. :winner_third_h4h:

Apparently, the Labour Party's top unelected Toff - Lord Mandelson - portrayed Gordon Brown as "insecure", "self-conscious" and "angry" in a leaked email. So, the knives are already out for Gordon Brown from the band of expense claiming criminals he's surrrounded himself with. The Parliamentary Labour Party - what a nasty bunch of characters they are.

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20090607/tuk-go...io-dba1618.html

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