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Daniel Hannan - Rising Star Of The Tories

Mr Mosquito

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I voted UKIP in the European Election and stayed up to listen to Nigel Farage lambast our illegal membership of the European Union that the corrupt Tory Toffs took us into in 1973. Sharing the stage - as an EU election victor with Nigel Farage - was Tory Daniel Hannan who spoke and mentioned Oliver Cromwell's speech in 1653 to the corrupt Parliament of his day. Hannan went on to agree with Nigel Farage's viewpoint on the EU and he also quoted from one of his childrens' Dr Zuess books in relation to Gordon Brown having to go or hold a General Election. :winner_third_h4h: Daniel Hannan has to be the best Tory speaker I've ever heard and a man of the highest anti European Union integrity - the best of British luck to him.

As for the Labour party, it's the likes of Michael Meacher MP that could save them but because he was anti Iraq war, gave criticism of Blair and Brown's privatization policies, and is too traditional Labour I doubt if he'll get a look in.

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He said the NHS was a '60 year mistake.'

OK, Winston Churchill - as a Tory MP - gave better speeches than Daniel Hannan during World War 2. The NHS remains the high water mark of Labour achievement. Unfortunately for Labour, they've allowed their party to be hijacked by sleazy lawyers and college lecturers and have completely lost touch at Parliamentary level with their core working class support. Gordon brown must be completely barmy to have invited Thatcher to No. 10 - how many votes did this incident lose Labour :noexpression: ???!!!......


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OK, Winston Churchill - as a Tory MP - gave better speeches than Daniel Hannan during World War 2. The NHS remains the high water mark of Labour achievement. Unfortunately for Labour, they've allowed their party to be hijacked by sleazy lawyers and college lecturers and have completely lost touch at Parliamentary level with their core working class support. Gordon brown must be completely barmy to have invited Thatcher to No. 10 - how many votes did this incident lose Labour :noexpression: ???!!!......

OK, but the point remains that Hannan is a rabidly right-wing nut-job. His views are the complete opposite of your purported views, just as the only thing you share with UKIP (based on your comments on here) is that you want out the EU. UKIP was created by people who were too right-wing for the Tories, simple as that.

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OK, but the point remains that Hannan is a rabidly right-wing nut-job. His views are the complete opposite of your purported views, just as the only thing you share with UKIP (based on your comments on here) is that you want out the EU. UKIP was created by people who were too right-wing for the Tories, simple as that.

I'd vote for Red Army man Field Marshall Joe Stalin if I could - he'd shake the EU up - literally. :winner_third_h4h: If Arthur Scargill's anti EU Socialist Labour Party had more of a chance of winning than UKIP then I would have voted for them. As for Daniel Hannan, he actually argued that the NHS had been a "mistake for 60 years", leaving Britain with low survival rates for cancers, strokes, high chances of becoming more ill in hospital, and constant waiting lists. True enough and these problems within the NHS need to be addressed. Daniel Hannan is a good politician that argues his points well. The likes of Dave Nellist (No2EU) and Arthur Scargill (SLP) were both kicked out of the Labour party and have both become Labour's nemesis.

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OK, but the point remains that Hannan is a rabidly right-wing nut-job. His views are the complete opposite of your purported views, just as the only thing you share with UKIP (based on your comments on here) is that you want out the EU. UKIP was created by people who were too right-wing for the Tories, simple as that.

Agree with that. Impressive speech though he made about us being bankrupt, he is as you sat a deeply right wing character, none more so than his 60 year mistake NHS.

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(Party) politics aside - Hannan's acceptance speech at the Euro elections was just awful.

His vanity saw him going for the headlines and he thought he was being brilliantly sharp and funny. He just sounded like a ranting teenager who likes the sound of his own voice.

He was ridiculed in the room and the reaction in the BBC studio said it all. Lead balloon - awful.

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UKIP was created by people who were too right-wing for the Tories, simple as that.

Actually UKIP was formed by Alan Sked who is a former Liberal. The party has been hijacked by right-wing radicals and racists. Sked himself has said "they are racist and have been infected by the far-right."

I know Sked personally and while he may be an anto-EU laissez-faire capitalist he is damming of UKIP. He once said to me that he felt like Dr. Frankenstein who had created this monster.

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Gobbers I can't believe you voted for UKIP, I thought you were a socialist?

I'm anti the German dominated European Union to the core. My grand father risked his life bombing Germany in the war, no way do I want us to throw our freedom and independence away by being a mere province of the German dominated European Union. 400,000 odd voters in the South West - who voted UKIP - obviously feel the same way. It's totally wrong how the Lib-Lab-Con are allowed to get away with keeping us in the EU without having held a referendum.

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I'm anti the German dominated European Union to the core. My grand father risked his life bombing Germany in the war, no way do I want us to throw our freedom and independence away by being a mere province of the German dominated European Union. 400,000 odd voters in the South West - who voted UKIP - obviously feel the same way. It's totally wrong how the Lib-Lab-Con are allowed to get away with keeping us in the EU without having held a referendum.

Like 90% of people who vote

i wouldnot have a clue of the pros and cons of being in the EU

Is it good or bad for the country?

Is it good or bad for ME?

Should me and the rest of the clueless have such a big say in

the future of this great country?

I'm not so sure

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Like 90% of people who vote

i wouldnot have a clue of the pros and cons of being in the EU

Is it good or bad for the country?

Is it good or bad for ME?

Should me and the rest of the clueless have such a big say in

the future of this great country?

I'm not so sure

Each political party has to put their case before the electorate prior to an election. UKIP and to a lesser extent the Tories were anti European Union - these two parties got 5 out of the 6 MEPS in the South West and most of the vote cast as a result. The pro EU Liberals only managed one MEP in their South West heartlands - doesn't this say something of the South West's attitude toward the European Union ???!!!!

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I'm anti the German dominated European Union to the core. My grand father risked his life bombing Germany in the war, no way do I want us to throw our freedom and independence away by being a mere province of the German dominated European Union. 400,000 odd voters in the South West - who voted UKIP - obviously feel the same way. It's totally wrong how the Lib-Lab-Con are allowed to get away with keeping us in the EU without having held a referendum.

Das ist far enough then. ;) Thats prolly the one thing UKIP has on most other partys, hence their popularity.

I don't want to be ruled by Germans or Froggys either, infact all decisions regarding my country should be made by my countryman, not by Scottish people either who hate the English more than the Taffs do.

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I'm anti the German dominated European Union to the core. My grand father risked his life bombing Germany in the war, no way do I want us to throw our freedom and independence away by being a mere province of the German dominated European Union. 400,000 odd voters in the South West - who voted UKIP - obviously feel the same way. It's totally wrong how the Lib-Lab-Con are allowed to get away with keeping us in the EU without having held a referendum.

(As ever I say this all as personal opinion, and with good friendship maintained at all time)

This is exactly the sort of sensationalist crap dragged out by the anti-European lobby all the time. It's driven by fear.

I don't fear other countries because I believe the UK is a fantastic country. I don't fear domination in Europe because I believe the UK can play a leading role within it.

I don't mind a referendum because it will hopefully lead to a sensible debate rather than loud shouts of "oh my god we're being invaded" by UKIP.

EU for global issues of which there are many - GLOBAL terrorism, GLOBAL warming, GLOBAL disease, GLOBAL recession.

Westminster for national issues.

Devolved government and councils for local issues that can't be dealt with by sweeping decisions from Westminster.

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(As ever I say this all as personal opinion, and with good friendship maintained at all time)

This is exactly the sort of sensationalist crap dragged out by the anti-European lobby all the time. It's driven by fear.

I don't fear other countries because I believe the UK is a fantastic country. I don't fear domination in Europe because I believe the UK can play a leading role within it.

I don't mind a referendum because it will hopefully lead to a sensible debate rather than loud shouts of "oh my god we're being invaded" by UKIP.

EU for global issues of which there are many - GLOBAL terrorism, GLOBAL warming, GLOBAL disease, GLOBAL recession.

Westminster for national issues.

Devolved government and councils for local issues that can't be dealt with by sweeping decisions from Westminster.

We're being subjugated by various Lib-Lab-Con European Unionists - who are in the minority !!!!!! 7 out of 10 votes cast by the English electorate were for various anti EU parties and candidates. Hearing Daniel Hannan of the Conservative Party speak gives me some idea that even the Tories - that took us into the EEC to start with - may be having second thoughts about our continuing EU membership. Let's have a referendum on our continuing EU membership and not just about the poxy Lisbon Treaty.

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We're being subjugated by various Lib-Lab-Con European Unionists - who are in the minority !!!!!! 7 out of 10 votes cast by the English electorate were for various anti EU parties and candidates. Hearing Daniel Hannan of the Conservative Party speak gives me some idea that even the Tories - that took us into the EEC to start with - may be having second thoughts about our continuing EU membership. Let's have a referendum on our continuing EU membership and not just about the poxy Lisbon Treaty.

Agree with the referendum idea. But the truth is that even the Tories, who took us into the EEC and who signed us up for Maastricht, will keep us in the EU because they all the major parties who know what they're really talking about understand that getting out of Europe is not an option for a large nation who wants to be a world leader.

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Agree with the referendum idea. But the truth is that even the Tories, who took us into the EEC and who signed us up for Maastricht, will keep us in the EU because they all the major parties who know what they're really talking about understand that getting out of Europe is not an option for a large nation who wants to be a world leader.

Russia is a large European nation that I can never see joining the European Union. The nightmare scenario is that next we'll have a fully integrated German led EU army and - hey presto - we'll be pulled into a war with Russia. OK, be friendly and trade with the European Union but we should never let them control our borders and now our armed forces as they're now proposing.

Anyway, let's hope Daniel Hannan sees the light and can steer the Tories into coming out of the European Union. It's almost like clutching at straws having to rely on the Tories to get us out but they're the only big Westminster party that look remotely like getting us out.

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Guest Greasy Chip Butty

Calling any Tory a 'star' is as oxymoronic a title as that not widely known book, 'The wit and wisdom of Jade Goody'.

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Calling any Tory a 'star' is as oxymoronic a title as that not widely known book, 'The wit and wisdom of Jade Goody'.

Perhaps he just appears to be a 'star' when compared with the all round blundering incompetence of Labour Politicians. Not just one or two of them, or a few, but all of them.

Hopefully this lot won't be voted in again for a generation or two, the British public have got a long memory.

Alan Johnson for PM anyone? Mandy? :noexpression:

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Calling any Tory a 'star' is as oxymoronic a title as that not widely known book, 'The wit and wisdom of Jade Goody'.

We're stuck between the Labour Party devil and the Tory deep blue sea on this. You couldn't now put a fag paper between the economic free market EU loving policies of Labour and Tory - they are virtually the same. Unbelievable the way the Labour Party have now let LDV vans go under while at the same time propping up our banking system with £billions of our taxes. That sends the message to me that Labour are anti manufacturing and anti working man and pro corrupt banking Toff. The man that really runs the Labour Party now is the unelected EU loving Toff Lord Mandelsohn.

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