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The Labour Party Now Plan To Ban Football In Parks ?!

Mr Mosquito

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I found the following article on the UKIP website........

What a load of footballs

Monday, 12th January 2009

This Labour government's drive to turn us into a nation of paranoid wimps powers ahead with new "guidance" that could lead to the banning of games of football in parks, the Telegraph reports

Communities Secretary (whatever that means) Hazel Blears has been filling her obvious abundance of spare time by producing guidance to local councils that calls for "risk assessments" of park football games in case players or spectators get too excited.

The document says: "If not planned properly, football can be divisive and trigger conflict. Passions can get high and physical contact can easily lead to confrontations."

It advises that games should be banned if there is a danger of tensions between teams or fans.

So much for encouraging sport in the run-up to the Olympics. Tiddlywinks players beware. You're next on the list.

Source: http://www.ukip.org/content/you-couldnt-ma...ad-of-footballs

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The article.


I'm guessing that it's the governments way of leaning on the amateur leagues to appoint strong refs to games where there may be trouble. I'm sure if this has actually happended the Daily Mail would have jumped all over it by now.

To me the corrupt lawyer/ college lecturer led Labour Party is like a wounded rat backed into a corner. They will now strike out at the working man's game in retaliation for the scale of their losses in the recent Euro elections where working people either didn't vote or voted for every other political party other than Labour. They've already banned smoking in pubs - and I never thought they'd get away with that - and next they'll hit us hard again by banning the playing of football in public parks.

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Guest MaloneFM

A story from last january from a politician who has resigned published by a rival political party. And this is supposed to be credible?

When the ant king and his mighty army take over there will be no parks. They will be breeding grounds for the empire.


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To me the corrupt lawyer/ college lecturer led Labour Party is like a wounded rat backed into a corner. They will now strike out at the working man's game in retaliation for the scale of their losses in the recent Euro elections where working people either didn't vote or voted for every other political party other than Labour. They've already banned smoking in pubs - and I never thought they'd get away with that - and next they'll hit us hard again by banning the playing of football in public parks.

I was astounded how Britain, and Ireland let that happen.

I don't like smoking but that is irrelevant, this was an outrageous attack on personal freedom.

Now if it had come in with, say, a system of smoking & non-smoking pubs that would have been sensible. But no, ban it outright. And the smokers meekly accepted their fate. Baffling.

I think you're on your own with the Ant King there Uncle Roger. I won't be voting for him.

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Guest MaloneFM
I think you're on your own with the Ant King there Uncle Roger. I won't be voting for him.

Oh there's no voting involved Edward, wake up one morning and there they are, off to the slave mines with all of us, except me obviously.

Got to be better than bloody UKIP.


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I was astounded how Britain, and Ireland let that happen.

I don't like smoking but that is irrelevant, this was an outrageous attack on personal freedom.

Now if it had come in with, say, a system of smoking & non-smoking pubs that would have been sensible. But no, ban it outright. And the smokers meekly accepted their fate. Baffling.

The scenario all over Britain and Ireland: a nice warm pub in mid winter with smokers freezing outside. Bad for the pub trade because pubs all over Britain are shutting down due to this smoking ban and the ever decreasing profit margins on alcohol - partly due to Government taxation - along with increases in business rates (yet more stealth tax).

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