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Lunatic Fringe

Percy Parrot

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Listen to this interview with the new mayor of Doncaster, an English Democrat.

Feel slightly sorry for him, he clearly didn't expect to win and has no idea what he's talking about.

Don't have any real feelings either way on the English Democrats really - don't know enough about them. But this interview did strike me as similar to the Utopian aspirations of a few fringe parties who think they can quite simply change everything overnight, sod everyone else and serious consequences.


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Listen to this interview with the new mayor of Doncaster, an English Democrat.

Feel slightly sorry for him, he clearly didn't expect to win and has no idea what he's talking about.

Don't have any real feelings either way on the English Democrats really - don't know enough about them. But this interview did strike me as similar to the Utopian aspirations of a few fringe parties who think they can quite simply change everything overnight, sod everyone else and serious consequences.


But then the reason people are voting for the eng dems is because they like them and their talk. This bloggerbis a lib dem, maybe he should focus on why his party is shrinking, and has never offered anything. He sounds like a bitter little no mark, but then let's be fair most bloggers are.

Fair play to the new mayor on doncaster and the eng dems, at least they're fresh.

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Always the way with new parties. They don't have a big party organisation to train and select candidates so they let enthusiastic amateurs stand.

Everybody has to start somewhere; he'll learn.

The Lib-Lab-Con political candidates get 'groomed' by European Union propagandists and these candidates are brain washed to think that we need to get down on our knees to the German dominated European Union and follow EU edicts no matter how damaging.

Well done to the English Democratic Party for their victory over the Lib-Lab-Con. :winner_third_h4h::englandsmile4wf:

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Always the way with new parties. They don't have a big party organisation to train and select candidates so they let enthusiastic amateurs stand.

Everybody has to start somewhere; he'll learn.

I know - and of course they need to start somewhere but 25,000+ people have voted for him and he's so so so far off reality that it's a joke and 300,000 odd people now have a total clown running their town.

During the expenses scandal people loved to do the "if I did that in my job" comparison. Well let's do another one - if that guy had applied for the job normally then his interviewers would have laughed their socks off during the interview.

As I said, nothing against him or the English Democrats personally but it did highlight how easy it is for such groups to spout off utter crap, promise the earth and not give a sod about reality - and suck in a lot of the public while doing it.

IF, he does not fail to deliver on election promises then he should be hounded out of office and given the same level of stick per lie/mistake that any other politician would get....at the moment it seems he could have a LOT of flak coming his way.

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I know - and of course they need to start somewhere but 25,000+ people have voted for him and he's so so so far off reality that it's a joke and 300,000 odd people now have a total clown running their town.

Many would eloquently argue - including Nigel Farage and Daniel Hannan - that we've got a total clown running the country. :winner_third_h4h: Gordon Brown of the Labour Party anti working man and pro European Union circus to be precise.

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It sums up the state of the left when they have to worry about the mayor of Doncaster.

Percy did you ever post about the mayor of Hartlepool I wonder..

That was a real laugh, didn't the good people of Hartlepool vote in the monkey? The famous monkey as hung by the people of Hartlepool for being a French Napoleonic 'spy'? :dancing6:

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Always the way with new parties. They don't have a big party organisation to train and select candidates so they let enthusiastic amateurs stand.

Everybody has to start somewhere; he'll learn.

If I'd just been made Mayor of Doncaster I'd have the latest issues of Class War and Playboy on my desk. :innocent06:

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Guest MaloneFM
If I'd just been made Mayor of Doncaster I'd have the latest issues of Class War and Playboy on my desk. :innocent06:

Careful the door doesn't hit you in the ass on the way out then....

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I know - and of course they need to start somewhere but 25,000+ people have voted for him and he's so so so far off reality that it's a joke and 300,000 odd people now have a total clown running their town.

During the expenses scandal people loved to do the "if I did that in my job" comparison. Well let's do another one - if that guy had applied for the job normally then his interviewers would have laughed their socks off during the interview.

As I said, nothing against him or the English Democrats personally but it did highlight how easy it is for such groups to spout off utter crap, promise the earth and not give a sod about reality - and suck in a lot of the public while doing it.

IF, he does not fail to deliver on election promises then he should be hounded out of office and given the same level of stick per lie/mistake that any other politician would get....at the moment it seems he could have a LOT of flak coming his way.

We have an unelected prime minister who talks utter b***ocks about voting on referendums, no more boom and bust, bailing out his mates the bankers by ploughing billions of taxpayers money in whilst letting manufacturing like LDV go to the wall.

What you have described is the Labour government.

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We have an unelected prime minister who talks utter b***ocks about voting on referendums, no more boom and bust, bailing out his mates the bankers by ploughing billions of taxpayers money in whilst letting manufacturing like LDV go to the wall.

What you have described is the Labour government.

Gordon Brown is a known liar. Gordon Brown promised us a referendum on the EU Lisbon Treaty and his crappy sleazy fraudulent expense claiming Government then went ahead and signed the Lisbon Treaty behind our backs. The Labour Party and its supporters had better get more used to losing seats to political parties such as the English Democrats.

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Guest MaloneFM
The Labour Party and its supporters had better get more used to losing seats to political parties such as the English Democrats.

Or the ant king....ALL HAIL THE ANT KING!

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Many would eloquently argue - including Nigel Farage and Daniel Hannan - that we've got a total clown running the country. :winner_third_h4h: Gordon Brown of the Labour Party anti working man and pro European Union circus to be precise.

I see that view. But it's still pretty rare to get any of the thousands of politicians from those parties so tied up. You don't get interviews with them saying "I have no idea if I have the power to do that, I have no idea if that's illegal"

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Yes they did. I wonder if the lib dem blogger listened to his interviews? Maybe Percy could shed some light on this, as he clearly has thoughts on "the lunatic fringe"

What about Drummond's election? As for the blog - it's actually just happens to be linked from there. The interview has been picked up on in blogs from all parties.

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We have an unelected prime minister who talks utter b***ocks about voting on referendums, no more boom and bust, bailing out his mates the bankers by ploughing billions of taxpayers money in whilst letting manufacturing like LDV go to the wall.

What you have described is the Labour government.

Perhaps. But while they may have problems over executing policy at least GENERALLY they know what's illegal, what would cost them money and what's utterly stupid.

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Gordon Brown is a known liar. Gordon Brown promised us a referendum on the EU Lisbon Treaty and his crappy sleazy fraudulent expense claiming Government then went ahead and signed the Lisbon Treaty behind our backs. The Labour Party and its supporters had better get more used to losing seats to political parties such as the English Democrats.

Don't expect a vote on Lisbon. 12 years after promising a referendum on electoral reform (1997 party manifesto) we still have no referendum on electoral reform. Now you want a good example of a total lie/failure to deliver on a promise (one that is not reliant on economics or environmental considerations) then that's a better one to push.

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Don't expect a vote on Lisbon. 12 years after promising a referendum on electoral reform (1997 party manifesto) we still have no referendum on electoral reform. Now you want a good example of a total lie/failure to deliver on a promise (one that is not reliant on economics or environmental considerations) then that's a better one to push.

Gordon Brown could share the same European Unionist stage as Dr Joseph Goebbels. Adolf Hitler's propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels was the master of the "big lie" tactic in which a lie, no matter how outrageous, is repeated often enough that it will eventually be accepted as truth. Dr Goebbels explained thus:

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

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Guest MaloneFM
Gordon Brown could share the same European Unionist stage as Dr Joseph Goebbels.

WOW! I have read some b***ocks on here over the years but this has dug itself a new trench...well done.

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WOW! I have read some b***ocks on here over the years but this has dug itself a new trench...well done.

Think about it, Gordon Brown is the legitimate successor to Dr Goebbels as a European Unionist propaganda spokesman. They are/were both liars and propagandists and are/were both in favour of a German dominated European Union.

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Guest MaloneFM

I have thought about it and when anyone becomes responsible for the persecution of millions of jews involving medical experimentation and industrial death camps, has a hand in the destruction of most of western Europe, and don't say that they are doing it economically right now as a get out, the ACTUAL physical destruction of homes and lives.

Then kills his kids first then himself and his wife because he made a balls up of all of it and didn't have the guts to face what was coming-then its a good comparison.

We both have an interest in world events of 60 years ago however I feel it is beyond the pale to associate the theiving murdering cowardly bastards that WERE the thrid reich to anything today. Poitical or otherwise.

A lot of very good brave people suffered and died to stop them. And I expect better than this from you.

No joke this time.

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I have thought about it and when anyone becomes responsible for the persecution of millions of jews involving medical experimentation and industrial death camps, has a hand in the destruction of most of western Europe, and don't say that they are doing it economically right now as a get out, the ACTUAL physical destruction of homes and lives.

Then kills his kids first then himself and his wife because he made a balls up of all of it and didn't have the guts to face what was coming-then its a good comparison.

We both have an interest in world events of 60 years ago however I feel it is beyond the pale to associate the theiving murdering cowardly bastards that WERE the thrid reich to anything today. Poitical or otherwise.

A lot of very good brave people suffered and died to stop them. And I expect better than this from you.

No joke this time.

No joke indeed, no way should we let the German descendents of the people responsible for that run this country via the illegal organisation that is the European Union.

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Guest MaloneFM
No joke indeed, no way should we let the German descendents of the people responsible for that run this country via the illegal organisation that is the European Union.

This does not justify in any way the comparison. You are still very wrong. You know it and I know it.

Let's just move on.

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