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will alwayes beleve

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today i was going back to my house on the way back from the city ground getting my season ticket then suddenly i saw lewis carey on a jog. well at least he aint on holiday and he is working to stay fit for the next season.

I hate to break it to you young man, but it's 'Louis' not ''Lewis''. Has been for years.

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I hate to sound like the spelling/grammar police, but you have seen his username right? :innocent06:

Yes. I don't know whether to feel sad that he may be dyslexic or have learning difficulties, or disappointed that he didn't listen at school.

How about stopping the upteen amount of people who address Colin Sexstone as Sexton.

Or Lansdown as 'Lansdowne'. Equally as frustrating!


Talkling about that. I saw Lee Johnson on a run around Portishead Marina about 4 weeks ago. Good on the bloke!

Well on Wednesday morning i saw Craig Disley running past McDonalds and Homebase in a purple tee shirt that clashed hideously with his hair. I wanted to shout something too him but we were going opposite ways and my moment had gone....luckily for him. I must admit i felt like i'd been interfered with knowing that he lived in Portishead whilst he played for Rovers. Wrong side of the river me boy.

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