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Just Back From Ajax


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Now clearly this was a pre-season fixture against far superior oppostion and thus while positives or negatives can be highlighted, it would be foolish to either rejoice or panic respectively.

That said, we we totally outclassed tonight and they scored at least two fantastic goals, which is fine, they're an establsihed European side. However I cannot help but feel slightly concerned at the virtually nil positives to take from the performance, some random thoughts in no particular order;

- Gerken's kicking looked rather suspect,

- Whether or not it was a deliberate tactic in an attempt to restrict their time on the ball is open to debate, but we played with alarming freedom defensively with all of Orr, Carey and Fontaine noticably pressing the ball and being dragged out of position,

- Players appeared to be rotating positions at will, almost giving an attempted 'total football' outlook to our approach - if this a pre-season tactic fine, if it is our intention to play this way into the season then ill be worried as it severley compromised our shape,

- Eremenko actively sought and distributed the ball well, aside from his mistake which cost the thrid goal,

- The Greek centre back will be on the next plane home, he tried hard to impress but James Wilson loooked, on that showing, every bit the player the trialist was,

- Johnson had a neat, tidy, game but cost us a goal through failing to track his man effectively, I think he was guilty of the same for Hereford's first,

- If we are to play 4-3-3, which it seems, I don't see that we can accomodate Maynard and Clarkson in the same side - Clarkson had some pleasing touches but looked lost out wide; the attempt to accomodate both perhaps lends weight to the player rotation during game time theory,

- Riberio had a solid game,

- Akinde still very much looks like a work in progress,

- McIndoe put in a great effort which was pleasing to see,

- Haynes showed glimpses but his touch was poor on occasion, he lacked end product and should have passed when the opportunity arose on one occasion in particular,

- Hartley appears a leader and an orgniser,

- Nyatanga looked nervous at first but then produced a couple of assured headers,

- Sproule encouraged me, a permenant switch to 4-3-3 could reap great rewards for both him and us.

Aside from this I don't understand the reasoning for giving Peter Brezovan a game unless Basso is leaving. With Basso, Gerken and Henderson, we presumably wont sign another goalkeeper and why wouldnt you just play Gerken for both halves?

The main issue for concern is the formation. We've recruited well I think, in terms of personnel I'm incredibly encouraged by what we now have at our disposal however the formation situation bothers me. Our middle three continually rotated while Maynard and Clarkson also drifted. I would like to think that Hartley's presence will massively benefit our shape as he will organise those around him, the problem lies in those three central players deciding, quickly, who's responsibility each opposing player is. I fear there is an inherent danger that we will be greatly troubled by midfield runners, one needs to sit infront of the back four and let the other two flit around. Whilst 4-3-3 is a flexible formation and that has it's plus points, it is essntial that we do not compromise our shape.

If the season were to start tomorrow, and presuming we go 4-3-3, id go with;


Orr Carey Fontaine McAllister


Hartley Elliott

Sproule McIndoe


*Realistically this team, from the little ive seen, could be strengthened with Eremenko in place of Johnson.

** Clarkson would push Maynard all the way and it would be whoever performs better pre-season that gets the nod.

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Now clearly this was a pre-season fixture against far superior oppostion and thus while positives or negatives can be highlighted, it would be folish to either rejoice or panic respectively.

That said, we we totally outclassed tonight and scored at least two fantastic goals, which is fine, they're an establsihed European side. However I cannot help but feel slightly concerned at the virtually nil positives to take from the performance, some random thoughts which caused conern;

- Gerken's kicking looked rather suspect,

- Whether or not it was a deliberate tactic in an attempt to restrict their time on the ball is open to debate, but we played with alarming freedom defensively with all of Orr, Carey and Fontaine noticably pressing the ball and being dragged out of position,

- Players appeared to be rotating positions at will, almost giving an attempted 'total football' outlook to our approach - if this a pre-season tactic fine, if it is our intention to play this way into the season then ill be worried as it severley compromised our shape,

- Eremenko actively sought and distributed the ball well, aside from his mistake which cost the thrid goal,

- The Greek centre back will be on the next plane home, he tried hard to impress but James Wilson loooked, on that showing, every bit the player the trialist was,

- Johnson has a neat, tidy, game but cost us a goal through failing to track his man effectively - I think he was guilty of the same for Hereford's first,

- If we are to play 4-3-3, which it seems, I don't see that we can accomodate Maynard and Clarkosn in the same side - Clarkson had some pleasing touches but looked lost out wide; this perhaps lends weight to the player rotation during game time theory,

- Riberio had a solid game,

- Akinde still very much looks like a work in progress

- McIndoe put in a great effort which was pleasing to see

- Haynes showed glimpses but his touch was poor on occasion, he lacked end product and should have passed when the opportunity arose on one occasion in particular,

- Hartley appears a leader and an orgniser,

- Nyatanga looked nervous at first but then produced a couple of assured headers,

- Sproule encouraged me, a permenant switch to 4-3-3 could reap great rewards for both him and us.

Aside from this I don't understand the reasoning for giving Peter Brezovan a game unless Basso is leaving. With Basso, Gerken and Henderson, we presumably wont sign another goalkeeper and why wouldnt you just play Gerken for both halves?

The main issue for concern is the formation. We've recruited well I think, in terms of personnel I'm incredibly encouraged by what we now have at our disposal however the formation situation bothers me. Our middle three continually rotated while Maynard and Clarkson also drifted. I would like to think that Hartley's presence will massively benefit our shape as he will organise those around him, the problem lies in those three central players deciding, quickly, who's responsibility each player is. I fear there is an inherent danger that we will be greatly troubled by midfield runners, one needs to sit infront of the back four and let the other two flit around. Whilst 4-3-3 is a flexible formation and that has it's plus points, it is essntial that we do not compromise our shape.

If the season were to start tomorrow, and presuming we go 4-3-3, id go with;


Orr Carey Fontaine McAllister


Hartley Elliott

Sproule McIndoe


*Realistically this team, from the little ive seen, could be strengthened with Eremenko in place of Johnson.

I'm not too worried about the result or the performance. My biggest concern is we're not appearing to try and settle on a formation for providing SERVICE to the front line that we've been desperately lacking over the last few seasons. Playing a three pronged attack didn't work tonight, however thats because of the quality we're playing against.

Ok I know it was Ajax tonight and their football was in a different league, however we should look to use these games to form a pattern to our play. I think the same can be said when we played Hereford and struggled to get a result there.

If only Gj would play with two proper out-and-out wingers like West Brom did a couple of seasons ago!

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I would imagine that we will see our 'first XI' for the first time vs Cheltenham.

It does bother me that Johnson will play both Maynard and Clarkson in the same side, ultimately forcing one out of position. Id mentioned before that, it could be suggested, all our strikers are vying for one place. McIndoe lining up on the left makes much more sense than Maynard or Clarkson, however I'm not sure Johnson see's it that way and he's willing to play forwards out of position to get them on the team sheet.

We were absolutely outclassed last night by a quality team - certainly no reason to panic. However from my point of view we appear to be recruiting to fill a formation that poses many more questions than it answers.

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