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Season Cards


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Anyone else have a problem with their card today? Bought the Wolves game for me and my lad. His card worked, mine didn't.

Helpful steward got me in, but even he had trouble getting his master card to work!

So glad we went to the match though. Great performance. In particular, Haynes looked awesome and Maynard's goal was a sreamer.

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Anyone else have a problem with their card today? Bought the Wolves game for me and my lad. His card worked, mine didn't.

Helpful steward got me in, but even he had trouble getting his master card to work!

So glad we went to the match though. Great performance. In particular, Haynes looked awesome and Maynard's goal was a sreamer.

Had exactly the same problem at Ajax game (entry to which was shambles). My son's card worked, but mine didn't. The blokes behind me were 'unimpressed' to say the least! :ranting:

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We've got two cards each - last season's and this season, even though we didn't change seat.

I've had the Wycombe game loaded onto the cards but I have no idea which will work and I couldn't get any sense from the ticket office who said we shouldn't have received new ones. So we'll be taking all four with us next saturday just in case.

TBF it's one thing after the other with the ticketing.

Exactly the same for us. Two new cards for absolutely no reason according to the Club's stated parameters.

Ticket office told us to use the new ones but couldn't explain why we'd been sent them.

My new one worked for the Ajax game (my son couldn't go to that one). Today, my lad's new one worked but mine didn't.

I'm also going to the Wycombe game and will persevere with the new card. Suggest you take proof of payment!

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I have no proof of payment for the Wycombe game as it was uploaded onto the season cards .

Although it was supposedly uploaded to our new cards too (turned out only to have been uploaded to my son's), they sent me a credit card receipt saying "Please retain for your records". I took that along today and will again against Wycombe (having phoned the ticket office to have a moan first!).

Sorry, this must be bloody boring for people who haven't had a problem. I had no issues at all last season, or at the Ajax game.

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I have no proof of payment for the Wycombe game as it was uploaded onto the season cards - which one I don't know and neither does the ticket office. They also couldn't tell me which cards have the league games uploaded onto them - that's why I need to take all 4 to the Wycombe game and the first home league game.

The right hand doesn't know what the left is doing in that office - it's not the ticket office staff, it's very poor management and it's always been that way.

Quite. Don't blame the poor bloody infantry. The football side of the club was an unprofessional shambles when Gary took over but he and his management team have transformed it. Other aspects have not followed. For me it's the management of any organisation that sets the tone and if those in charge don't genuinely have a commitment to good service it won't happen. It's so important to the reputation of any business that the customer's contact with it is a good experience. If one person has a good experience chances are they won't tell anybody. If they have a bad experience they'll tell everybody. In my experience many businesses regard the customer as a necessary inconvenience. Certainly seems the case with BCFC. Time to get this issue sorted once and for all. :fingerscrossed:

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Have not been able to get to any pre-season games - but as one of the first to sign up and pay for my new season ticket - I still don't even have the ticket (card) I did not even know they were being sent out? Should I be worried?

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Have not been able to get to any pre-season games - but as one of the first to sign up and pay for my new season ticket - I still don't even have the ticket (card) I did not even know they were being sent out? Should I be worried?

Yes. They were issued weeks ago. I should get on their case asap.

BTW I tried repeatedly to move seats (my son and I are existing card holders). Every time I rang there was some reason why they couldn't do it then. Eventually they couldn't do it at all. Just another example of the service. :disapointed2se:

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My other half and I had different problems. Last year we were in the Atyeo and due to credit crunch, this season we wanted to move to the Eastend, to save over a hundred quid between us. After many calls, each telling us something different, we were told with some finality that there was no way we could move from the Atyeo to the Eastend due to the 'stand being full', as a result our season tickets lapsed

So my other half and I made plans to select just a few games to watch in line with our finances. I was kind of passing the Gate on the way to work (we live in Bridgend South Wales, and I was working in Taunton that day) and just on the off chance popped in to see if there was any space in the Eastend.

'Of course', she said, 'how many do you want'

I bought two there and then on the spot, delighted that we will be watching all the games now, but bemused and too be honest hacked off with the club for refusing us point blank, when we were existing season ticket holders, to sell us cheaper season tickets, only to sell 2 tickets to a (as it would have looked to the woman at the desk) to a complete stranger who may not have had a season ticket before. The feeling of disloyalty to supporters will do nothing but harm the clubs reputation, in my eyes

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We've got two cards each - last season's and this season, even though we didn't change seat.

Exactly the same for us. Two new cards for absolutely no reason according to the Club's stated parameters.

Ticket office told us to use the new ones but couldn't explain why we'd been sent them.

Had the same scenario, sent another set of cards.

Asked yesterday and was told that their no connection anymore with the city foundation, we used to get a 5% discount.

Apparently the people who were sent new cards were those who were in the foundation, if you look at you season card there is slightly different wording on it.

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Had the same scenario, sent another set of cards.

Asked yesterday and was told that their no connection anymore with the city foundation, we used to get a 5% discount.

Apparently the people who were sent new cards were those who were in the foundation, if you look at you season card there is slightly different wording on it.

That seems odd then. I am in the foundation and haven't received a new card, however last season's is working fine....so far!

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Had the same scenario, sent another set of cards.

Asked yesterday and was told that their no connection anymore with the city foundation, we used to get a 5% discount.

Apparently the people who were sent new cards were those who were in the foundation, if you look at you season card there is slightly different wording on it.

You are right: I have been officially downgraded from a 'City Foundation Adult 5%' to 'Adult'. Or is that an upgrade?

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Have not been able to get to any pre-season games - but as one of the first to sign up and pay for my new season ticket - I still don't even have the ticket (card) I did not even know they were being sent out? Should I be worried?

unless you have changed seats or upgraded you do not need a new ticket as your old one will still be valid.

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unless you have changed seats or upgraded you do not need a new ticket as your old one will still be valid.

Well - thank goodness I kept the old one then!! Cheers "Saab" - that is a bit less worrying although I did not know it was a "keep" for life type ticket (that said I am amazed they don't need to do anything to my current one - like enter new data into it somehow)

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Well - thank goodness I kept the old one then!! Cheers "Saab" - that is a bit less worrying although I did not know it was a "keep" for life type ticket (that said I am amazed they don't need to do anything to my current one - like enter new data into it somehow)

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So you will only have received a new card if you have changed details.

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Had the same scenario, sent another set of cards.

Asked yesterday and was told that their no connection anymore with the city foundation, we used to get a 5% discount.

Apparently the people who were sent new cards were those who were in the foundation, if you look at you season card there is slightly different wording on it.

Me and my Dad have never been in the foundation,we havent changed any details either, but were sent NEW cards. We know have 2 each!!. Could be fun at the Palace game.

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Well I am officially now CONFUSED !

What will be interesting. . .. last season to get into DEH at halftime used to show the front of my season card wallet.... will have two new season cards now and last seasons. oh well thats an extra two in this season. ..

Anyone need access ?

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And yet we got new cards with no changes! Obviously an error but it hardly matters. Sorry if I misled anyone.

Me and my Dad have never been in the foundation,we havent changed any details either, but were sent NEW cards. We know have 2 each!!. Could be fun at the Palace game.

ok you boys got me worried now that i havent got a new one ( no detail changes).... :noexpression: :noexpression:

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So you will only have received a new card if you have changed details.

Myself and my Dad have not changed seats, Have not changed anything regards the Foundation!

We both had new cards through, Both used the new cards at the Ajax game-Worked fine!

The letter with the new card says a fee will be charged for any lost /replacement cards

What about the fact that hundreds of new cards have been sent when not needed? Waste of Money!

The clubs ticketing service is still not good enough!

I tried getting my Preston tickets online, Guess what? The sites not working!

Come on City, Sort it out!

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Myself and my Dad have not changed seats, Have not changed anything regards the Foundation!

We both had new cards through, Both used the new cards at the Ajax game-Worked fine!

The letter with the new card says a fee will be charged for any lost /replacement cards

What about the fact that hundreds of new cards have been sent when not needed? Waste of Money!

The clubs ticketing service is still not good enough!

I tried getting my Preston tickets online, Guess what? The sites not working!

Come on City, Sort it out!

I believe that that problem isn't down to City, something to do with the suppliers or something, financing problems.

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I believe that that problem isn't down to City, something to do with the suppliers or something, financing problems.

Does anyone know what the service prroviders are called? I know it comes up briefly when your credit card is being authorised and you're no longer on a red city page, but I've forgotten the name of the company; wanted to look into it.

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