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A message to our board

Red Robin

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Well guys as you are probably aware there is not many fans going to Brighton cus if you read the main forum the fans have had enough of the rubbish being put before us.

A small amout went to Bradford If we loose Saturday which we all expect how many are going to be at AG for the next home game.

Crowds are going to drop funds will drop and we have the wacky situation of a club sprirralling back down to the levels of a fews years ago.

None of us wants that but the fans want quality football,we dont mind looseing but we want to see passion,commitment and endeavour, at the moment it is not being shown from Manager to players.

There is a easy unrest among the support lets not loose it now after building expectations and hopes up.

Steve you and your board need to do everything in your powers to halt this dreadfull start before it is to late.

:sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5: :sport5

:Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12:

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Well guys as you are probably aware there is not many fans going to Brighton cus if you read the main forum the fans (Speak for yourself Red Robin. There are lots of other fans who think we are doing OK .. not brilliant, but OK) have had enough of the rubbish being put before us.

A small amout went to Bradford If we loose Saturday which we all expect (All??? I don't expect we'll lose. PLease don't include me in your pessimistic take on things) how many are going to be at AG for the next home game. (Well, I'll be there)

Crowds are going to drop funds will drop and we have the wacky situation of a club sprirralling back down to the levels of a fews years ago. (If you don't want that to happen, keep on going to games. Then it won't. Simple really)

None of us wants that but the fans want quality football,we dont mind looseing (This fan HATES losing. Fortunately we've only lost 3 times this season) but we want to see passion,commitment and endeavour, at the moment it is not being shown from Manager to players.

There is a easy unrest among the support (among some of the support)lets not loose it now after building expectations and hopes up. (I think you'll find it was your mythical 'The Fans' who built the hopes up. Now we all have to deal with the fact that things haven't gone quite as well as we'd hoped. We do that by supporting, not whingeing)

Steve you and your board need to do everything in your powers to halt this dreadfull start (I'm sure they are) before it is to late. (It isn't. Cheer up!)

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I wasn't going to bother replying to the usual dross Red Robin dishes out but just to add my support to Dave L.

Please don't assume we are all "stamping our feet". Bad generalisation that I don't want to be associated with thanks.

If I could make it, I'd love to of been at Brighton this Saturday.

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I wasn't going to bother replying to the usual dross Red Robin dishes out but just to add my support to Dave L.

Please don't assume we are all "stamping our feet". Bad generalisation that I don't want to be associated with thanks.

If I could make it, I'd love to of been at Brighton this Saturday.

I'll second that. It's the usual posters, saying the same things over and over. The fans are doing this, the fans aren't doing this. I'm sorry do we actually have a spokesperson that speaks up for all of the fans? No we don't, so don't include me in any of this generalisation.

Then we have the section that post "Wilson Out" "Wilson Hasn't Got A Clue" "Danny Clueless". Now I'm not his biggest fan, my opinion of him has changed over the past 12 months or so, however I accept that he is the manager of the club that I/We support. At the end of the day we do not directly decide whether he stays or whether he goes.

Yes everybody is entitled to their own opinion, and one reason for this forum being in use, is for supporters of the club to express their opinion on club matters (obviously to a certain extent). However do you actually think that by continually posting this drivel, the directors will suddenly turn around and say "well this supporter doesn't like the way that Danny picked his team, let's sack him." No don't be so stupid.

Now I might be on my own in thinking this, to be honest I don't really care if I am, but please stop continually posting these types of subjects. They are becoming increasingly tedious and predictable. As I've said in my opening paragraph, it's the same posters over and over again.

Rant over :clap:

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Now I might be on my own in thinking this, to be honest I don't really care if I am, but please stop continually posting these types of subjects. They are becoming increasingly tedious and predictable. As I've said in my opening paragraph, it's the same posters over and over again.

:clap: :Party27: ;) :Party27: :how funny:

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I wasn't going to bother replying to the usual dross Red Robin dishes out but just to add my support to Dave L.

Please don't assume we are all "stamping our feet". Bad generalisation that I don't want to be associated with thanks.

If I could make it, I'd love to of been at Brighton this Saturday.

You have your opinions PHATWILL however if you feel my posts are not to your liking then don't bother to read them.

Unfortunatly the truth hurts sometimes.

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Guest lydneyred

REd Robin, please don't generalise and say that the majority of fans have had enough like you have on this post and others.

Unless you have stood outside the ground and asked every City fan if they are unhappy or not you cannot make assumptions like this.

There is what less than 500 members on this board............City have what 8,000 fans........if you are going by what tosh gets put on here sometimes then you're wrong.

Yes fans get cheesed off when we lose, or when we play badly, and you will hear then shouting and cursing, but that doesn't mean that they are totally disgruntled.

If you want to post comments like you are doing, then say that it's you and some people you have talked to that are unhappy, p!ssed off, disgruntled whatever, don't generalise and put us all in that same bracket.

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Guest east_dundry_red

To be honest the onlyreason I'm not going to brighton is cause some idiot broke into my car the day i was praticly put of of a job. If i had the money id go but i cant.

To be honest I'm fed up of the way we have played latley and things have to change and soon.

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Guest citylady

well said tazman :clap:

there are things danny wilson does and says that i will never understand or agree with but he is our manager we have to get behind him and the team cos all this winging and calling for the managers head is not going to help or solve anything

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You have your opinions PHATWILL however if you feel my posts are not to your liking then don't bother to read them.

Unfortunatly the truth hurts sometimes.

I very rarely do bother reading your posts let alone spend time replying to them.

HOWEVER, just to clear things up for the last time - less of the words "we" and "us", use "me" and "I".

As for the truth, well if you go about making assumptions like you do on here then you're going to find yourself in libel difficulties!

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