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David Clarkson says Gerkin was fantastic.

Johnson says he made one or two good saves and but the rest are simple things you would expect a goalie to do.

I take it he wont be keeping his shirt then??

Sounded very good on the radio but Gary didnt sound enthusiastic.


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Preston fans are saying Gerken pulled off "three top drawer saves" and was "amazing throughout". As far as I can make out he has done nothing to warrant losing his place next week.

Did the reporter ask GJ whether taking off your best player when 2-0 up with fifteen to go was the sort of routine thing you would expect any competent manager to do?!!!!!!

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i heard the interview he said he had a good game and pulled off some good saves if anything gj sounded pissed right off and wasn't pleased with the 6 minutes of extra time

Yeh but compared to discussing the other debutants, he didnt sound happy.

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Preston fans are saying Gerken pulled off "three top drawer saves" and was "amazing throughout". As far as I can make out he has done nothing to warrant losing his place next week.

Did the reporter ask GJ whether taking off your best player when 2-0 up with fifteen to go was the sort of routine thing you would expect any competent manager to do?!!!!!!

yes he did he said we needed fresh legs on to go box to box in the last 15 minutes

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Yeh but compared to discussing the other debutants, he didnt sound happy.

I agree, maybe it's part of the man management of Gerken keeping him grounded. But yeah i thought he's much more excited by this loanee. He's prepared to wait for him so must be good, prepared to put Basso on the bench too.

This new guy better be good!

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yes he did he said we needed fresh legs on to go box to box in the last 15 minutes

I'm no professional manager but surely in the cicumstances we were in we didn't need a "box to box" player. We just needed to keep on the one player in our team you can trust to pass a ball to a red shirt and see out the game. Am I missing something here? I can understand Clarkson being replaced by a defensive midfielder but to take off the best passer of the ball in the side seems like madness to my tiny footballing mind!!

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I'm no professional manager but surely in the cicumstances we were in we didn't need a "box to box" player. We just needed to keep on the one player in our team you can trust to pass a ball to a red shirt and see out the game. Am I missing something here? I can understand Clarkson being replaced by a defensive midfielder but to take off the best passer of the ball in the side seems like madness to my tiny footballing mind!!

If you've got a tiny footballing mind, then so have I. I didnt see the logic in johnsons subs, but then again surly we are used to it by now

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I just feel that GJ was very fed up(putting it politely!),so was not at his bubbly best.I noticed the referee got mentioned and i think he was just about to go on a rant,when he realised he possiby better not and cut the sentence dead.He did mention he was on the main happy with the new players including Gerken,although as previously stated,he did mention that he is paid to make saves,which granted,is a bit sarcastic/ungrateful(couldnt think of another word to explain it!).With regards the substitutions,hindsight is a wonderful thing,but GJ was not to know that the ref would put in a good block to help them earn a corner,which then they go and get a dubious penalty in the 6th minute of 4 minutes added on time!!!??? What i would say about the substitutes is that when you can bring on subs of the calibre of Skuse and Williams(yes,i know Sproule came on too),we cant have to much too grumble about.QUE GRUMBLING!!!

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GJ sounded like he'd aged about 25 years, a rather uncharacteristically thin, weak, elderly gents voice, I thought. :noexpression:

Unless it was just my radio reception.

Guess he goes through it almost as much as us poor sods listening at home. :whistle2:

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I thought Gerken had a brilliant game today (3 or 4 fantastic saves) but was shaded for MotM by McCallister who isn't really one of my favourites but I thought he was superb. Back to Gerken I was worried by two punches from decent shots that he probably should have held. Can't remember him taking a cross which was surprising given the bombardment we had to take.

Mate of mine is a Colchester fan and rang me on his way back from Norwich (least he had a great day) and asked how Gerken did. He said he was always a great shot stopper, great reactions. Told him about the punches and he said that he'd been known to punch it into the net!

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My views on Gerken:

Shot stopping was fantastic, 3 or 4 absoultely world class saves

Kicking was ropey, not as bad as Phillips, but not great

There were a couple of times where communication with the defence was an issue, where he should have been more assertive and claimed the ball, but I suppose that will come with time in training and matches.

All in all a very promising debut, and even if Basso phoned GJ tonight, withdrew his transfer request and signed his new deal, Deano would be clear Number 1.

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My views on Gerken:

Shot stopping was fantastic, 3 or 4 absoultely world class saves

Kicking was ropey, not as bad as Phillips, but not great

There were a couple of times where communication with the defence was an issue, where he should have been more assertive and claimed the ball, but I suppose that will come with time in training and matches.

All in all a very promising debut, and even if Basso phoned GJ tonight, withdrew his transfer request and signed his new deal, Deano would be clear Number 1.

if that's all that's wrong with the lad then we may have a good gk on our hands naylor will work with him on his kicking and the more games he gets under his belt the more he will get used to his team mates so the communication will get better

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Yes - I was there. As I said, he made some good stops, but that was it. Wioth only 3 at the back, it is more important that a keeper is commanding. Gerken just remained rooted to his line, I don't think he took, or even attempted to take a single cross, a lot of the saves he punched the ball out rather than catching or turning to safety. Towards the end the ball was continually being crossed into our box, and because he was static, they could aim a lot closer to goal. Feel free to disagree, but what I saw was far from impressive.

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Guest MaloneFM
Did you watch the same match as everyone else ?

So was I and he worried me.

No command of the box. Dodgy on corners including one incident where he was sat on his ass with 4 players either trying to clear it or bury it and it bounced back off Louis Carey and into his hands. Made one decent save but not sure how decent because it was at the other end.

First save was a shot fizzing at him which he punched one handed into nowhere. The second one the same but two fisted.

Welcome home Flappy.

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David Clarkson says Gerkin was fantastic.

Johnson says he made one or two good saves and but the rest are simple things you would expect a goalie to do.

I take it he wont be keeping his shirt then??

Sounded very good on the radio but Gary didnt sound enthusiastic.


In fairness to GJ (and I'm not a fan), he was openly applauding and encourageing 'Deano' from the touchline after one of his saves in the first half.

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He's at a new club and with the turmoil surrounding the Basso situation, and is bound to have had a few first game nerves.

Give the guy a break and give him a chance to prove what he can do. By the sound of it before the penalty he kept us in the game.

No doubt if Clarkson hadn't scored yesterday we'd have threads about another striker that can't score.

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Guest MaloneFM
Give the guy a break and give him a chance to prove what he can do. By the sound of it before the penalty he kept us in the game.

Actually Mc Allister and Lord Louis Carey did. And they looked as worried as me.

However One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy.

Aristotle (no really, not Shakespeare)

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My views on Gerken:

Shot stopping was fantastic, 3 or 4 absoultely world class saves

Kicking was ropey, not as bad as Phillips, but not great

There were a couple of times where communication with the defence was an issue, where he should have been more assertive and claimed the ball, but I suppose that will come with time in training and matches.

All in all a very promising debut, and even if Basso phoned GJ tonight, withdrew his transfer request and signed his new deal, Deano would be clear Number 1.

I don't think so....

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Having seen the highlights, I have to say I pretty much agree with GJ. He made 2 good saves late on, and a couple that he should have made in the first half. Overall, he seemed nervous, and he did not command his area at all, which may have had some influence on there being too many scrambles in the penalty area.

I'm not convinced, although Basso also looked very shaky at times, especially in his early days so I am writing nobody off yet...

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