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To Rub Insult Into Injury

Big Red Rich

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Sad enough after seeing us lose out on auto promotion, I got back to where i parked my car yesterday to find it missing. I parked under the Cumberland Basin on the pavement by the cafe, now called the Lockside but I know it as Popeyes. I've parked there for the last 4 years and its where my Dad has parked for the last 10 years, without any problem.

The adjoining car park was closed off along with all the other car parks around there. The create centre is also always empty.

My car got a ticket at 14:50 and was towed away at 14:55. When i was picking my car up from the pound and £125 later, about 7 other City fans all came to pick their car up.

Absolutly scandolous. Its like a licence to print money. Where the hell am I supposed to park? Why are all the other proper car parks blocked off? Apparantly, according to a worker at the cafe, they did it at the last home game but I was playing myself so didnt go. They do it pretty much when the game kicks off. They bring plenty of trucks to cart all the cars away. No signs saying that if i parked my car there it would be towed away. And of course, they know exactly where all the car owners are, watching the reds.

Anybody been caught out? Anybody with any ideas for an appeal?

I'm am mightily p!ssed off. :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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I was always under the impression that unless there were signs up to say no parking, or this is a tow away zone, that they can't do anything. Unless of course there are yellow lines there (I'm not sure), but if you and everyone else have been parking there before without a problem, then why have they only just decided to start towing people away!?

There was a letter in the EP a few weeks ago about this, be interesting to see what the council or whoever makes these decisions have to say.

Car park by PC World have signs up telling you that you will be clamped, which is

fair enough because if you then decide to park in there then thats your own fault.

It's not right, and it's not fair.

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your right, it isnt fair - we used to park there a few years ago, and yes they did do that a few games ago...

However, the problem is, you have to park on the pavement to park - and thats apparently where the problem is.

Who towed it away?

Council = may have an appeal if no signs.

Private Company = Again, may have appeal if no signs.

Police = no real chance, as they have towed as you are on the pavement.

What a ###### day

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I was towed away by a private company on behalf on the council! There were no signs relating to the area where i parked. The ticket said "parked in restricted area during prescribed hours" however, that meant i was parked in legal parking at the wrong time. Not what the company said, i didnt think pavement was proper parking, just something someone used when 19000 other people are trying to get to the same place????????

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Guest bristolbred

There have been a couple of postings like this recently, one was posted on the ask Steve L part, where he suggested that fans use the Long Ashton park and ride!! :D

It's a shame that cars get clamped like this!! :city:

Councils use this as a way to print money, using unscruplious contractors to do their dirty work for them!! :@

If the place is a problem, then Traffic Wardens should patrol the area first!! :Fume:

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Against Brighton i parked there and got towed with about another 10 cars!

1.) Why not just give us a ticket?

2.) Get a sign to say 'Don't park here'?

3.) £20 for parking in the wrong place but £100 for being towed!

4.) No sign to say where to go etc.

5.) The bloke there was a gashead laughing his head off!

The council are just taking easy-pickings...Its not on!!

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