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Warnocks Interview Last Night....


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Haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere so thought i'd bring it to your attention.

Just watched Warnocks interview on Player after their win at Ipswich last night and still making snide comments, and now making snide remarks about Ipswich!

Rambling on about the "Bristol City had the bars on the bottom of the net like something from the 18th century, im sure they will be removed now"

and "They reason we have a transfer emargo is because of Bristol City"

Then turns his attentions to Ipswich saying

"but Ipswich could have helped us out financially, i don't want to go into details but they could have helped but they didn't, i'm sure the chairman enjoyed our win even more after the dealings with them"


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Haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere so thought i'd bring it to your attention.

Just watched Warnocks interview on Player after their win at Ipswich last night and still making snide comments, and now making snide remarks about Ipswich!

Rambling on about the "Bristol City had the bars on the bottom of the net like something from the 18th century, im sure they will be removed now"

and "They reason we have a transfer emargo is because of Bristol City"

Then turns his attentions to Ipswich saying

"but Ipswich could have helped us out financially, i don't want to go into details but they could have helped but they didn't, i'm sure the chairman enjoyed our win even more after the dealings with them"


God, will he never shut up?

Two points Neil:

1. The transfer embargo is there because Crystal Palace have not paid their debts. Bristol City, unfortunately, are one of your creditors. Pay us what you owe us, and the embargo is lifted. Simple.

2. Ipswich are under no obligation to help you. You and your mate Simon J***** are grown-ups, so sort out your own bloody problems!

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He said: "I drove to Cornwall after the game at the weekend and couldn't sleep. Sunday was a nightmare for me.

"I was in Looe with the kids and had a great day. Then I switched on the news at about seven.

"In the space of a minute I heard about a 10-year-old girl being killed at Clacton, an 18-month-old baby that died falling off a balcony and three soldiers dying in Afghanistan.

"I said to the players this morning 'Bloody hell, we only lost a game of football'. Let's keep things in perspective."

Who was the one that blew it out of perspective? The bloke really does your head in with the nonsense he spouts .

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Haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere so thought i'd bring it to your attention.

Just watched Warnocks interview on Player after their win at Ipswich last night and still making snide comments, and now making snide remarks about Ipswich!

Rambling on about the "Bristol City had the bars on the bottom of the net like something from the 18th century, im sure they will be removed now"

and "They reason we have a transfer emargo is because of Bristol City"

Then turns his attentions to Ipswich saying

"but Ipswich could have helped us out financially, i don't want to go into details but they could have helped but they didn't, i'm sure the chairman enjoyed our win even more after the dealings with them"


I'm genuinley speechless at those comments. The blind arrogance of the kid (as thats whahe he is acting like). Its pathetic really, he hasn't had "help" from the FA and many experts are siding with us, in the sense that it wasn't our fault despite what he says, and now he resorts to name calling.

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I want to lay this one to rest really but:

"There shouldn't have been bars im the bottom of the goals like there used to be in the 18th century" - I have been on a popular video sharing site and found that they have those same bars at Old Trafford, The Emirates, Anfield and Stamford Bridge.

Matt Lawrence has admitted they'd have done the same thing as City players and acknowledged a shock and confusion among players.

Warnock had admitted that you can't replay the game and also admitted that the "infringement" WAS mentioned by the fourth official.

Finally - he says the transfer embargo is because of us. Shows how much he knows about his own club. Transfer embargo was imposed on Palace on 5th August for unpaid wages to former players. The Nick Carle money was due to us on 7th August.

I've calmed down now but still find it amusing that their accusations are so inconsistent and falling apart the more people look into it and think about it.

EDIT - Also he said he won't be going into details but they wanted some help from Ipswich and didn't get it and that "the chairman will be happy with the result tonight" implying that Palace and Ipswich have had a bit of a barny too. So that's City, Cardiff and Ipswich in recent times let alone their players who haven't been paid and the dozens of people who over the years who have had spats with Warnock and Jordan. We don't need to dig them all up again but I think they include Graham Poll, Gary Megson, Colchester United, West Ham and a few more.

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The match report in the Sun from the Ipswich 1-3 Palace match had the most sensible quote ive heard from Warnock in a LONG time!!!!

"I was in Looe with the kids and had a great day. Then I switched on the news at about seven.

"In the space of a minute I heard about a 10-year-old girl being killed at Clacton, an 18-month-old baby that died falling off a balcony and three soldiers dying in Afghanistan.

"I said to the players this morning 'Bloody hell, we only lost a game of football'. Let's keep things in perspective."

Now if only he had that train of thought the rest of the time he wouldnt be such a..... well, a Colin!

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The match report in the Sun from the Ipswich 1-3 Palace match had the most sensible quote ive heard from Warnock in a LONG time!!!!

Now if only he had that train of thought the rest of the time he wouldnt be such a..... well, a Colin!

So he had a road to Damascus moment and realised that the events of Saturday were trivial in comparison to other events......stated he wanted to draw a line under those events as a result......then spent the rest of the interview making reference to Saturday's events :noexpression:

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So he had a road to Damascus moment and realised that the events of Saturday were trivial in comparison to other events......stated he wanted to draw a line under those events as a result......then spent the rest of the interview making reference to Saturday's events :noexpression:

Bit like the time he spoke to the media at AG in 07/08 after we got the equaliser against them late into extra time - "late" being his issue. He started off by saying that he didn't want to talk about the referee, and then spent most of the interview talking about the referee.

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simon jordan is in my eyes now the biggest p***k in football, " city are cheats" blah blah, cause we didnt run to the ref and say it was a goal etc, when that to**er Fonte dived in the play-off semi final away, and got a penalty for them not one of their player ran to the ref saying it wasnt a penalty he dived, they all shut up and scored it, so he shove that comment up his ass!

not playing the game again **** you simon jordan!

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I also noticed the bars in the back of the goals at Burnley in last night's match.

In his after match inteview Fergie ranted about the defeat to Burnley saying "Thanks to the officials , we've been hard done by yet again!". He went on to explain, "I just don't know where the referee got the amount of added time from, as everyone knows that he has to allow sufficient time for Man U to score the equalizer in a game like this".

Fergie also went on to say "After tonight's game, I have to agree with my good friend Neil Warnock. The bars in the back of Burnley's goals are from the 18th century. You just don't see them at other grounds - apart from Bristol City - and they should be removed, as they have cost us this evening, just as Palace were robbed on Saturday. I just can't believe that 4 officials, all the spectators and millions watching on the telly failed to see us score a perfectly good goal. The ball hit the bar in the back of the net and rebounded into play. It happened so quickly that even the players missed it, but I saw what had happened after the final whistle when we had lost 1-0. Just like Neil's Palace team we have been very hard done by and surely if their was any fairness, then Owen Coyle should have gone into the referee's room after the game and told him that his players wanted to go back out onto the pitch and play for just long enough to allow Man U a walk through goal in order to right the wrong that had been done to them."

In conclusion, Fergie said " You know that if I was in Coyle's position I would do the right thing, just like my good friend Neil would have done had he been in Gary Johnson's position last Saturday".

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watched the interview myself and he reckons that not only should they been given the goal, but they should have won the game "no doubt"

What a load of rubbish!!! The way he's going on, you'd think they dominated the game..

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I also noticed the bars in the back of the goals at Burnley in last night's match.

In his after match inteview Fergie ranted about the defeat to Burnley saying "Thanks to the officials , we've been hard done by yet again!". He went on to explain, "I just don't know where the referee got the amount of added time from, as everyone knows that he has to allow sufficient time for Man U to score the equalizer in a game like this".

Fergie also went on to say "After tonight's game, I have to agree with my good friend Neil Warnock. The bars in the back of Burnley's goals are from the 18th century. You just don't see them at other grounds - apart from Bristol City - and they should be removed, as they have cost us this evening, just as Palace were robbed on Saturday. I just can't believe that 4 officials, all the spectators and millions watching on the telly failed to see us score a perfectly good goal. The ball hit the bar in the back of the net and rebounded into play. It happened so quickly that even the players missed it, but I saw what had happened after the final whistle when we had lost 1-0. Just like Neil's Palace team we have been very hard done by and surely if their was any fairness, then Owen Coyle should have gone into the referee's room after the game and told him that his players wanted to go back out onto the pitch and play for just long enough to allow Man U a walk through goal in order to right the wrong that had been done to them."

In conclusion, Fergie said " You know that if I was in Coyle's position I would do the right thing, just like my good friend Neil would have done had he been in Gary Johnson's position last Saturday".

P.S. Asked by a reporter why then Man U had the same bars in the back of the net at Old Trafford, Fergie answered "That's different. Those bars are magnetic, and with the magnets we put into the match balls at Old Trafford it means that if a shot did hit the bar in the back of the goal the magnetic forces would stop the ball bouncing out so the referee would never miss a goal such as Palace scored at Ashton Gate. The magnetic effect was what helped Rinaldo get so much swerve and dip up and over the wall when he scored from so many of his free kicks"

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