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Only Under New Labour

fka dagest

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Guest AJ Sylvester

fka and screech - congratulations on failing to read the article and showing political ignorance on this one.

This is NOT party political and if you read it you'll see that Jack Straw (Labour) actually said that he wanted the prisoner to stay in the male prison. It was the High Court to quashed that.

Love you guys but really....read the article.

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daily mail reader headline

but in fact way wide of the mark

Deputy Judge David Elvin QC ( not in new labour) quashed Justice Secretary Jack Straw's (of new labour fame) decision to keep the 27-year-old, who cannot be identified, in a male prison.

Deputy Judge David Elvin QC is also acting for DOE NI on Seaport Investments No. 2 on SEA issues, for Tesco in the High Court in Belfast on the challenge to its Craigavon development, its challenge to a retail permission in Portadown, and in respect of its proposals at Newtonards and with Land Securities for its largest store in Ireland at Banbridge (inquiry June 2009)

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fka and screech - congratulations on failing to read the article and showing political ignorance on this one.

This is NOT party political and if you read it you'll see that Jack Straw (Labour) actually said that he wanted the prisoner to stay in the male prison. It was the High Court to quashed that.

Love you guys but really....read the article.

The point I was trying to make was that this could only occur under the kind of society created by New Labour and I still maintain it's true.

I don't believe it's got anything to do with political ignorance and was made in an observational capacity.

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Guest AJ Sylvester
The point I was trying to make was that this could only occur under the kind of society created by New Labour and I still maintain it's true.

I don't believe it's got anything to do with political ignorance and was made in an observational capacity.

fka - I admit I was being a bit of a wind up in the answer. But there's no way you can credit one political party with this. Courts across the world throw up all sorts of decisions left right and centre that the politicians of the day disagree strongly with. There is a slight difference in the US where the courts are more political.

But these decisions are made in line with constitution and precedent. Even in 12 years it's highly unlikely that Labour would have created or enforced anything that significantly alters this.

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The prisoner - whether male or female - is a convicted murderer and rapist. At the same time - under New Labour - we hear no outcry against increasing child poverty and the erosion of workers' rights in this country. It seems that you have more 'rights' as a convicted murderer than a worker under New labour.

It's about time the Trades Union movement recognized this and disaffiliated itself from the Toff lawyer led New Labour Party to concentrate on representing the rights of their union members instead.

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That'll a first for our TUC brothers certainly during the past 40 years.

In my opinion, there's no other way forward for the Unions than to disaffiliate from New Labour. The Unions need to concentrate on representing their membership properly than pandering to the likes of New Labour's Lord Mandelsohn and Lord Kinnock.

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The prisoner - whether male or female - is a convicted murderer and rapist. At the same time - under New Labour - we hear no outcry against increasing child poverty and the erosion of workers' rights in this country. It seems that you have more 'rights' as a convicted murderer than a worker under New labour.

i'd say the minimum wage and family tax credits have done a lot to reduce child poverty

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The problem is that the Office for National Statistics shows an increase over 12 months of 170,000 children in households without work.

Source: http://www.cpag.org.uk/press/2009/260809.htm

yes global recession causes unemployment

we had a lot of unemployment under the last tory administrations

good job New Labour have brought this out


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yes global recession causes unemployment

we had a lot of unemployment under the last tory administrations

good job New Labour have brought this out


Sir, the non European Union country that is Norway has unemployment at 3% and ours is approaching 10%. Not every country has high unemployment - just the ones that are badly governed.

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Sir, the non European Union country that is Norway has unemployment at 3% and ours is approaching 10%. Not every country has high unemployment - just the ones that are badly governed.

Norway has a highly developed social democratic system of high taxation and public spending

it is cash rich due to mineral resources and has one of the highest standards of living anywhere in the world.

Nothing really to do with the being in or out of the EU as this form of society is very similar to Finland and Sweden both EU members. I'm all for scandanavian type governance.

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Norway has a highly developed social democratic system of high taxation and public spending

it is cash rich due to mineral resources and has one of the highest standards of living anywhere in the world.

Nothing really to do with the being in or out of the EU as this form of society is very similar to Finland and Sweden both EU members. I'm all for scandanavian type governance.

New Labour's Gordon Brown today announced there will be cuts. He stated: "Labour will cut costs, cut inefficiencies, cut unnecessary programmes and cut lower priority budgets. But when our plans are published in the coming months people will see that Labour will not support cuts in the vital frontline services on which people depend."

....why doesn't he be brave for once and tell the European Union he'll not pay them a penny more of British taxpayers' money. :winner_third_h4h:

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The prisoner - whether male or female - is a convicted murderer and rapist. At the same time - under New Labour - we hear no outcry against increasing child poverty and the erosion of workers' rights in this country. It seems that you have more 'rights' as a convicted murderer than a worker under New labour.

It's about time the Trades Union movement recognized this and disaffiliated itself from the Toff lawyer led New Labour Party to concentrate on representing the rights of their union members instead.

Red Goblin I hope you read this, please reply. Altough we still have child poverty in this country it was the aim of New Labour to eradicate child poverty it was NEVER an aim of the Tories to do this , this was and still IS one of the major differances between the parties.

Labour brought in the minium wage, the new deal,family tax credits and minium income garuintes all policies to help the poor and the workers to create a more fair society and in many ways it worked.

Being fair,helping the poor, helping the needy is not what the Tory party is about and that is why I will never vote for them. The only other party which can form a Goverment is Labour and far from being perfect its heart and soul is in the right place.

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Red Goblin I hope you read this, please reply. Altough we still have child poverty in this country it was the aim of New Labour to eradicate child poverty it was NEVER an aim of the Tories to do this , this was and still IS one of the major differances between the parties.

Labour brought in the minium wage, the new deal,family tax credits and minium income garuintes all policies to help the poor and the workers to create a more fair society and in many ways it worked.

Being fair,helping the poor, helping the needy is not what the Tory party is about and that is why I will never vote for them. The only other party which can form a Goverment is Labour and far from being perfect its heart and soul is in the right place.

The heart and soul of the Labour Party was in the right place when it was founded and right up until 1979 in my opinion. The problem is that Labour has moved on to being too much like the Tories. I reckon characters like Lord Neil Kinnock, Baroness Glenys Kinnock, Lord Peter Mandelsohn and the Toff lawyer witch Harriett Harman have done real damage to the credibility of the Labour Party as a working man's political party. The year 1979 is the high water mark of the welfare state in this country with the fewest number of people in poverty as a proportion of population and that was the last year we had a true Labour Government.

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And you would be wrong.

I agree with you because I believe that the way to reduce child poverty is for the Dad to be in a job that pays a decent living wage to be able to support his family. Increasing unemployment is bound to put families into poverty and we now have increasing unemployment partly due to New Labour Government policy.

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no you're wrong, tory boy

It's the Labour Party not the Tory Party that's been in power since May 1997. The Toff lawyer led Labour party have sold the working man down the river at every opportunity. As much as I despise the EU loving Tories, Labour must take the blame for the recent demise of our car industry and for hammering the Postal Workers - i.e. my former work colleagues.

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It's the Labour Party not the Tory Party that's been in power since May 1997. The Toff lawyer led Labour party have sold the working man down the river at every opportunity. As much as I despise the EU loving Tories, Labour must take the blame for the recent demise of our car industry and for hammering the Postal Workers - i.e. my former work colleagues.

keep posting, Thatcher loves you

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I agree with you because I believe that the way to reduce child poverty is for the Dad to be in a job that pays a decent living wage to be able to support his family. Increasing unemployment is bound to put families into poverty and we now have increasing unemployment partly due to New Labour Government policy.

You make me laugh, you really do. Keep up your ranting, come back after a couple of years with a Tory government and see how much they care about people like us. Their top tax pledge is a tax break for millionaires, that is an undisputed fact.

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You make me laugh, you really do. Keep up your ranting, come back after a couple of years with a Tory government and see how much they care about people like us. Their top tax pledge is a tax break for millionaires, that is an undisputed fact.

Toff led New Labour couldn't give a toss about working people like me, all they care about is awarding themselves peerages in the House of Lords and how much expenses they can fraudulently claim. My ex colleagues in the postal service have now been forced on strike after being backed into a corner by the European Unionist New Labour Toff scum anti working man zealot Lord Peter Mandelsohn.

I don't want a Tory Government - I want a UKIP Government. I'd like to see Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party take a few seats from New Labour as well. Then we can kiss goodbye to our expensive and illegal EU membership and ensure that Baroness Lady Margaret Thatcher doesn't get a state funeral costing us as taxpayers £3 million as New Labour have promised her. :winner_third_h4h:

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I don't want a Tory Government - I want a UKIP Government. I'd like to see Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party take a few seats from New Labour as well. Then we can kiss goodbye to our expensive and illegal EU membership and ensure that Baroness Lady Margaret Thatcher doesn't get a state funeral costing us as taxpayers £3 million as New Labour have promised her. :winner_third_h4h:

Priceless. The vast majority of UKIP members are effectively posh Tories who were worried that the Conservative Party were getting too left-wing under Cameron. Fair enough, if you like that sort of stuff, but for you to talk about workers rights and then support UKIP is just laughable.

Oh, and their leader, man of the people Nigel Farage. Where do you think he went to school?

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Priceless. The vast majority of UKIP members are effectively posh Tories who were worried that the Conservative Party were getting too left-wing under Cameron. Fair enough, if you like that sort of stuff, but for you to talk about workers rights and then support UKIP is just laughable.

Oh, and their leader, man of the people Nigel Farage. Where do you think he went to school?

If UKIP's not your cup of tea then vote for Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party - it's the ultimate party for promoting workers' rights and they're just as anti EU as UKIP. Arthur Scargill hates New Labour's Lord Neil Kinnock with a passion for not lifting a finger to help the miners when he was the opposition Labour leader. :winner_third_h4h:

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Priceless. The vast majority of UKIP members are effectively posh Tories who were worried that the Conservative Party were getting too left-wing under Cameron. Fair enough, if you like that sort of stuff, but for you to talk about workers rights and then support UKIP is just laughable.

Oh, and their leader, man of the people Nigel Farage. Where do you think he went to school?

Fair enough if you vote New Labour and you like this sort of stuff: Behold, the Labour Party Toff supremo and European Union loving zealot responsible for the current strife at the Royal Mail. Lord Mandelsohn........


...the CWU Union high command are really not listening to their membership. Again, on BBC Newsnight last night (15 Oct 2009), a CWU official was asked about the £7 million - since 2001 - taken from Union members' subscriptions and given to the New Labour Party. It was mentioned that in London 98% of CWU Union members opposed giving money to the Labour Party. The Union high command thus have no mandate from their members to give money to the Lord Mandelsohn led anti working man Labour Party.

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