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Dan Of The Dolman

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Apparently they are looking to reform for this season according to the Gas forum.

Don't get me wrong that night was awful in general but it is still something that I think if both sides were interested in, might be worth a go. Might get a few more coming to games as well, as I feel since that game the numbers have gone down drastically as there is no 'big' game anymore and nothing to work towards throughout the season. Hopefully the two year cool down period has done the trick and we can have a more friendly game.

That night hurt and I know not many who played that night still play now but that was my first BFD and I want to be on the winning side of the next one!

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I think after the events of today, the BFD is ready to come back. It was so good natured and at the end laughs,smiles and handshakes were exchanged. I only played 20 minutes because of my knee issues but watched the rest and yes there were some hard tackles coming in but they were fair tackles and everybody took it in jest and even helping the opponent back to his feet in one case. Really hoping we can get the BFD back and give people a reason to want to come to the games that Nick,Matt or whoever want to arrange as I think without it the team will die a death and it would be really sad to see. I enjoy nothing more than putting the City kit on and having a game. Was good to see some of the others from the team at the game today as well :)

with a bit of gametime together to get to know each other and what peoples strengths and weaknesses are and maybe a couple of training sessions, we could give the Gas a hell of a game.


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I think the BFD could return but it would need some real work to get people back in the spirit of it all. Somebody with some real organisational experience on both sides of the fence. It was superb to be involved on 4 seperate occasions, it's just a shame that for whatever reason the spirit was lost.

I think a final BFD at Ashton Gate before we leave for pastures new is an absolute must.

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I think the BFD could return but it would need some real work to get people back in the spirit of it all. Somebody with some real organisational experience on both sides of the fence. It was superb to be involved on 4 seperate occasions, it's just a shame that for whatever reason the spirit was lost.

I think a final BFD at Ashton Gate before we leave for pastures new is an absolute must.

100 % agree. Though it would be nice if a decent attendance could be raised for a game such as this. :)

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Hi all, sorry not got back sooner been a bit busy work wise and my lad has been ill. Would love to start to organise another BFD but it is just the numbers involved which is a problem. Try to organise games against other teams and no one replies or say there goign to play and dont bother and i am left scratching around trying to make numbers. The whole point of the forum team is to play other teams and to create a relationship with them and to have a drink with after. Just seems no one is ever interested in playing until the BFD is announced and then we are snowed under with people wanting to play and then they complain when not picked. Have organised various home and away games and we either have to call them off or i have to get mates etc. to make the numbers and it is quite disheartening.

As Tom said if its played in right spirit and things can be organised correctly then would love to start it again.

Hope that helps and we will see what we can do in the future if theres enough interest


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When i first started playing Cardiff had a tournament..I think it was

rover,us,swindon,cardiff and another cardiff team ....the tournament was 20 mins a half and was a bloody good day..this type of set up may be the idea thing to get a hugh amount of support,rather than a local city v rover make it a tourney with each team minimum of £200 to £500 entry thats around £50 or less per player eahc squad with 17 players. We could make a good amount for charity if the other clubs pull together..and a venue i would suggest city training ground with a possible final taking place on a designated night at ashton gate or one of the other stadiums.

a mini fa cup of sorts i geuss .

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