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Should The Unions Stop Supporting New Labour?

Mr Mosquito

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Every member of every trade union should now ask their shop stewards and union general secretaries to stop supporting and financing New Labour. New Labour DO NOT represent the working man. New Labour are now just a watered down version of the Tories.

you're obviously in dire need for the real thing,

Blue Goblin.

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you're obviously in dire need for the real thing,

Blue Goblin.

:whistle2: It's not me that's 'blue' it's the Labour Party that's blue with their total support for following the policies of blue rinse Tory witch Thatcher in wanting to bash the unions - particularly the postal union of which I was once a member - at every opportunity.

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nah, you're a daily mail tory, face facts.

I read the Tory Telegraph online and Anarchist Class War magazine online - hence my outlook. :icecream::dancing6: I was also a member of the UCW - now the CWU Union - hence my total support for the Post Office workers against the New Labour anti trades union EU loving Thatcherists.

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I read the Tory Telegraph online and Anarchist Class War magazine online - hence my outlook. :icecream::dancing6: I was also a member of the UCW - now the CWU Union - hence my total support for the Post Office workers against the New Labour anti trades union EU loving Thatcherists.

new labour is over, get with the times

every time you post Thatcher chuckles

maybe Cam will buy you a flute of champaign, maybe he will make you work till 66, then cut your pension

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I read the Tory Telegraph online and Anarchist Class War magazine online - hence my outlook. :icecream::dancing6: I was also a member of the UCW - now the CWU Union - hence my total support for the Post Office workers against the New Labour anti trades union EU loving Thatcherists.

These royal mail strikes will be the cause of a shitload of redundancies in the coming year, every business I deal with is stopping using them.

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These royal mail strikes will be the cause of a shitload of redundancies in the coming year, every business I deal with is stopping using them.

I'm all for workers asserting their rights - but to strike in the midst of a general election campaign with the tories on the brink of power

is like turkeys voting for christmas

like a chicken coop cheering as the foxes attack the kennel

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These royal mail strikes will be the cause of a shitload of redundancies in the coming year, every business I deal with is stopping using them.

So going on strike is going to cause redundancies? Funny that considering over the last two years, 40000 jobs in royal mail have been lost and thats with no strikes. It seems to me not going on strike causes redundancies.

As to not using Royal Mail, who are you going to use? tnt, dhs, etc. Guess who delivers the mail for these companies?

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So going on strike is going to cause redundancies? Funny that considering over the last two years, 40000 jobs in royal mail have been lost and thats with no strikes. It seems to me not going on strike causes redundancies.

As to not using Royal Mail, who are you going to use? tnt, dhs, etc. Guess who delivers the mail for these companies?

Less revenue means less jobs, simple really. Even if they're subbing they get lower margins.

The strikes are pointless and will make the workers worse off.

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Less revenue means less jobs, simple really. Even if they're subbing they get lower margins.

The strikes are pointless and will make the workers worse off.

Hmm. Letter volumes down 10% on last year but up 400% since the mid eighties.

Packet volumes exploding.

All departments of royal mail making a profit for the 1st time ever resulting in a group profit of £325 million

If trade unionists of past generations thought as you did and never went on strike then today there would be no sick pay, no paid holidays, no pensions, no NHS, no health and safety legislation, etc.

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Hmm. Letter volumes down 10% on last year but up 400% since the mid eighties.

Packet volumes exploding.

All departments of royal mail making a profit for the 1st time ever resulting in a group profit of £325 million

If trade unionists of past generations thought as you did and never went on strike then today there would be no sick pay, no paid holidays, no pensions, no NHS, no health and safety legislation, etc.

You are correct, we'd all be on the floor licking the boots of the bosses were it not for the sacrifices of previous generations of trades unionists. I'm very happy with the state run Royal Mail and the Royal Mail workers making a profit for our country. What I'm not happy with is the Lib-Lab-Con European Unionist zealots undermining the Royal Mail by selling off the most profitable bits to foreign delivery firms so as to fall into line with EU edicts on 'free trade and competition'.

I also think the New Labour Party is bang out of order having engineered this confrontation with the postal workers. That's why all trades unionists should be lobbying their union representatives to stop funding New Labour. Hit New Labour hard in retaliation - hit their pockets. No more champagne for the New Labour Toffs at trades unionist expense. :winner_third_h4h:

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Hmm. Letter volumes down 10% on last year but up 400% since the mid eighties.

Packet volumes exploding.

All departments of royal mail making a profit for the 1st time ever resulting in a group profit of £325 million

If trade unionists of past generations thought as you did and never went on strike then today there would be no sick pay, no paid holidays, no pensions, no NHS, no health and safety legislation, etc.

I'm not arguing against striking decades ago when it was necessary, I'm arguing against it now when it isn't and will cost jobs.

There will be a number of businesses that move their service as a result of the strikes, amazon will be putting £30m of business with a rival instead and argos are likely to do the same.

The strike hurts small businesses more than anyone else and in an economic climate like this one it's downright selfish and irresponsible.

There is no public support for the strike which is a bad place to start because the CWU have done a shit job of communicating what it is they're whining about.

Jobs will be lost and they won't be management ones I can assure you.

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There is no public support for the strike which is a bad place to start because the CWU have done a shit job of communicating what it is they're whining about.

The fundamental reasons for the strike are sound - the postal workers have been backed into a corner just as the miners were. I agree with you that the CWU have done a shit job in communicating the issues. The issue for me is that I don't want the postal service European Unionized where I have to pick up my post from a depot instead of having it delivered through my door. It wont cost 36p first class to send a letter on unprofitable routes but £s if we lose the state run Royal Mail. The CWU should take the gloves off and hit the New Labour Party where it hurts and stop funding them via their union members' subscriptions.

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I'm the trade union rep in our place and when new people join I always go through the joining form with them, when it comes to the issue of the political levy unless they want to contribute to Labour I advise them sod that........................... I used to be a member of the Labout party in the early 90's and have always voted for them, however unless respect is running in Kingswood I will be voting for Roger Berry..................... Normally a decent bloke although I can't stand what New Labour stand for the unfortunately named lie of Weapons of Mass Destruction my arse, I know the list is endless..........................The thought of a tory in Kingswood and the rest of the country leaves me feeling cold.............................. Either way not a happy bunny

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I'm the trade union rep in our place and when new people join I always go through the joining form with them, when it comes to the issue of the political levy unless they want to contribute to Labour I advise them sod that........................... I used to be a member of the Labout party in the early 90's and have always voted for them, however unless respect is running in Kingswood I will be voting for Roger Berry..................... Normally a decent bloke although I can't stand what New Labour stand for the unfortunately named lie of Weapons of Mass Destruction my arse, I know the list is endless..........................The thought of a tory in Kingswood and the rest of the country leaves me feeling cold.............................. Either way not a happy bunny

I'm just wondering where Dawn Primarola Labour MP for South Bristol is standing on this issue. There was a stoppage in 1988 and she was on the postal picket line outside our Bristol HPO at Cattlemarket Road supporting the postal workers. Since then the Cattlemarket Road HPO has been shut down - where is she now when she's needed ????!!!!! :noexpression:

As for Roger Berry - didn't he make an expense claim for a £200 toaster at taxpayers' (our) expense ???!!! :D

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Red Dawn has long made her bed clear (not one I would like to join :noexpression: ) A case of ambition over principles me thinks as for Roger a very greasy pole climbed by virtually all of them.........................Maybe it's time to think outside of the box ..........................

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Red Dawn has long made her bed clear (not one I would like to join :noexpression: ) A case of ambition over principles me thinks as for Roger a very greasy pole climbed by virtually all of them.........................Maybe it's time to think outside of the box ..........................

I've given the Labour Party my vote on a few occasions but never again the way they are now. I just think it's disgraceful how the Labour Party are now backing the postal workers into a corner just as Thatcher backed the miners into a corner. The Labour party have made some very serious enemies over what they've done to and intend doing to the Royal Mail workers.

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