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Nicky Gives Kids Finishing Lessons


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Just read about Nicky Maynard visiting a school to spend an hour with the playing football and thought is a refreshing change to hear positives about a player. I know the TV cameras were there and it's good publicity for both Nicky and the club, but wouldn't it be good if once a week some of our players went into schools to coach and encourage the youngsters without the media presents. This would go a long we to building support for the club in the future and also good for getting talented youngsters interested in joining our academy and not going off to the "bigger" club. Kids idolise these players and to be in such close contact and the feeling that the players are there taking an interest in them just galvanises the feeling of belonging to the club and strengthening the hero worship of the player. So come on City just remember they are school kids now but potential season ticket holders in 10 years time lets wintheir hearts and minds young.

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