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Beam Back On Saturday

The Man In Black

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Right, I was thinking of going to the beam back of the Hartlepool game on Saturday. I've never been to one at the Gate and so just wanted to iron a few things out:

1) is the car park behind the Wedlocks usually open?

2) are the tickets available today (I think so... :dunno: ) and do I have to stand in the ticket office queue for them, our have they been clever and instead selling them in the club shop?

Cheers in advance guys! :dunno:

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Last year against Cardiff you hand to wait in the ticket que and I'd imagine it would be the same again this year.

To tell the truth mate, I would bother with it.

3 quid when you could watch it in a warm pub or comfort of your home, if you sit to far to the side you have difficulty seeing and I've seen more atmosphere in a mock exam.

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Don't mention exams, I haven't long got out of a three hour and ten minutes one today!

Given all that fanstastic evidence and other stuff I've read, I think I will give it a miss. I'm half tempted to travel to London to go the pub with you guys in London and the London Supporters Club. Sounds like a good night out! :dunno:

But seriously, look like I'm resigned to trying to find somewhere around here. I would go for a local pub, but being in the Rovers side of town doesn't help much (and I don't fancy going in the Bear and Rugged Staff at Southmead or the Wellington on Gloucester Road and asking the landlords to put it on :dunno: )

So all in all, probably make a bee line for the centre. Just trying to gauge where the crowd will be for a bit of atmosphere

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